****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

Oh no that doesn't sound helpful! These men just don't understand they could come anytime! I swear they think it's the due date and that will be it. Sounds like your daughter is a blessing though. Xx
Good luck twinkle! So exciting now everyone is reaching the finish line!

I keep spending half the night convinced I'm in early labour from various aches and pains but of course it's all in my head. Had some pretty tough braxton hicks yesterday and a lot of pressure in my bum - is that a sign of anything? X
All the best of luck today twinkle !! Really looking forward to news xxx
Rose, it could be a sign but then again it might tail off. Who knows.... :) How are you today?

Still nothing here :) which is fine. Still busy at work!
Has everyone got a name sorted or are you going to wait and see what the baba looks like?
Goodluck today Twinkle!!

I was in triage yesterday due to constant pain when walking and ALOT of pressure! Had niggly contrations showing on the machine but cervix is closed still!
Im struggling to sleep on my sides now, my hips give me grief when i do and sleeping on my back is almost impossible so looks like a uncomfortable couple of weeks to go for me!
I have a name Atlantis .... And a nickname has developed with everyone too! ..

I've just had a call from the doctor , no wonder I feel so so Ill I'm very anaemic and need to take iron 3x a day to try and get back up . I've been crying doing the school run because I feel so awful , now i know why .... It also explains why I've been sniffing sponges , eating ice which has subsequently broken my tooth, and sniffing damp patches LOL. Xx
Aww Birdo - I am anemic too - my iron levels were very low, and I was prescribed 3 iron pills a day. They made me really unwell though so I stopped taking them and switched to Floradix and high iron foods. If you enjoy eating healthily, I strongly recommend you change your diet instead of taking the pills. They're so strong!!

Here, I wrote a blog post about it!
Well I'm here. Just had the pessary. The nurse who did my sweep last week was wrong. I'm not 2cm dilated. I'm only 1. But already feeling achy down below and getting tummy niggles. I'm so tired. But midwives are in and put all the time. Xx
Hopefully you will feel better now you have the tablets Birdo.

Oooh twinkle sounds like things are going to kick off :)

Just had midwife and baby still head down and 3/5 engaged. Last night hardly slept, everytime baby moved she caused me such pain in my bits and she was having a right wiggle! So painful! Then lo was up coughing! Practise for what is to come xxx
Feel your pain bubbles - if I'm not up peeing or because I'm sore then it's my little girl needing her dummy put back in!

Atlantis I'm ok, still got very sore bits under my ribs and a lot of braxton hicks. Had a bit of pressure in the bum area but not constant. Currently sitting on the sofa with my daughter who is doing the most awful smelling farts! X
Thank you Molly , the Dr did say if I can tolerate them :/

Super excited for you right now Twinkle , try and rest whilst they're irregular xx
Good luck Twinkle!
It is possible to go back down in terms of dilation - so maybe you were 2 the other day. Hope it all goes smoothly for you from now on and they look after you!
Well in the last few hours things have changed a bit, my daughter now has a temperature of 38.4, diarrhoea and is clearly feeling very sorry for herself. And I'm now trying to decide whether I have early labour signs or am being dramatic: I'm getting a lot of braxton hicks, feel nauseous, bit of a sore tummy pain,have sharp shooting pains in my ovaries and a little bit of pain coming from my lower back. I've been so concerned with my daughter that I haven't paid much attention to baby's movements, he is moving but I think maybe not quite as much as normal. My OH is on his way home but will probably be another 45 minutes or so. Think I'll bath my daughter and see how I'm feeling then. I'm worried I'm going to spend the next two weeks constantly 'crying wolf'! X
Don't worry about crying wolf Rose, it's the nature of these final weeks for some of us. Hope your daughter is better very soon!
Well I've definitely had a few 'proper' contractions, didn't feel like braxton hicks at all and we're making me feel sick. Had two close together about an hour ago and then just more like braxton hicks since then. However while all this was happening my daughter woke up and threw up all herself so she is now up and running around too. My OH is watching the football. Typical man! X

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