## March 2018 Mummies Tri 1 Thread ##

I have some brown blood. Noticed it when I wiped. I'm so worried that this is the end of the road for me.
Brown blood is old blood, Try not to worry I know easier said than done , Check in with your doctor & see if that can refer you for an early scan, I had to have a scan last week due to bleeding & Spotting, Everything was thankfully fine X
Agree with Lou contact your doctors but at the same time try to stay positive as blood doesn't always means something is wrong xx
The reason I'm worrying ladies is because I have period like cramps as well. Had to take paracetamol
The reason I'm worrying ladies is because I have period like cramps as well. Had to take paracetamol

Some cramping in early pregnancy is normal as your body is preparing & stretching to accommodate the pregnancy, If your feeling like your needing paracetamol please contact your doctor & get yourself checked out, Hope that your feeling a bit better this morning X
My paid maternity leave is finishing on the 1st September & ive already decided that i`am not going to be returning to the job i was doing before i had my son, So i`am looking for a new job, What i`am asking is when i apply or go for an interview do i have to tell them that i`am pregnant ? I already know that i wont qualify for statutory maternity pay from the new employer but that wont be a problem as i have enough contributions from my current employment to qualify under the maternity allowance rules instead.
No legal obligation to tell them and they are not allowed to factor into recruitment process or discrimination.

I hired someone recently who was 3 months pregnant, didn't know but at the end of the day she is really good so glad we recruited her.

Not sure what type of work you do have you thought about doing a fixed term contract? Could you go back to your current job and stick it out until May leave starts?

I'm miserable in my job but decided when we started ttc would need to stick it out for maternity benefits xx
Hi ladies I had a private 9 week scan yesterday and I got a due date of 1st March (moved back a day) so if its ok I may be dipping in and out of here until I see what my 12 week one says!

Speaking of work I am ready for a new one but like summertime Im staying on because of the maternity benefits, especially as ive been there for 8 years. I get 4.5 months full pay then SMP for the remainder.

Going to a rock concert tonight, dont know how im going to cope!
Happy Friday everyone x
No legal obligation to tell them and they are not allowed to factor into recruitment process or discrimination.

I hired someone recently who was 3 months pregnant, didn't know but at the end of the day she is really good so glad we recruited her.

Not sure what type of work you do have you thought about doing a fixed term contract? Could you go back to your current job and stick it out until May leave starts?

I'm miserable in my job but decided when we started ttc would need to stick it out for maternity benefits xx

I work for a catering company who cater for businesses in the work place. I currently work on the night shift & as my partner always works nights i`am not able to return plus i don`t really fancy working nights & looking after a baby during the day this is what i did with my first child & it was really really hard, I did say to my partner that we would do things different this time so i`am just looking for something around my partners hours.
There`s no point in me asking for different hours at my current job because i live 40 miles away & by the time we take into account the extra travelling, time & money its just not worth it so getting a new job is really the only option
Hi ladies I had a private 9 week scan yesterday and I got a due date of 1st March (moved back a day) so if its ok I may be dipping in and out of here until I see what my 12 week one says!

Speaking of work I am ready for a new one but like summertime Im staying on because of the maternity benefits, especially as ive been there for 8 years. I get 4.5 months full pay then SMP for the remainder.

Going to a rock concert tonight, dont know how im going to cope!
Happy Friday everyone x

Hey Loveandpeace your very welcome to dip in & out the more the merrier, I cant believe that my maternity leave is almost over its gone so quickly & now i`am thinking about work, I`am looking forward to going back to work, Even though i am loving every moment with my son we have been having a great time, I feel like i need some thing for me too, My son will be looked after by his daddy which is as good as me i wouldn't leave him otherwise. I've worked in my current job for 16 years so its going to be really hard for me to leave

Enjoy the rock concert you'll be just fine :-)
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Are ypu going back to work after 9 months? The time must fly does it? Ive heard some Mums say they are glad in a way to get back to work but others just hate leaving their baby! I dont know how ill feel!

We are hoping to have all our kids close together like your situation Lou. Were you ttc for long after having your son? Ive heard you can be more feetile in the mknths after having a baby.

I know it must be tough on your body but it gets it all over with quicker lol.xx
Hi everyone!

Myself and my husband have been trying to get pregnant for about 8 months. My period was 3 days late so took a pregnancy test on my birthday which showed positive! Could not believe it so bought the Clear Blue digi test which showed 2-3 weeks pregnant!
Using a due date calculator I work out my estimated due date to be 28th March! I have an appointment with a midwife next week to confirm pregnancy.
I should be about 6 weeks now but I have no symptons whatsoever, no sickness, no sore boobs, no more tired than usual, so I am a bit worried! I have never been pregnant before, so this is all very new to me and hoping everything is ok!

Nice to find a forum to chat in!

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Are ypu going back to work after 9 months? The time must fly does it? Ive heard some Mums say they are glad in a way to get back to work but others just hate leaving their baby! I dont know how ill feel!

We are hoping to have all our kids close together like your situation Lou. Were you ttc for long after having your son? Ive heard you can be more feetile in the mknths after having a baby.

I know it must be tough on your body but it gets it all over with quicker lol.xx

Yes i`am going back to work after 9 months, I've been really lucky when conceiving my children i fell pregnant with my son the very first month that we tried & with this baby it took us three months so both times very quickly X
Hi VictoriaLisa welcome :)
My estimated due date at the minute is also 28th march but that will make us around 5weeks 2 days. It's still very early to have symptoms so don't worry about it too much.
With my first pregnancy I didn't have anything until 7 weeks (then was sick every day until she was born :()
And of course some people have completely symptom free pregnancies.
Hi Haylian!

Wow how nice to have someone at the exact same stage. That is good to hear. I guess being my first pregnancy I just do not know what to expect and I just really can't wait to get a definite confirmation from a midwife or doctor that it is actually happening!
I guess I am just wishing for symptoms (even though they sound awful!) as it would make it feel more real!
Hi ladies I had a private 9 week scan yesterday and I got a due date of 1st March (moved back a day) so if its ok I may be dipping in and out of here until I see what my 12 week one says!

Speaking of work I am ready for a new one but like summertime Im staying on because of the maternity benefits, especially as ive been there for 8 years. I get 4.5 months full pay then SMP for the remainder.

Going to a rock concert tonight, dont know how im going to cope!
Happy Friday everyone x

Hi L&P, I have added your due date to the list. How was the scan? It must have been amazing seeing your little bean, I think you can see quite a bit at 9 weeks?? I am trying my hardest to resist the early scan but the place is a 10 min walk from the office so not sure how long I will last!

Merry who was also on the post bc thread with us earlier in the year is also a March Mummy with the same edd as you :-)
Hi Haylian!

Wow how nice to have someone at the exact same stage. That is good to hear. I guess being my first pregnancy I just do not know what to expect and I just really can't wait to get a definite confirmation from a midwife or doctor that it is actually happening!
I guess I am just wishing for symptoms (even though they sound awful!) as it would make it feel more real!

Hi VC, welcome to the thread, I have added your due date to the list on the 1st page of the thread - we now have 3 March Mummies with the 28th due date!

Thats really nice you got your bfp on your birthday - what a lovely present :-)

I also don't have a symptom and I'm almost 7 weks, it's my 2nd pregnancy and I didn't have many symptoms the first time around either and struggled to believe that there was a baby in there!

I'm not sure what area you live in but generally the midwifes/GPs just ask if you have done a home pregnancy test and calculate your expected due date based on the first day of your last period - so they don't do any other test to confirm it. With my first wasn't showing at 12 weeks so my scan was the first time I believed it was happened, this time I feel bloated already and no stomach muscle so reckon might show a bit earlier!
The reason I'm worrying ladies is because I have period like cramps as well. Had to take paracetamol

Sk8erzeh - how are you feeling today, have the cramps eased of? Thinking of you and hoping you are feeling better x
Good morning all!! How's everyone doing? I have a terribly achey back, really low down :( not feeling fantastic really either. X

HI Raina, I'm guessing thats just things moving around getting ready to grow the baby?

Is this going to be your 3rd? I'm just under 7 weeks but swear I'm bloated already, no stomach muscle at all after my son - he was 10lb baby so there was a lot of stretching!

I am finding I'm a bit more tired so after my son is in bed and I've had dinner ect just been doing to bed at 9 every week so i can get up in the morning - don't think i'm going to be staying up until midnight watching netflix for a while.

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