****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

Tonic water for me, an additive called quinine helps which is in tonic water etc. I have a pint or so of it each day and it soon goes
I'm going to have to try this tonic water thing as I was up again last night with the cramp. My partner always says you have to do see breathing to get it to pass because it's that you've constructed blood flow/oxygen to the area somehow.

Not the evening I had planned last night. My 14 month old started throwing up at 10.30pm and couldn't stop so we had emergency doctor out at 2am. Said she had a gastro thing and to starve her all day :( it's my baby shower today so having to leave my poor OH to look after her.

Also whoever was talking about getting shooting pains to the bum, I've just had one and it was horrible! X
Welcomed a little baby boy into the world yesterday. He was 7llb and 6oz and we are both doing welll
I'm going to have to try this tonic water thing as I was up again last night with the cramp. My partner always says you have to do see breathing to get it to pass because it's that you've constructed blood flow/oxygen to the area somehow.

Not the evening I had planned last night. My 14 month old started throwing up at 10.30pm and couldn't stop so we had emergency doctor out at 2am. Said she had a gastro thing and to starve her all day :( it's my baby shower today so having to leave my poor OH to look after her.

Also whoever was talking about getting shooting pains to the bum, I've just had one and it was horrible! X

That was me haha. I keep getting twinges or sharp pains in my foof area too. I think baby must be dropping and pushing down xxx
Mrs Griff congratulations!! :) glad you are both well.

Is there a name for your little one yet?
Ahhhhhhh congratulations Mrs Griff the first baby !!!!

Can't wait to see him xx
Congratulations Mrs griff!!! Fantastic news! First March baby!! Xxx
Congrats! It's getting real now! :D
I'm kind of hoping for a leap year baby, but there's no chance this baby is coming tomorrow! I've had absolutely nothing in the way of labour signs! Ahh well, only 2 weeks to go :D
Congratulations MrsGriff! The first 'march' baby! Exciting stuff x
Congratulations MrsGriff! :) :) enjoy cuddles xxx

I was waiting for a March mumma to beat me, it was bound to happen! I'm hoping for a leap baby too, do you know they're called 'leaplings' -how cute?!
Yay congrats mrsgriff!!! First baby here :)

We've had a nightmare here! Bust boiler with no parts coming to repair it til Tuesday, so 38 weeks pregnant with a toddler and no heating or hot water. It's been a nightmare!! Going swimming tomorrow with Hubby and dd just to get a shower and wash my hair!!

Pregnancy wise nothing much to report since lost plug. Just been bouncing away on my ball which only seems to clear out my bowels lol!
SNAP T84 no hot water , heating here too with no idea when it will be fixed , filling a both with a kettle enough to cover my bum and rolling around in it isn't good this big !!! I could cry , I am obsessive about cleanliness so I have to do it every day , 8'kettles :( xx
Oh girls , I'm one of the biggest Mariah CArey fans ever , she was my idol growing up ..... I've never seen her , and it's 13 years since she last came to the uk ... Sod's law after not being able to conceive for 10 years ( and numerous miscarriages) .... Two of my biggest wishes came true and got given the same date .... My due date 20th March !!!!!

I couldn't not get tickets for Mariah just in case I might make it to the concert , and they have come in the post today ! So unless baby wants to make an appearance in the next 7 days I'm going to be praying she hangs on until at least 10pm on March 20th so I can see my idol just once in my life!! I'm having a cry because the tickets have come today and I'm right at the front , but have a feeling I'm not going to make it !

Sod's law xx
Birdo - it's not quite the same, but I really wanted to go to Veg Fest, and bought myself tickets before Christmas knowing full well it was on my due date.

Due date arrived, and I felt great so I went along on Saturday. It's funny when people say "when are you due?" and you're like "um..today", they always look so shocked.

If baby decides to make an appearance on the day, how cool would it be to say you went into labour at a Mariah Carey gig?
Aw I hope you get to go birdo!! I had the same with dd1 and Beyoncé last time but got tickets for this years tour :)

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