****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

Happy Mother's Day to all those already mummy's and all those March mummy's to be! Hope you are all being spoilt rotten! Xx
How are you feeling today twinkle?

Bubbles, chance would be a fine thing of being pampered in THIS household! I had to work in the evening, too. Boo.

I think I am starting to get some sensations of baby travelling downwards, sharpish shooting pains right down by the pubic bone internally. Yay!
How's everyone?
I'm STILL pregnant, 9 days over now and being induced tomorrow. Feeling really weird about the induction though because one half of me really wants baby to come and don't want it to get bigger and bigger and be too overdue. The other half of me worries it wont work or that I will have a horrible labour because of it and I should be induced at a later date.
I spoke to a midwife on the phone and felt she was being a bit judgey about me not having had any sweeps, I feel so confused and a little bit out of power. :(
Remember molly if you want to wait you can. They can't force an induction. It is a hard decision but as you are so late it should go well and baby will be ready! It is completely your decision at end of day though. Did they say why they were inducing at 10 days? Our nhs do 12 days. I was induced at 10 days with first though cause of oc starting.

I would really like to go natural this time to experience it and the excitement but if I had to be induced again there is some positives. You get to know the environment and staff before it all starts and you don't have the horrible car journey in labour. Have time to prepare and get ready.

Good luck and let us know how you go! Or you never know, things might happen tonight! Still time! Xx
Molly you are not late. Anything up to 40+14 - so 42 weeks - is entirely normal. The whole thing about "late" 1 day after EDD is nonsense, they should not call it an EDD, it's just an average guess date plus/minus 2 weeks either side is perfect.

In fact first babies more often come around week 41 plus/minus!! In France they estimate their equivalent EDD date at 41 weeks.

You don't have to do an induction if you don't want it. It's entirely your choice. As long as there is no medical necessity induction when the body is not yet ready can lead to a cascade of other interventions and lead further away from natural labour and be harder on both mum and baby. You can ask for extra monitoring if they are concerned about the state of the placenta, for instance, but at 40+10, knowing what I went through at 40+11 with my induction, I would now have asked why they were steering me that way. Docs are risk averse and want babies out ASAP not paying heed to nature much these days. Our bodies are designed for birthing - docs tinker with us too much at OUR peril. Hugs
Hey everyone. Nothing new to report with me - got the midwife tomorrow morning and still getting lots of braxton hicks but that's it x
Completely agree that there is too much unnecessary intervention nowadays! Bubbles, in my area they induce at 10 days over as well, but the fact that yours is 12 days just shows that they pluck these numbers from no where and it really doesn't mean anything!

Molly, I don't plan on having any sweeps either. There's no right or wrong here. If someone wants to try things to help labour along, then that's fine. If you'd rather wait, that's fine too.

If you're in any doubt whatsoever about being induced, then don't do it. Ask for extra monitoring to make sure baby is still happy in there, and then wait until they're either ready to come on their own, or until you're completely 100% comfortable with your decision to have any intervention.

Sometimes the midwives have a way of saying things that make them sound compulsory, so you have to remember that you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Take their advice and use it to make up your own mind. Don't be pressured ;)
Hah Molly its your body YOUR choice ...... You don't have to have something as invasive as a sweep done if you do not want to ... I'm in debate about it , I really didn't like it the first time and it didn't work ..

Good luck whatever happens , I will look forward to news xx
Thanks so much ladies! They do inductions from 7 days here!! The midwife said I can have a sweep tomorrow instead and have induction on Thursday, I just don't really feel like having 2 interventions if I can have one. I'm going to sleep on it and make my mind up tomorrow I think.

Thank you all, I will let you know what happens xx
Whatever you decide molly has to be right for you and baby. Midwifes have guidelines in their areas but everyone's not a textbook. See how you feel in the morning like you say.

I'm having one of those serious fed up come on baby days! The burning in my pelvis as she's snuggling in is unbearable! I moan constantly and I hate that! Especially after being so sure on Friday night and now nothing :( hope everyone else is comfier x
Three 'clear outs' today, never felt so relieved and comfortable! Woop!!! Pregnanxy is so glam :)

Just think t84 that this pain is a good thing as baby is getting down and pressing down on cervix which is all good! Hope it feels more comfortable for you soon though xx
TMI...suffering so badly from piles. I had dd2 4 days a go. Judt stsrting using the Anusol cream and have ordered the suppositories. I hope i get some ease atleast intil i can get to the doctors. Looks like I'll need surgery alternative :/
I am pleased to say that I went into labour naturally at 5am this morning. I am still in the early stages but I just thought I'd let you know how I'm getting on! Contractions are quite regular but not extremely painful yet. Isn't it wonderful how our bodies and babies just know when it's good timing? Induction is still on the cards, but at least we know baby is ready now! Very happy :)
Yay molly!!! Not to steal your thunder but me too lol!!

Waters been leaking since yesterday morning and contractions started in the night. Been on monitor for half an hour now and contracting regular so just waiting on doc coming round to examine me and come up with a plan. No water birth for me tho seen as it's been over 24 hours from leaking waters :-(
Good luck Molly and T84! So pleased for both of you!

(and Molly why would they want to induce you now that the process has started naturally??)

Swift labour vibes!
Well they said to come along anyway at my appointment time, and they will see how things are going. If it's super slow then they might want to speed things up a bit. Obviously I'd rather not if everything is going smoothly but I'm just going to play it by ear.

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