****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

I have a scan a week Wednesday. All these movements our baby's make but they wont move in the right position lol. Xxx
OH ended up dealing with the window guys today - spoke to guy on the phone who instantly went on the offensive and threatened to turn up at our door if we didn't pay. OH calmly told him he never said we wouldn't pay but how dare he speak to him like that. In the end the guy ended up apologising and is only taking the cost of the Windows rather than the fitting.

This evening something weird is going on, in agony with pains all over my bump, feel sick from the movements and upset tummy. Freaked myself out worrying that I'm going in to labour! But also slightly worried that maybe the little nutter is turning round the wrong way again. Midwife tomorrow afternoon so that might put mind at rest x
sorry your all having aches, pains and annoyances! Same here...

Friday was a nightmare after my nursery furniture disaster, ill not bore you with the story as I did a thread on it. Then today I woke up with really awful pains low in my stomach on my left side maybe lasted 15 mins or so but it was horrible
, I ended up going back to sleep in bed then / lounging until the afternoon which isn't like me I usually want the sofa but i just didn't want to move.

It was frightening because I'm a first timer so I freak out a bit with new pains, but thankfully it went away!!

just settled down to a kids meal from the takeaway which also isn't like me (I'm all for pigging out usually!) might do me some good.
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Sorry to hear you both feel rubbish Rosie and Mel! Hope midwife puts your mind at ease tomorrow Rose, I remember having dodgy tummy quite often near the end with my first but nothing ever came of it, think it was just hormones and being so run down. Hope you feel better soon.

I saw your nursery furniture thread Mel. Sounded like a nightmare and it's horrible when you have things all planned out and it goes wrong especially when pregnant! Which also seems to be the time when you can never control anything and everything does seem to go wrong!

Good luck with scan twinkle next week, let's hope both our naughty babies move! I am doing my head stands off sofa again like I did to get her to move from transverse and that worked so hopefully she will move back again! Xx
Men!!! So dd has woken a couple of times tonight already vi did the first trip of putting her back to bed, and she just woke again like 15 mins a go, nudge OH because its his turn, tells her to get back to bed and pisses off to the loo. Which means she's still sitting at the gate crying her heart out, meaning I have to get up and calm her down and settle her back because he didn't do that in the first place. Twat!! Tell ya, this better change in the next few weeks. I don't want to hear him complain dd has woken up and asking why is she waking up at silly times. Get a grip and get used to it! Simple!!
Hope the monkey turns bubbles!! And birdo - men's banter sucks! Ignore it, it's just them being idiots!

Same here on the aches and pains front. Last week at work tho and then I think I can deal with it more.

My sisters organised a baby shower yesterday was such fun! I never had one with dd1 and this could be my last so I'm so glad I did.
You can tell we are all edging towards the end with all these pains . Ah bubbles it made me laugh that she's flipped right over! ... I bet it hurts when they turn at this size! .my mum ended up in hospital when my brother turned , it made her poorly x
I've ignored OH comments because he's decorated my bedroom and taking me for new furniture for my room :) x
Oh no twinkle, hopefully she does stop it before baby comes or you will get no sleep. I don't think my lo has worked out she can get out of bed yet..... Haha.

Glad you enjoyed baby shower T84! I had one with first and this time it's on 20th but I organise my own as gives me something to do on maternity leave! Last week at work this week! Left at 33 weeks last time cause couldn't cope so impressed I managed this long and then I'm on holiday so mat starts on due date :)

Glad your oh made up for his comments Birdo! They do banter with their mates. Mine always says "I'll ask the missus" or "sorry mate the boss says no" I hate it when he says that! I hadn't actually felt her move! When she moved to transverse I ended up in hospital in so much pain with a stupid high pulse but not had anything this time, actually feeling quite good except from constant blocked nose!

Hope you all have a relatively pain free day xxx
I dont know if its my pregnant hormones or what but next door are really winding me up. She has now decided that her rubbish bags are ours. OH came home from work to find she had placed her rubbish on top of our rubbish bags. OH soon chucked them back to hers. I'm not having this happen at this moment in time. If she has some kind of problem then please call round and tell us, dont leave your shit (literally) with us. We dont at all bother with anyone on our row of houses except my aunty who lives 4 doors away. I know it was her rubbish as it had dog food pouches in them, so to me it makes it obvious that she left her dogs shit on the garden. Xx
Oh Twinkle that's disgusting. I don't understand how people have such low standards of behaviour :(
Well I am joining Mel's club of people disappointed with long-awaited kids' furniture - DD's stuff arrived a few days ago after a month on order and one of the items has clearly been dropped on its edge in transit so arrived with a majorly crushed corner and unuseable. And another item, as soon as it was put together, ended up with a gouged-out side due to brackets being broken and wonky (unbeknown to us) so this needs to be put right... and the lid on that chest is so heavy and has not got soft close that a child can easily crush their fingers underneath.

Shocked about the last thing, to be honest - how can anyone design furniture for kids that can maim them?

We can get soft close / pneumatic hinges, but really they should be part of standard kit.

Ugh, so frustrating.
who has their hospital bag packed and how many weeks are you?

argh I feel for you Atlantis. Have you contacted them?

don't really agree with the excuses but seems mine might be getting replaced with a stronger version.
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Mel and Atlantis, I hope that you made a complaint about your furniture. I can't believe that a kids chest would have a heavy lid with no soft close on it. That's appalling!

So ladies, I am starting to panic. About half an hour ago i lost my mucus plug. With my DD that was the first sign that I was in labour so I am wondering if the same thing is happening again!
OH has just gone to the pub. Bless him he offered to cancel but he's been working so hard recently and really taken over the housework and childcare when he's been around that I didn't want him to lose out. He's not been out in ages and it may be his last chance in a while!

Does anyone know much about this? Googling is just bringing up loads of different info and confusing me more. Do you think I'm about to pop??
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I think it's hard to say. I've never done this before so I'm not really sure but losing the plug doesn't necessarily mean anything will happen just yet. Could be a few days, weeks from what I've read and been told. I would say if there's no other symptoms at the moment, just try and relax. Easier said than done tho, if it was me I would probably be panicking!
I'm sure I remember people saying on here the plug can come away and grow back? I think twinkle has had the same??

I'm 36 weeks Thursday and still no hospital bag, no washed clothes, no decorated nursery. I did wash Moses basket bedding today though! :) xx
When my plug went completely I started in labour that very day it was my first sign . I'm sure everything will be fine at 35 weeks . The plug can grow back but not sure over what time scale ...

You're waters are still on tact so baby is protected . If they go , get to your hospital x
I've had jelly like discharge on the tissue a couple weeks back and nothing at all since. But with my first it came away after a sweep and fell into the loo and was like white with a hint of blood. Keep an eye on things sweet, especially any other fluids. Any concern just let a mw know or phone mat ward for advice.

I've got my hospital bag packed and I'm 36 weeks on Wednesday xxx
Hope everything is well Mrs Griff

I've just been for a midwife check up and my growth has dropped below the 50th centile , so I've gone from measuring above average to below ... I have had some reduced movements .. I'm being sent for a scan at 4 .. Anyone else have this , she called it a crossover x
Oh Birdo, hope all is well. No, never heard of crossover. I hope the baby is OK, let us know this evening!!!

MrsGriff, I am sure the plug can regrow back, so you are not necessarily imminent. 35w is about the time I heard people start losing plug but then don't have a baby for another month...

I am 35w, no hospital bag, no washed clothes, not even a cot bought yet although looking for it this week on eBay!!!

Yep I did make a complaint, and just got a response - they will replace the damaged item that had been dropped, will give me a good discount (almosts £50!) and send us a patch-up kit for the damage to the toy chest from the wonky original hinge, and they will review my complaint about hinges/soft close and respond on that separately. The discount I am getting will more than pay for pneumatic soft close thingies to keep the lid safe so I am happy. They apparently pride themselves in being a children's furniture company "designed by parents for families"... funny that no-one has picked it up... but I think their reputation is worth something to them, unlike these big chain stores.

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