****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

Completely gone now. Though my tummy feels heavy now when walking round and feeling sore. I don't know if this is linked. Xx
Baby's nursery will have an 'under the sea' theme. I bought some stickers for her yesterday from Ebay and can't wait till they arrive. Will post a pic once they are up. My daughter has a rainforest theme which she loves so wanted something different. We've just bought a load of new furniture for her and have had a rearrange and must say that her room looks fab now.

Nearly done now with sorting out clothes and washing them. Can't wait to get everything finished so I can relax. Have also started putting a few bits and pieces together for my hospital bag.

Just knackered now. Can't wait to not be pregnant anymore!
hi all, I think I can finally come through here, think I was chatting to myself in tri 2 hehe.

hope you are all OK?

I literally started shopping (as in first items ever) on boxing day and got some v deals with Tesco ( £100 off, plus general sale, plus club card boost) and also managed to get a massive discount on flooring and some paint etc for nursery.

however I don't know of its because I'm a few weeks behind but everyone seems to be a million miles ahead of me? The room is still a spare room/dumping ground and I haven't got anywhere near what I need never mind washing things eek!!
Mel, don't worry! I've done almost nothing in regards to preparation for this baby! To be fair I don't really feel like there's much to do/get as we still have everything from dd1, but it's all in the loft and needs sorting and washing. I just keep thinking 10 weeks is ages so no rush. I'll probably be thinking the same on my due date!! :lol:
In laws offered to have LO tonight. They phoned OH and he's had to pick her uo. She won't go to bed. And is hyper. I know for a fact she's has sweets of some sort but they are denying it. I know my daughter and what she's like. Fuming!! She has nursery tomorrow. And I'm back in work!!!
Morning ladies, how are we doing? Back in work. I hate it. Roll on a week Sunday. MATERNITY!!! Haha. But only 6 working days left, not including days off. Off tomorrow as I have a scan and diabetes clinic. The asst manager was actually really nice to me lol x
Couldn't come soon enough for you twinkle!!

I've been for my growth scan and despite my huuuggeeee bump baby is measuring fine , just a bit above average weight wise , 29weeks and she's 3lb 2oz so far based on est ...

I'm so relieved , I was worried about giving birth xx
I finally saw the midwife at my new GP today and got referred for all the things i need. Glucose test on Thursday and consultant next Wednesday. Baby seemed fine but huge - I'm measuring 34 weeks!!! They weren't really too concerned and I have a scan at 34 weeks for his kidneys so they can check then if he is huge x
At what point is everyone stopping for maternity leave? I'm stopping at 37 weeks although last time I only made it to 36 weeks but 36 weeks this time happens to be half term so it makes sense to get paid for that then do five more days then go off x
I'll be working up to the end, I'm self employed so have little choice really, can't just leave it to someone else. Hoping I can have a nice block of time off with baby thou. I think I would get bored just sat at home waiting for baby if I finished too early, only so many times I could wash baby clothes and tidy up with my son and I went brain dead! Only stopped with him cos I couldn't fit behind the wheel of my car to commute anymore lol
Ah Rose , I'm sure all will be fine . My belly measures huge but after the scan all seems well . I've been referred for physio as I'm in agony . My job should be easy to stick to until right near the end being a desk job . But its the sitting down that's hurting me the most. I leave on the 18th Feb but that's annual leave , then my official date is 7th march mat leave . So that's about 38 weeks . I'm counting every week down x
Had my scan this morning and is normal growth. Thank god. But seems to have kidney problem, the kidneys have a bit of pressure and isn't draining properly. Consultant said all is in normal range but will have a scan in 4 weeks time then when baby is born, she is to be scanned to check all is ok. Has anyone experienced this with a baby? Where you in hospital long? Xx Xx
Twinkle this sounds like the same thing they found with my baby's kidneys - noticed on 20 week scan so got a check up at 34 week scan and if still there they will scan at birth. As far as I could tell they just give you antibiotics for baby when born if the the problem is still there x
Its just scared me tbh. I kind of expected the worst. I just hope all is ok when she's born. What couldve caused it? Can it improve before birth? Xx
They certainly told me that his kidneys could just measure normal at 34 weeks and then nothing more would need to be done. They didn't give any reasons for it happening.

Just had my GTT, no results til tomorrow though x
I also had the kidney issue with my last one. It had resolved itself by the next scan. It's apparently really common so try not to worry. Easier said than done I know!

Had my GTT yesterday and it came back positive. Feeling quite upset about it but not surprised. Also borderline anaemic. Grr!
MrsGriff, I felt so upset when I got the positive too. I felt so down about it. But now I'm ok with it. Nothing much can be done. Are you diet controlled? I thought id struggle but I'm really enjoying it. I can still have bits of foods that I thought id have to give up. Xx
Hello ladies. Anyone always feeling lime they are busting for a wee and when they go uts just a drop? Everytime I get it now. Even when I go to lie down the pressure is awful. Xx
My GTT came back normal which is good - so I really am just having a huge baby!

Twinkle, yes me! Keep feeling like I can barely hold it a minute longer and then I go and it's just a tiny one. Baby is still head up though so think he has lodged a foot in my bladder x
Yeah baby us breech here. I hope she moves for when the time comes. I'm peeing every 15/30 mintues xx

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