****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

Hello everyone! Not been on here for aaagggeeeess, oops! Still very very busy with two jobs, overseeing completion of a garden landscaping project, etc etc... need to slow down...

Hope everyone is well, and good luck with all GTT tests coming up!

Juice, what a fright you've all had... glad she is OK though, poor love. hopefully there is no permanent scarring.

People should really mind their own business about the sizes of our bumps! How intrusive to offer unsolicited comments. I am getting plenty too, it's really uncalled for. I know I look like I am 8 months pregnant!

All good here - started hypnobirthing prep last week with a lady 1-2-1, very excited. Now I can go to sleep within minutes before finishing listening to her tracks!

Anyone getting Braxton hicks much?
How is everyone doing? How were your Christmas? Missed my GD monitoring on Xmas day not because I was indulging but generally forgot to pick my monitor up. It was a chaotic day!! Xxx
Sometimes baby's movements hurt. Anyone else??
Not hurting. But a feel some pressure near my hips. I did have what I think was a bit of BH. My stomach hurt for a few seconds xx
Defo some sore movement going on up near my ribs on one side. Think it's bum! Also anyone getting crazy urges like they are going to pee themselves any sec if they don't go cos bubs is on their bladder?!
I've been feeling so much movement from baby, it's crazy!! Way more than I did with my first. And some of the movements have been so powerful that they've almost had me doubled up. It's nice though to know he/she is doing well.

How was everyone's christmas?
I get a lot of bum in my ribs which us rather uncomfortable and she kicks my arms away when I cross my arms. I had midwife just before Christmas and she said she is head down and when I lean back you can see where she is laying. I thought could be uterus but midwife confirmed it is little one. :)

Christmas was good. Tiring and over whelming for 2 year old but was nice cause first year she understood things and believed in Santa. Crazy to think next year I'll have a 3 year girl and a 9 month old girl!!! Lots of toys and presents!!! Christmas is so much better with children though :) xx
I'm yet to get anything poking in my ribs. I never had that with my last pregnancy either. I just find that when I get a strong movement on my right side it's quite painful. I also get muscle pain just above my belly button.

Christmas was lovely. Calm and relaxed :) Beth didn't understand it very much. Next year will be better for her.
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Evie loved her Christmas. Her first if that she really understood better. But she did think that every present was hers to open. So I'm hoping that she will snap out of that next time. Xxx
Christmas was lovely here too. Glad some of you also had a chance to unwind a bit.

It's DD's pretty third Xmas rapidly followed by her fourth birthday 2 days later. Just starting to emerge from the total haze of it all. She is so overwhelmed and exhausted, I do feel for her. Just too much at this age.

Baby is apparently head down here too, I got a chance to feel her head guided by the midwife, it made it all much more real!
Lovely Christmas had here too. S is 21 months so found that she enjoyed it a bit more. Spaced her presents out over a few days because daddy was working Christmas Day but actually it turned out great cos she wasn't too overwhelmed.

Head down here also - phew! Bubs back is to my right hand side where I feel all my movements and rolls so I'm
Guessing it's bum that's hurting me!
I haven't been told if baby is head down yet. Hopefully they will tell at the scan next week xx
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas ! ..

Is anyone else starting to get excited? .... I am .... I cant wait!!!! Xxx
I am pretty excited here too Birdo! I was definitely not this excited with DD1 :)
I'm excited too! I've felt like I couldn't really think about having a baby properly until Christmas was out of the way. I'm definitely more excited this time round! :D
Hi everyone, glad you all had good Christmases. Ours was good too DD was so excited by everything going on but obviously didn't understand any of it. Her first birthday was good too. My parents have been staying with us since the 19th and are going home in two days which is good - I desperately need my space! We have spent all of Christmas doing work on the house too which means I'm living in chaos. Not looking forward to going back to work.

The move has means my pregnancy care is all over the place. Haven't had my 28 week midwife appointment yet or any referrals to the hospital for the various things I need so had to badger the local midwife team until they overbooked me onto a clinic so I could be seen in time - they were trying to fob me off with an appointment at 32 weeks! When I should have a scan at 34 and already had my GTT by now. So now got appointment on the 5th to get everything organised. I am excited but a bit scared too as I've started to realise a 15 month old and a newborn is going to be really tough x
I know this sounds awful. But because I have diabetes and diabetic clinics and things going on. I feel I cant enjoy the pregnancy this time. Its a lot to take in and deal with. I feel like I should start packing things for the hospital. Its all go go go. And it panics me xx
Just on my way downstairs in my lovely fresh jim jams after a nice long shower, and I caught sight of this in the mirror... how and when did I get this huge and round?! I don't know how I couldn't see it before!


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Happy new year all you ladies . Cant believe we are now into our birth year!

How did we all celebrate? .

I cooked dinner for my OH , presented a nice table and candles etc . Then we went and watched tv in bed ..... Where I laughed until I cried at OH laughing and trumping to Keith lemon! .

Romance eh!

Juice! What a bump!!! Xxx

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