****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

Yeah don't know about a bug or not, everything has settled back down again now but I'm just getting tightening type pains every so often. My OH has annoyed me because I don't think he is taking me seriously at all and has declared he will be laying the bathroom lino this evening and expects me to help him get the roll of it up the stairs. It's a job that needs doing but I'm not sure the night I'm in pain and just want to get in a hot bath is the night for it. Also our shower just decided to stop working today (no idea why as its one that runs off the mains, not electric) so neither of us have even had a wash! X
Awww new babies!! Congratulations, ladies! Watching this thread is making me more and more excited! :D

I don't normally cook because I hate it and I'm crap at it, but today I had the urge to make loads of food! So I decided to go and buy a box of wonky veg from asda for £3.50 and I've made a massive pan of veg soup! Going to freeze most of it in portions. But it got me wondering if the urge to cook so much was part of the nesting process??
The urge to cook was what my mum says her nesting was like juice! X
Sorry ladies it been a whirlwind few days - baby Ruby is here :-)

After contracting all Monday night and leaking hind waters triage wanted me in on Tues morning. Monitored me all day and as I was still only 2-3 dilated by 4pm docs decided to break forewaters. Had to wait til 2am (raging!!) for a labour ward bed and had waters broke at 3am and Ruby was here at 6.23 weighing 8lbs 6. Tapatalk won't let me upload pic but will do as soon as I can. Hope your all ok x
Congratulations Jen!!! Our babies were born just a couple of hours apart from each other! I had a similar experience, I wasn't even taken to the delivery suite until I was 8cm and they hadn't measured me since I was 2cm, was just left alone in a room whilst involuntarily pushing, and not knowing what was going on. Still, I got to give birth to her in water which I was happy about.

Thank you everyone :)
Aw ,Jjen , huge congratulations . Can't wait to see a picture ... Enjoy her xx
more babies! Congrats :D

and haha Atlantis, yeah I have to say I haven't changed my activity much during pregnancy, if I can physically do it I usually give it a go except.. admittedly I gave up on an exercise routine. Sometimes a lot of housework etc it leaves me very sore or unable to walk/stand much in the evening but I usually always sleep any aches off. That said I've finally reached a stage where I'm not pushing myself much anymore. To be honest its kept me sane, as long as I won't harm baby its helped me get stuff done. I'm kinda glad I've kept active with that kind of thing since exercise went out of the window. And I have to admit I hate waiting for help when I need something done.

we must all be considered full term now if I am since I'm at the end of the month? I can't decide if its gone quickly or not? Starting to get nervous. Pretty much down to one pair of trousers and leggings or smarter clothes (skirts etc), I wont wear my mat jeans as they are pale and I'm terrified of my waters breaking! Anyone else fed up with maternity wardrobe?!
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Congratulations Jen, Ruby is one of my favourite names :)

39 weeks for me today and yesterday was yet another false alarm as nothing happened after what I'm convinced were about 5 contractions. My OH clearly didn't believe me and isn't even speaking to me after we argued about laying lino floor in our bathroom. Mel you sounds like me - if I want something done I just do it myself unless it's physically impossible - so there I was last night until half 12 laying the flipping floor because OH had gone off in a huff because he wouldn't take my advice when I've laid a Lino floor before and he hasn't. At least it's done now but I'm really annoyed as I got hardly any sleep - going to be late and then not able to slee as sinuses are so blocked, then had to get up a couple of times for my daughter. On the plus side she slept in the newly finished nursery for the first time without freaking out x
Congratulations Jen!! Another March arrival! Yay!!

Who is next?! Oh rose I feel your pain, I had a false alarm yesterday and really thought I was going to wake in night to horrific contractions. Had back ache all day and then was getting waves of tightness and started loosing plug but then nothing! It is my birthday today though so going to try and enjoy that. My oh explained it amazing last night.... It's like it's Christmas Eve every day but if someone said to you 'ooh it might be Christmas tomorrow and you get the best present ever, or it might be next week or even two weeks time' xxx
Bubbles that's exactly what it's like! I don't seem to have lost any plug yet but I've had everything else the same as you x
Congrats to the new babies!! 39 weeks today and not a sign of anything happening at all, no niggles, no pains, nothing! Got a feeling this baby is going to make me wait for a while yet!
Congrats to the new babies!! 39 weeks today and not a sign of anything happening at all, no niggles, no pains, nothing! Got a feeling this baby is going to make me wait for a while yet!

This was me with my first. I never felt any braxton hicks, never had a show, never really felt an overwhelming nesting instinct... just absolutely nothing! No signs anything was goingto happen. Then I woke up on my due date with regular contractions and gave birth 17 hours later.

So, don't be disheartened that there are no twinges or anything, because you might just get a surprise like I did ;)
Jen, congratulations! Squee - more babies, yay! How are you both?

Happy birthday Bubbles! Think your OH is spot on!

Rose, how unhelpful of your OH, sounds like you got 2 kids already with one more on the go lol :(

I'm 39 by my own dates today like you ladies (Rose and Emcb) and also no signs yet. I think that's totally normal, i expect to go until 41 weeks now. Last week baby was 1/5 engaged, now she's gone free again which I expected (I stopped having "settling down" twinges). So back to nesting, cooking, cleaning, and planting that rose shrub I got recently for our patio! The weather is perfect for that today.
Sorry ladies. Been a tad busy. So who's had beautiful babies? If someone could list them in a post with dates etc I'll add them asap. Thanks girls xx
Hey all, congrats to those whose babies have arrived and good luck to those still waiting. Charlotte Jayne arrived at 6:05 last night, planned section never happened as we went into labour Thursday night, ended up with a bit of a difficult birth( manual turning, cut, forcepts , tear etc) but she is here and gorgeous! Good luck everyone x
Congratulations!! And how fab you managed to avoid c section! These March babies seem to be very good at dodging inductions and c sections! Xx
Congratulations mummyedgar!

Hoping mine follows the pattern bubbles - really want to go without intervention x
Congratulations MummyEdgar! And what a lovely name for your little lady! Wishing you a quick recovery and sorry to hear it was a bit of a trickier birth but yay to no section.

Remember ladies you aren't truly overdue until you go over 42 weeks :) X

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