Good luck! Sounds like early labour to me. With my first I had 24 hours of cramps which were regular but got no worse then everything stopped- my waters went 3 days later !
Morning ladies, I hope you're all well. Congrats to those who have had their babies and good luck to everyone else waiting or showing signs of labour. Exciting times ahead for us all. I still can't believe we finally got here! I've not posted on here really but do lurk daily to find out how everyone is getting on
I'm 38 weeks today and will be having an elective c-section on Tuesday. Baby is breech and has been either breech or transverse since around 20 weeks! We were offered an ECV but we just felt that we didn't want to risk anything at all, even if it is a safe procedure. We were also offered the c-sect next week with it being an IVF pregnancy and also because we have a 2 cord vessel the growth has tapered off a wee bit - we had been monitored every 3 weeks from 30 weeks. Apart from that baby is great and I can't wait to meet our bundle. We're team yellow but I'm so convinced it's a boy!
Glad you are both home safe and sound twinkle very jealous you have a beautiful baby! Haha.
Ooh t84 I thought that might have been it for you. I keep getting cramps and bump was so low last night I could hardly walk but as usual just me looking too much into things. How far are you t84?
Baby shower today for my friend who is due the day after me so lots of eating cake! And lo will be entertained with her friends!
Had a look at my cuts in my fairy and don't look too bad tbh. It hurts more when I cough or sneeze. will get the midwife to have a look and see what she thinks. Xxx
Afternoon all, due date for me, been looking after my mum as she isn't too well and been shopping. Having a few niggles and pains down below but baby is still jumping about , never had early labour last time so if this is it I've got no idea
In need of a bath tonight and ready for hubby to come home and help with son, he is testing my patience today, just wet himself on purpose cos he was put on the naughty step for not doing as he was told! Just like his dad! Lol
T84 - oh that must be frustrating thinking this one will be early too!
Hopefully won't be too long for us girls! Someone has to go next.....
I'm more wishing that the prune juice and all the fibre filled foods I have been eating would actually work and then I can think about a baby! Haha. Xxx
Who asks that Atlantis!?!! Soooo rude. You just shouldn't comment if your going to be so negative eh?
Oooh fingers crossed for you too mummyedgar! How old is lo? My near 2 year old tries me most days but I'm aware that a lot of it is my own hormones lol.
Still just niggles here and there today. It's so annoying! I totally thought last night was it. I keep reminding myself that with dd1 I literally didn't have a thing til my waters broke so it gives me hope that things are still moving!
Are you still constipated bubbles? How far are you? I can't see tickers. I was sooo constipated up until a week ago til body started its clear out on its own. Hopefully you'll be the same and it'll just happen naturally x
He is three tomorrow, we are gunna have two within a week of one another! Lol he is brilliant most of the time and very bright but sometimes he plays me and doesn't do as he is told quite on purpose to test boundaries. So naughty step was in full force today, no wonder I'm knackered looking after mum and him! Lol to top it all off the heating has packed in so we put a fire on and I'm trying to soak my back in a half bath of tepid water!
Yeah I am still constipated thinks it's made worse that I have in head I have to have a clear out before labour so another sign I am no where close. I am due Thursday! I was induced at 11 days over with number 1 after getting suspects oc and just really want this one naturally just so I can experience the excitement!! But I am not sure that is going to happen... xxx
You never know bubbles, some people don't have their clear out til actually in labour. The only think I found that actually worked for me in the early stages was a bowl of bran flakes with a pint of water while I ate it. Mostly found it worked an hour or so later. Fingers crossed for you.
ME, I'll be the same lol. S birthday is the 21st, hoping I don't go late and get too close to her birthday. That's hard going looking after your mum too hope you get your heating fixed.
My mum said that she never had any clear out with any of us and only a show with one out of three so we will see.... I'm actually due the same date my mum was due for me and I was born a day late on the 11th, not sure if I would be happy or not if she arrived on my birthday! xx
OMG! Need to mention to the midwife, just woke up to feed LO and my pubic home and that general area is soooo painful. It took me 5 mins to get out of bed. I could barely walk. Xx
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