****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

Hope you get to see her Birdo!

I had tickets purchased a year ago to see Def Leppard as I'm a rock and metal fan... And I've never seen them before and wanted to go all my life. Concert was back in Dec 15... Well I got concerned about how loud it was going to be on the baby's developing hearing. So I googled "rock concerts pregnant" and found "it should be ok unless it's Def Leppard type decibels"... I had to sell my tickets. Made a huge loss too. What's to be done!! :( guess that's it for me and that band now as they are really quite old now :lol: and don't tour much
Ended up at maternity assessment unit today. Had a headache since yesterday about 5pm and was up half the night with it and paracetamol wasn't doing anything then I was sick from the pain. Didn't think baby was moving quite as much as normal so they got me in. Long story short as soon as on the trace baby went nuts and they described his movements as excessive! His heart rate was going up to 200 at points! They decided to scan and he was perfectly fine, although measuring huge! Estimated weight at the moment is 8lbs 5 so could be looking at 10lbs if I go full term! His stomach was measuring 41 weeks 6 days!!!! Just sent home and they are happy I am seeing midwife in a week then consultant the following. I suspect the consultant appointment will be a sweep and inducing arrangement because I'm so big x
Ouch Rose. The good thing is that you are both fine of course!!
Forgot to say they gave me some co-codamol for my headache which did actually take it away!
Glad you are both ok! They do get these scans wrong a lot so hopefully won't be that big! Xxx
Glad you're okay, Rose. Co-codamol is a miracle worker!!

So unless I give birth in the next hour, I'm officially a March mamma! I knew I'd roll into March. Well I think it's a better month anyway, it's spring time and the sun is coming out :) (trying to find the positives of being overdue!)
Yay March mummies ....... Here we go !! It's our month... How strange does it feel after all the counting down , it's March 2016!! Xx
Can't believe it's march! How exciting!

I went overdue with my first molly and was induced at day 11 so feel your pain! I feel for you! But I know it seems a weird thing to say but it does happen one way or another cause I know when I was overdue I actually thought she wasn't coming out and I would be pregnant forever haha. Xxx
This time tomorrow morning I'll be at the hospital getting ready for induction. Eeeek!! Scared haha. Had a stressful day yestrday and asked ON for a calmer day today but he starts it off getting annoyed by LO not getting dressed quickly enough for him. Wish he would respect what I've said. Xx
Got some major nesting feelings going on today. Wonder if it's a sign baby is on her way early??

I've had major breakdowns whilst out shopping , crying because of the enormity of this month!! I have waited for this for such a long time , heartache after heartache . 8 miscarriages . 5 rounds of clomid treatment ending in a miscarriage - to be told I would need IVF ..... Then the most shocking suprise BFP .... 9 awful months later ..... I can't wait to meet her , the daughter I thought I'd never have . It's all a bit too much for me . She's been 10 years in the waiting for ... It's just so amazing I'm even here with you ladies

I'm so excited for all of us xxx
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I know I haven't been part of this thread until recently and I'm sure you've all bonded with each other over the last 9 months. But I still find it such a beautiful thing that we are all having babies at the same kind of time. Birdo - that is so sweet, I am so incredibly happy for you and your beautiful rainbow baby - you deserve her so much.

Thank you Bubbles. I am 3 days overdue now, and I went to the MW this morning. She said she absolutely doesn't blame me for cancelling my sweep, as I am a ftm and she doubts she'd have even be able to reach my cervix anyway. Baby is 3/5ths engaged now and she felt tightenings as she felt my tummy. It all seems quite promising. I have my induction booked in for a week today though if s/he hasn't made his/her appearance by then.

Good luck for tomorrow, Twinkle. :) Exciting!!
I know I haven't been part of this thread until recently and I'm sure you've all bonded with each other over the last 9 months. But I still find it such a beautiful thing that we are all having babies at the same kind of time. Birdo - that is so sweet, I am so incredibly happy for you and your beautiful rainbow baby - you deserve her so much.

I was on Mother and baby boards when I had my daughter in 2006 , I STILL speak to those ladies now and still keep up to date with our June babies ... I hope this ends up that way , we shared all pictures of our firsts . They are 10 this year X
Aw birdo your making me emosh!! No wonder your overwhelmed. It's our month ladies :) :)
Aww Birdo that is lovely! Let's hope your beautiful little girl makes an appearance soon! So excited for us all. We need a baby a day now!!! Twinkle can have tomorrow.... Woooo! :) xx
Birdo you've had such a tough road to get to March 16. Hugs.

Twinkle - good luck for tomorrow!

I have a feeling you'll all be done in March and I'll spill over into April...
Good luck everyone, it will all start happening soon! Enjoy these last few days if your first time mummies, as I have my son I'm still running around after him ! Lol actually had to run with him into the house this afternoon carrying him cos he was gunna wee and I was t prepared to have an accident after he has been so good for so long! Accident avoided and potty was reached in time! Gave baby something to have a kick about for a while! Lol has everyone started getting the "any news" texts? I'm due Saturday but apart from aches and pains and standard daggers and extra moistness I haven't had anything to tell me anything urgent is happening. Bags are sort of packed if it does kick off and we have my sons care covered which is the most important thing for me .
Sounds like fun mummyedgar! My lo decided she no longer needed nappies a few weeks ago after I made decision to wait till baby was here! Luckily she has been good though.

I'm due week thursday but the texts have already started!! Mainly from my best friend who is in la and asks every day but nice she is excited and I know she doesn't mind when I reply with a blunt 'NO!' :) my mum keeps saying 'see you tonight' when I leave though - as she is coming over to look after lo when I go into labour and that is starting to get annoying! Haha xx
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Ah BUbbles that's cute of your best friend , I'm lucky my daughter is so grown up and a big helper.

My OH is working away tonight , and all next week , im frightened i will be alone if it happens . Next week he's in Somerset and I'm in the Midlands .... I will have to call an ambulance if I can't get in touch with my mum and they will take me to the hospital I DO NOT want to go to :( ... He said he will sort work when it's closer , but how much closer does it need to get than a week and a few days?

Plus I have his son that lives with me , I don't think it's fair I'm doing it all by myself ..

I've written a list for my daughter with little things I need to pack like my make up etc , and all the phone numbers written down ... Because my first was so fast I couldn't speak :/ xx

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