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Long One...


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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I posted the other day about being pissed off with my OH texting a girl he works with out of work. On saturday I was watching the telly and he was sitting on the PC- I looked up and could see him on MSN so asked who he was talking to- NOT in an accusing way I was just curious. He said "some bird he hasn't spoken to in ages, who "he doesn't know where she lives". Now, before me and OH were together we were "friends with benefits" and he was quite open with the fact he used to find girls he thought were attractive and add them to MSN- his whole MSN contact list is made up of girls he barely knows but thught he'd try his luck with. We moved in together back in July/August but have onlt just got our broadband sorted so he hasn't spoken to these girls in a long time- as far as I know...

It erupted into a big argument with me saying that it made me feel like shit and that if he wanted to be a family man then he had to give up that kind of thing- I don't do it out of respect for him and I don't feel like I get that respect back. He basically said that I tell him he's not allowed to do ANYTHING. He got up, picked up his keys and told me to 'F OFF' and said he was going out (he didn't in the end- he went outside and fiddled with some car parts) After a couple of hours, some tears (from me) and the silent treatment (from him); I tried to talk to him and he just ignored me. About half an hour later h came and gave me a cuddle- no apology, no "I love you".

THEN last night, we went to the local pool club with one of his mates- I don't normally mind just watching (I CAN'T PLAY TO SAVE MY LIFE!) but last night I was getting really bad Braxton Hicks and baby was kicking me like hell so all I really wanted to do was go home. About 9 (an hour after we'd got there) he went to get a drink and I just said "it's 9'o clock" thinking that was enough of a hint for him to work out that I was uncomfortable and wanted to go home. He looked at me, threw his wallet down on the table and stropped off back to the table. When his mate went to the loo, I asked what he had the ache about and he told me yet again that I "don't even let him have a drink".

I feel like I am treading on eggshells with him- he's not affectionate towards me, unless sex is a possibilty and he refused to come to antenatal classes with me because they are "boring" (TRY BEING PREGNANT FOR 40 WEEKS! :roll: ). Its not fair to bring a baby into the middle of a relationship like that- but I don't know how I can make it better without him making an effort too, which he wont.

:wall: I feel like I'm banging my head on a brick wall.
Oh hun i dunno what to say :( sounds like he has put you in a righ possition with it all...
Me and OH have had a few arguments about him being on msn when im there (we dont live together and see each other between 2-4 times a week on a night)...as far as i know its only to blokes but it still annoys me that he is ignoring me in a way. On saturday i went to bed early cos i wasnt feeling very well...well 2 hours passed and no sign of him so i texted him to ask if he was ok and gonna come to bed soon cos i missed him (lazy i know lol) so he came up to bed and said he didnt come cos he didnt no if i wated him to or not incase i wanted space with me not being well bless him.
Maybe write him a letter telling him how he makes you feel when he snaps at you and does the things that he is doing....I mean your 30 odd weeks pregnant FFS its not exactly gonna be comfy to go sit in a pub whilst he has a piss up!
Hope you get things sorted hun but you really dont need the stress of him having ago and you wondering what to do or say to not get shouted/argued at
:hug: :hug: :hug:
REALLY sorry you are going through a rough patch.
From a male point of view, it sounds like he is just reacting to the current situation by thinking that he cant do anything he did before. Maybe try to just let him know exactly what you are feeling and that so long as he is there for you at the right times, he can still go out as well. Hopefully if he realises that there is a balance that can be struck, and doesnt feel like he will never go out again, then he will stop feeling so scared!

Is there a mate of his that you can talk to? It may be he tells him things he cant tell you.
Hope it works itself out for you.
Good to see the male point of view above.

Big hugs for you hun....really know how you are feeling, if you see my thread in this section you will see why!!

I agree with the letter thing above as it's also what I am thinking about doing with my OH as he is behaving in the same way.

Hope you are ok hun :hug: x

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