How long should you TTC before seeking help?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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I was just wondering how long I should keep TTC before going to the doctors. I mean, I know its only been 4 months for me so far but I keep thinking, if there is a problem thats stopping us from getting pg, isnt it better to find out sooner rather than later to avoid wasting time and to get the help and tests needed?

How long did other people wait?
i think like that too. no point being disapointed for months and months then finding out that one of you has a problem. But aparently doctors wont want to know until youve been trying for ageeees! :cry:
Thats what I thought. But you could always tell a little white lie and say you have been trying for longer than you actually have! I cant coz I saw my doc to get advice about TTC so they have it on record when I started trying (shot myself in the foot there me thinks!)
yeah, i guess lying wouldnt hurt. They should do some sort of quick sperm and wee tests like at the clinic for clamidia. (sp?). Just drop your sample off and then collect your results a few days later. just a quick check on your swimmers and eggs. :cheer:
The reassurance would be nice but as we discussed in earlier posts, you gotta give it a chance! Its hard to know what to do for the best eh?
say that its not the 1st time you've TTC!
That you tried for 6 months last time??

Only if you really want to though.... are you charting?
I think they say a year before you can get any help, im wondering about going sooner as im at 10 months and i have a nice doctor.
Do you think i should?
I would AG - after all 10 months is nearly a year!

I cant fib to my doc about TTC coz they have been prescribing the pill for me for the last 10 years!

I'm not charting - its tempting and I do read the chart stalker thread but I'm OK using the OPKs. I havent been trying long enough to get that serious! Maybe when the frustration gets overwhelming, then I will buy a thermometer! :rotfl:

Yes, it's 12-18 months unless you're over 35 in which case they want to see you within 6 months.

No point telling them you have TTC before. I had and it didn't make any difference, they still wanted me to go 12 months this time round.

That said, when my IVF Consultant found out that OH and I hadn't really used any contraception in the last 4 years (I'd half-heartedly used the cap and other than that we used the rhythm method) she put 4 years infertility down on our record.

I wouldn't go after 4 months, you just need to give yourself more time. I saw my doctor at 8 months and he told me to spend the next 4 months using OPKs and then come back. I also did temping and took all my graphs too which were really helpful. Also keep track of all your AF dates and length of cycles.

Get the Toni Weschler book, chart and use OPKs and it should all work fine.


What about if youre at a young age? I would have thought that if you're under 20 and taking a long time to concieve then there maybe something wrong?

I will see what happens this cycle and if AF shows ill see about getting an appointment made.
With my 3 m/c's and young age they just tellme 'I am young and have plenty of time to fall pregannt again' I know I haven't been officially TTC for long, but seem reluctant to test us young'uns for anything for a while. :wall:
I guess i've been lucky, cos they saw me in 1999.... first time round in previous relationship... so when its happened again with Graham they've kept an eye on us....

AG - looking at your charts i'd say to take a Rach & Laura approach for a couple of months before going to the docs.... You're gonna have to get OH to bd every day from CH15!!! (ha ha 6 days in a row at least looking at your past 3 charts!!! lol!!)

Thats what i'm gonna get Graham to do next month if AF arrives!!
Gonna be charting and watching it like a hawk!!!!

AG - you doing OPK's??

Oft theres no way we could get BDing in everyday! We wouldnt have the strength lol. Without embarrasing ourselves too much were not really ones for doing it alot and if we tried then nothing would happen :oops: (we tried before)

Oh im not doing opk's but i will be now *wink wink* :D
We're not either.....
but will be making him!! :rotfl:

Worth giving the OPK's a try even if its just for 1/2 months.... did you get 20??

You'll have to let me know when they've arrived!! :hug:
ooooo how exciting!!
at least if you do them for a month or so when you do go to the docs you can say "i've been doing them" that worked for me!!!

But what if u have a looooooooong cycle like me? will they do the check ups that they would for someone who has been TTC for 12 months?
I think they would definatley see you for your long cycle at least. 60+ days is waaaayy to long.
Jo, just ring them....
Or maybe ring NHS direct? For advice??
don't be scared, we're all behind you!!!


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