****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

Lovely bump Juice!

We went round my sisters and had dinner and played few games but had to get back for dd bed so then just relaxed and fell sleep on sofa with oh so we ended up in bed at 11.30pm.

Happy new year to you all! And I've noticed April mummy's are coming over now, starts to make it seem so much closer! :) I'm now 3/4 of the way!!!! Xx
We went to bed at about half 9. I set an alarm for 23:55 so we could wake up to listen to the fireworks and say happy new year to each other. Then we went back to sleep. Well I did. Dh says I was snoring very loudly and it took him a while to get back to sleep :lol:
Happy new year ladies!! It's so close - eek!!! My hubby has worked all week which is poop so my sis just came for tea and left about 930 so I went to bed! It's hard as you get older, all my friends have young kids so it's not like we can all do something together anymore. Going away for defo next year!

30 weeks eeeek!!!
Happy New Year ladies, hope you've all been well. I've had a busy few months with my business, lots of extended family problems, we decided to move house the weekend before Christmas and then obviously Christmas so it's been hectic recently. Nice to get back to a "normal" pace.

Pregnancy seems to be going so fast I can't believe I'm 30 weeks already. Sometimes I don't even know what week I am and have to check my app lol. I feel so unprepared this time round compared with DS. I can't even remember what I should be packing in the hospital bag. We're going to get down DS clothes from the loft this weekend so I can sort them out and see what is still needed. Hopefully not much as we didn't know the gender with DS so everything 0-3 months is unisex so new bubba can just wear those. I still haven't looked into a double buggy, think I'm just going to use a wrap/ carrier for now and see how I go. I am going to be getting a cit bunk as the children's room is quite small and I can't put 2 separate cots in it and still have space. DS has now started to sleep in his cotbed, well when I say sleep I mean that we have made it into a cot bed, he still comes in with us every night ��.

I am in desperate need of inspitation for baby girl names, I struggled wih girls names for DS we didn't even have a short list of names so luckily he was a boy. I just find girls names so hard, lots of pretty names but not sure if they're for my baby iykwim.
T84 I wish I looked like you!!

MrsCk I was like you for boys names , I have none that I like , I'm.so glad she's a girl ..
Unlike you I'm counting the weeks by to the end lol!! I'm so desperate for that finish line ... 21 more shifts to go ! X
Happy new year everyone.

Mrs CK, totally agree about the girls names. We had 3 or 4 names for boys that we both loved and none for a girl. Unfortunately we had a girl and it took us 3 weeks for us to decide on a name. Neither of us love it though. I really hope that this is a boy as naming it will be soon much easier.

Have gone into frantic nesting mode now. Have been washing like crazy getting everything ready. The new nursery is nearly done now. Just got to get a few bits like the wall stickers and light shade but nothing urgent. Also planning on getting my hospital bag ready in the next day or so. I want to be prepared this time!!!
This is what I'm busy with ladies. This is the first room (the nursery) to get the full strip down and start again treatment. Last week I stripped it all and with my dad's help put up the dado rail. I'm papering below the dado rail with a lovely animal paper and just keeping it plain above. Today I'm sanding down all the filler. Will keep you updated! X


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What a gorgeous light room rose! I've nearly broken my back doing my daughters room / nursery xx
Aww thanks Birdo, it is a really nice little room and I'm excited about getting it done, just need more child free hours in the day to get it done! But I know what you mean, every time I work on it I end up really sore afterwards, my pelvis and hips are not coping well with this pregnancy at all.

So not ready to go back to work tomorrow, I'm exhausted from my little girl not sleeping properly for the last two weeks and the general stress of Christmas. Still, I only have 6 more weeks until I stop for mat leave I suppose. Once my mat leave starts I was planning to immediately pull my daughter out of nursery but I'm now starting to think maybe 2 or 3 days a week for the first two weeks would give me a chance to feel 'prepared' x
I had awful period like cramps that were so strong they woke me up at like 4am. And I felt damp below. Wased slightly as I was fell asleep. They still seem to be their but very faintly. Keeping an eye today. Still have 2 weeks left in work xx
Oooh lovely room! Anyone else got pics of their nurseries? We've decided to move my lg and give her a 'toddler room' and pretty much keep her nursery the same bar some new wall stickers and shelves. Feel guilty for new baby cos she's getting all the 'cast offs' lol
Haha T84 I know what you mean - I feel guilty that new baby isn't getting as much attention as my little girl at the moment - with her I was obsessed with every moment of the pregnancy, with him it's just when I get a chance!

My little girl will be in the new nursery for the first couple of months until we get her room finished as new baby will be in with us anyway so at least I know she'll get all the new stuff too! X
Haha T84 I know what you mean - I feel guilty that new baby isn't getting as much attention as my little girl at the moment - with her I was obsessed with every moment of the pregnancy, with him it's just when I get a chance!

My little girl will be in the new nursery for the first couple of months until we get her room finished as new baby will be in with us anyway so at least I know she'll get all the new stuff too! X
Lovely room Rose! You need to take it easier though and not kill your hips completely. Hugs.

We are just starting on preparing to move my little girl to her new room, furniture has been ordered in the sales and I need to look at curtains later on today.

The baby will move into DD's existing room with no changes, easy!

T84 you are hiding that baby so well :) cute lovely bump!

Twinkle, that must have been a bit of a worry for you. Hope it all completely died down. You are not allowed to start for another 7 weeks at least ;) naughty baby playing tricks on you.

I am officially on mat leave as of today but this means, well, not that much as we are running out own business so... :)
Happy new year .. Is all ok Twinkle?

I have done a wall mural , not finished yet , have flowers and blossom and butterflies to stick on

My shoes don't fit today ! I cant get my feet into them ?! ... I'm at work in agony xx
My work in progress x


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Aww such pretty rooms!! I realised last night I have done nothing for this baby! Still need to sort out room, all dd's clothes to wash and sort out, hospital bag bits to buy, baby shower to organise. I have literally done nothing!

Also spd has come back with avengence last few days. Had me in tears a few times now, thought I had got away with it this time! So hard with a lo to carry to watch though! And I did just climb on sofas to take Christmas cards down... Oops! Can literally feel and hear my pelvis grinding as I sit here! Another physio trip me thinks.

Only 6 weeks left at work!!! Woop! Xx

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