Lost my angel - 35+6

Hey simone, thank you so much for posting the symptoms you had here along with your advice for all us ladies, I dont think a lot of people realise just how serious pre-eclamsia is and what to look out for x

I'm sorry to hear your midwife didn't listen to you, especially with your history x Big hugs and thanks again xxx
I have to agree Simone. You are an amazing lady. By being so open and discussing your experience you are really helping lots of other people by raising awareness. xxx

Using Tapatalk can't see no tickers grrrrr.
I can't stop this from ever happening to someone again but its been missed TWICE now with me, in my first and third pregnancies. At least if I can make people aware then I might help someone xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of one and WTT baby number 4 <3
Have u thought about opening a fb or twitter account decicating it luna awearness, you will reach out to so many others xx
I have considered it but for now I'll just stick to my forum buddies whilst I do more research. I've ordered some books online so I know I'm speaking from the professionals and not just experience xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of one and WTT baby number 4 <3
Wow thank you so much hun. What you're doing is helping the ladies on here so much, i can only imagine how many others could learn from your story.

Are you opening a case against your antenatal care? Xx

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
Everyone else wants to (my partner,my dad, etc) but I worry how that will affect my future antenatal care. I'll wait for the post mortem results first and see what they say as obviously if Luna passed from the effects of pre-e then I can't let it lie xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of one and WTT baby number 4 <3
Hi Simone I have been following your posts I am so so so sorry you have had to go through this!

On your last point I think you should think about getting some legal advice about the care you received. I am a solicitor so if you need any recommendations for good lawyers I can point you in the right direction.

It will not effect your future care I promise you. Your claim will probably be against the nhs.

When you are in the right place and ready just shout.

Big hugs

Gizzy xxxx
Thank you for sharing your experience, I think it will help others be more aware. My mother had pre-eclampsia with her first, thankfully the outcome was not tragic. She had swelling in wrists and legs for a long time and kept telling the doctor but because she was very slim and had skinny legs he kept looking at them and saying they were not swollen even though she knew they were. During labor her bp went through the roof, they caught that and she was sedated and rushed to another hospital where my brother was delivered by forceps. She wasn't conscious the birth or for about 24hrs after because of all the drugs they gave her. As it was her and my brother were both okay in the end but she thinks the doctor should have taken her more seriously.
Everyone else wants to (my partner,my dad, etc) but I worry how that will affect my future antenatal care. I'll wait for the post mortem results first and see what they say as obviously if Luna passed from the effects of pre-e then I can't let it lie xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of one and WTT baby number 4 <3

Oh hun it won't affect your future in antenatal care if you do make a case don't worry about that I'll tell you why, my mum had an ectopic pregnancy but it was undiscovered for 6 months she was fobbed off no-one ever told her to take a pregnancy test and she just never considered it herself as she was bleeding like a period so assumed no way she.could be pregnant doctors were saying she was just having bad periods and she was fine. She was a student nurse at the time ( sounds daft that she wouldn't think to do a hpt but with her bleeding she said it never crossed her mind ) and she collapsed at work her tube had ruptured ....she had to have the ovary and tube removed and other ovary was already on its way out when it was tested so she was told she would never have kids again as a result of the negligence shown to her in the hospital she worked in and her gp! She sued, won, and is the BOSS of the district she works in (same hospital and area )

Luckily she also went on to have my brother too!

Don't let your future career dreams be threatened by this hun if you feel you were fobbed off say xxx you have every right

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
As the others have said thanks for sharing your experiences.
I agree with what you say about waiting for the results, and if it was Pre-eclampsia then you definelty need to pursue it. It won't make anything better for you unfortunatly but you might make other midwifes and the nhs more aware! You could save other babies lives. Even sharing your experience on here has really opened my eyes...xxxxxx
Oh my god. I don't know what to say. This has brought a tear to my eyes. I can't imagine how you must be feeling so I won't try and say I know how you feel as I don't and just can't even comprehend how you must be.

You really need it investigating if your angel has gone because of pre eclampsia.

I really really hope your ok. Obviously your not going to be. I just don't know what to say other than your in my thoughts, your angel is in my thoughts.

Today is hard. Oh goes back to work tomorrow which means I have to be normal again. How do I do that? I just keep realising she's really gone. I really won't ever see her wee face again or hold her little hand.
Feel like I have this huge gaping hole right in my core and nothing is going to fill it.
Yesterday I was ok. Today I'm constantly swallowing back the lump in my throat.
It's like a feeling of panic. Sheer terror that nothing I can do will bring her back. I keep running through a million, "if only I'd..." in my head.
I have no idea how to deal with this at all :(

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of one and WTT baby number 4 <3
Aww sweetheart x there's no right or wrong way :( I can't imagine tryin to carry on like normal when your world has changed in such a way :( I wish there was something us ladies could do to help babes xxx there wasn't anything you could have done differently :( sending you loads of love & hugs <3 xxxxxx
I also feel bad cause I have zero connection to her grave. I just don't feel like she's there

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of one and WTT baby number 4 <3
Aww Hun, I'm not sure what your beliefs are darlin but she is wherever you are. She's in your heart babe <3 xxxx
I think you will find a new normal, your baby girl will always be with you - life has just been so cruel... I really hope your ok xxxx
im so saddened to read your tragic story but i wish you well in the future try to take each day as you find it and take longer off if you need to hugs xxxx
Today is hard. Oh goes back to work tomorrow which means I have to be normal again. How do I do that? I just keep realising she's really gone. I really won't ever see her wee face again or hold her little hand.
Feel like I have this huge gaping hole right in my core and nothing is going to fill it.
Yesterday I was ok. Today I'm constantly swallowing back the lump in my throat.
It's like a feeling of panic. Sheer terror that nothing I can do will bring her back. I keep running through a million, "if only I'd..." in my head.
I have no idea how to deal with this at all :(

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of one and WTT baby number 4 <3

Please don't think of the 'what ifs' they will torment you. You tried to make your midwife aware, and the early signs were there but she ignored this vital information so you don't need to battle with any demons it's your midwife who should be asking what if. It needs investigating. Simone this is clinical negligence resulting in the death of a infant and your health was at risk also. I am a nurse, and I know how it all works. I feel so angry that this has happened to you and I STRONGLY advise you to report the midwife to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) as well as demanding an investigation with the trust/PCT she works for. This should never have happened.

The 'general public' can make a complaint direct to the nmc about any nurse or midwife as long as you have their full name. Please please do this. Her relaxed attitude could mean another mum looses their baby and it shouldn't happen.

My heart goes out to you, your being incredibly brave. Your going to have good days and bad days but you must keep strong I know that probably sounds impossible.

Your baby girl is at peace and will be with you always, she will be watching over you and will keep you safe. Keep strong.

Thinking of you xxxx

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