****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

Eeeeek exciting day for you two! So pleased you went naturally Molly! Can't wait for updates :)

I'm just back from midwife where they have measured me as 43 weeks! Just leaving me though til I see consultant next Wednesday x
Yay!!!!! Good luck girls!!!! Exciting to have labour watch x2 !!! Eeekkkk xx
Woop! Excited for you both!! If not a tiny bit jealous.... :) good luck and looking forward to update!! Xx
Good luck ladies. Doubt that you will need it :)

So, im 37w tomorrow. Went for my 36w growth scan last week and they told me i have to go back for yet another scan this thursday to check water around the baby as they have said it seems theres too much?? If anyone can shed light on what that means because im clueless i wouldnt have thought it was a bad thing! And also to check blood supply to baby..
Not sure what to expect them to say on Thursday... Anyone ever had this?
They did say baby is weighing around 6lb 11oz which id be happy with if she was ready to come :)

Hows everyone else getting on?
Hey all, been for my pre op assessment today , so if nothing else happens we are all booked for Friday morning. Been having some niggly pains this aft but they have eased off now, so I'm still confident that Friday will be the big day! Got the heating man here tonight so fingers crossed we can put the heating on tonight and have a hot bath!!
Ah mummyedger , got my new boiler the other day ... Can't tell you how much bliss it is , exciting for Friday!

Cheryl I have no idea why you would have too much water ? Baby seems a good weight X
Cheryl I've not had this, but I know that too much fluid depending on the exact degree could be linked to GD/large baby, then again it might not be - and your seems not to be too large at all! Don't google, just have a chat to them to understand what their concerns are. In pregnancy every little thing can be associated with "something" and if you search hard enough you'll always find some story to worry about. I'm sure you'll be fine and chat to them directly about your own situation. Good luck!
Having some niggles and soreness tonight again, I don't know if this is anything, I'm sure it if it I would "know" lol just hoping for a good nights sleep cos I'm taking my mum to the hospital tomorrow for a CT scan and need to be able to help her, was knackered today after a bad night last night
Thanks Ladies. Im not googling it i always scare myself haha just wondering if anyone had heard anything like it before. They send me for bloods for GD but i havent heard anything back so im sure ill find ouy at my scan on Thursday :)
Hi Cheryl
I've basically had the same thing happen this past week. Last Wednesday I was given a scan because I had some reduced movement and they found I had too much fluid around baby, I had also been scanned two days before that and fluid was normal. I do have a big baby in there (estimated at 8lbs 5 at the moment) but I'm negative for gestational diabetes. So what they've told me is that big babies can create more fluid but other things they have said - baby could be peeing more than usual creating more fluid. Basically they said too much fluid can be 'nothing or something' so they have to monitor it. The main concern with too much fluid is that if the head is not properly engaged when your waters break then the cord could slip down into the pelvis and effectively be coming out before baby which is deemed an emergency and a scary situation so they have to monitor to you to see if the excess fluid is something that resolves or not and if not they have to monitor where baby is. Well that's all I've been told so far - I have another scan Thursday at 38+6 to see what's going on in there x
Yes I read the same about too much fluid and the possibility of cord prolapse but didn't want to worry Cheryl, but I guess it's best she knows! Think that's the biggest risk I know about
Im not too worried tbh. Aslong i know they will keep an eye on baby and any concerns then my minds at ease.
Well let you all know what is said tomorrow at the hospital though :) Thankyou x
That just appears to be the standard information given by midwife - if there is any cause for concern they will always monitor it. My boy's head is engaged so they've said there would be almost no risk of the cord thing happening now so hopefully you'll be the same. Equally they said that what can happen is that the way the baby is lying is pushing all the fluid into one area and so the measurement looks big one day as its all shoved to one side but another day it would be normal x
Yea keep us updated Cheryl!

Just had my due date appointment (day early) and she said head was right engaged and then wrote 3/5! She offered a sweep and I didn't mind them last time so thought worth a shot. She said she would feel head and 1cm dilated but still hard and bit posterior but she managed it and said it could work, fingers crossed!

She also said my bump was 37cm which I said was less but she said it wasn't and following my curve but then when I looked she had written 37 but plotted it at 39cm! So this means my bump has got smaller and not grown over 6 weeks! I rang the triage midwives so waiting for call back but really worried!
Oh dear bubbles - sounds like she had her head up her arse! Hope triage reassure you x
They got midwife to call me and she did apologise and told me bump was 39cm and she had plotted it straight away to make sure she got it right and then wrote it wrong. She was really apologetic and she was really busy, just glad I'm reassured! I think the engagement is a guessing game as well anyway so just hoping sweep might do something! ;) just been for a walk to see what happened, few cramps but nothing else yet!

Has anyone heard from our labouring mummy's???! I want some baby announcements!!! :) xxx
Hey, I finally had my baby girl, Elke, yesterday at 1.40am. She is beautiful and weighed almost 9lbs! X

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