Lost my angel - 35+6

Beautiful name, my thoughts are with you and your family, been thinking about you all weekend.
Sweetheart, I can add nothing that hasn't already been said.

Thinking of you and your precious baby girl.


Thinking of you. A beautiful name for a beautiful angel. I hope you're getting lots of cuddles with your beautiful little girl xxx
Beautiful, I'm glad you got to spend some time with you LO xx
What a lovely name. Hope ur getting plenty cuddles xxx
Just caught up with this. My heart goes out to you Simone. What a beautiful name for your little angel.

Big hugs and much love xxx
What a beautiful name, beautiful name for s beautiful angel. Thinking of you all xxx
So sorry to read this. My thoughts are with you and your family. What a beautiful name you chose for your angel xx.
such a beautiful name. i am stuck for any words but i hope you feel some confort in the fact everyone's thoughts and best wishes are for you and your family and we all wish we could do more to take away some of the pain xx
Thinking of you xxx

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Your strength through this is amazing Simone, I can't begin to imagine how difficult this is for you and your family.

Thinking of you all x

Sweet Dreams little Luna x
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I don't think that there is anything anyone can say to take away the pain you are feeling at the moment and my heart goes out to yourself and your family. You seem an amazing woman and life has been so unfair to you.

Somewhere little Luna is looking at her mummy and saying how much she loves you. Take care, I just wish I could take away some of your pain x
I can imagine how hard today has been for u! But ur beautiful angel with a beautiful name will always be proud of her mummy. X
Such a beautiful name. I'm glad to hear that you got precious time to spend with Luna. Can't wait to see her wee picture. I'm sure she's beautiful. Thinking of you and your family :hug: xxxx
U are one amazing woman. What a beautiful name for ur little one. I just so wish the outcome was different for u. Spend every second u can with her. Thinking of u. Cxxc
I really don't know what to add as the girls have said it all... I cried reading this thread. You are an amazing, strong lady. Hope you get lots of cuddles with your angel. Such a beautiful name :hugs:

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