Long Term TTC - 12 months & more

My experience was similar to sugarpop. Uncomfortable rather than painful. I didn't even have cramping after. Just felt like I'd wet myself after as the dye came out lol!

I went on my own and drove back to work after. Try not to Google. I wish I hadn't! I'm sure you'll be fine.
I took paracetamol before I went (that’s what the letter said) so I’d you’re concerned take some about 45 minutes before you go. Should take the edge off!
Thanks for the advice guys! I’ve stopped researching it and will take painkillers beforehand as recommended :)
@SockVortex , I found it more uncomfortable than painful but it’s over so quick.

Like Char, I had a really lovely nurse look after me and talk me through things as they were being done, and just having a general chat to relax and distract me. Was years ago but I still remember it so well.

Afterwards I had cramping for the rest of the day but it wasn’t that bad.
Yeah... that was pretty horrible, haha and the antibiotics have made me feel sick. Boo!

On the plus side everything looks normal and I learnt I have a tilted uterus and got to see pictures of my ovaries which was fascinating.
Yeah... that was pretty horrible, haha and the antibiotics have made me feel sick. Boo!

On the plus side everything looks normal and I learnt I have a tilted uterus and got to see pictures of my ovaries which was fascinating.
Why are you on antibiotics hun?
apparently I have a tilted uterus too but it’s not meant to effect fertility but it’s making me second guess tbh xx
Good news that everything looks normal

I’m also with you both in the tilted uterus club !!

I know it not meant to make a difference as loads of ladies get pregnant with one but do wonder if it does just make it more difficult for us !
I had to take some before the procedure, just one lot. Did they not give you any, Char?

My mum has a tilted uterus too :)
I had to take some before the procedure, just one lot. Did they not give you any, Char?

My mum has a tilted uterus too :)
No didn’t have any antibiotics. Just took some paracetamol and ibuprofen an hour before hand x
We had our date through when we got home this evening. 20th of January :)
We had our date through when we got home this evening. 20th of January :)
That's brilliant Sock.
Rooting for you, miracles happen, and i really hope you get your natural bfp before you go through this process xx
I doubt it as I’m incredibly unlucky, haha, but who knows! :)
I'm late to the party with this one sock, I've only just read through the thread!

I need to have swabs taken before I have that one done - they said they check for infections before they do it, as there is a risk the dye can push infection further into your uterus/tubes. Maybe this is why you were given antibiotics, as a precaution? Its very interesting that different areas clearly do things differently! I have a hysteroscopy on thursday and they are taking my swabs before that, and I'll have the HSG done in februarys cycle x
I'm late to the party with this one sock, I've only just read through the thread!

I need to have swabs taken before I have that one done - they said they check for infections before they do it, as there is a risk the dye can push infection further into your uterus/tubes. Maybe this is why you were given antibiotics, as a precaution? Its very interesting that different areas clearly do things differently! I have a hysteroscopy on thursday and they are taking my swabs before that, and I'll have the HSG done in februarys cycle x

I hope it’s not too uncomfortable for you! And yeah its baffling to me the differences between each county’s methods surrounding the same procedure!
Another pregnancy announcement on my Facebook this morning. This time a girl I’ve known since we were teens. She has two kids already. I don’t normally feel jealous when it’s someone I’ve known a while but today I was just sad :(
Another pregnancy announcement on my Facebook this morning. This time a girl I’ve known since we were teens. She has two kids already. I don’t normally feel jealous when it’s someone I’ve known a while but today I was just sad :(
Arrrrr It really does suck @SockVortex - I wish I could wave my wand and out a baby inside you :(
I know you probably don’t want to hear this but try and relax (and when people told me to do this I wanted to punch them) but it really did work for us.
Is your OH still taking vitamins? Xx
Arrrrr It really does suck @SockVortex - I wish I could wave my wand and out a baby inside you :(
I know you probably don’t want to hear this but try and relax (and when people told me to do this I wanted to punch them) but it really did work for us.
Is your OH still taking vitamins? Xx

We’re both still taking the vitamins, yes :) D is on extra selenium, vitamin C and Omega 3 (as he doesn’t eat much fish).

I don’t like the ‘relaxing’ thing either, though I know everyone means well. I feel like whenever someone says that, that they’re saying it’s all my fault that we can’t have a baby. I have autism and I am as relaxed as I can be. I don’t like sex so if I don’t schedule it then it doesn’t happen :/ I don’t know how to be more relaxed about it :(

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