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Feelin down..(sorry long post)


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2005
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Sorry have to get this off my chest... its long!

All because of a dream!

I've only every had 4 relationships in my life, my first was in my head i was madlin love with my music teacher!! :oops: my first boyfriend was 14yrs older than me and at 18 my mum wasn't too happy about the age gap, but we had a great time and i'm still friends with him, I split up with him as i had my eye on another guy Alan who was 13yrs older than me that that time i was 21 the age didn't bother me he was great, but my parents hated him (he also had a kid from another relationship) and never gave him a chance (i'm an only child so they are a bit over protective with me) I got a job in oxford ( i lived at home with mum and dad in gloucester) which had accomodation so i lived over there for 2 yrs, Alan would come and see me on my weekends, when i wasn't working i was expected to come back home for the weekend,
usually Alan would come over on the friday and go on the sunday evening, eventually he started coming on the saturday evening and going on sunday just after lunch, i hated him going as i alway felt so lonley after he had gone, Alan still lived with his mum (his dad died when he was 18 ) I moved to oxford to get a bit of freedom from my parents as i could never go see Alan when i wanted and the atmostphere could be funny, Alans mum could also be very variable with me chatty and talking one day to not saying a word the next, i was quite shy and always felt like i was intruding. but i got on well with one of his sisters.
Time went on an i became unhappy with my job so i came back to gloucester and back with my parents so i hardly got any time with Alan, i hated causing bad feelings so i was stuck in the middle knowing that things would never change, i had started talking to Tom who was at my local band and i got on with him well and i started thinking about him more and more, i thought i was just a crush that would go away, i talked to Alan alot about what i did and tom often came up, i was arguing more and more with Alan over my parents and i couldn't see him commiting to moving in with me or out of his mums, i suppose all his mum had was alan, i could see us drifting further appart, and new years day i was having tea with alan and tom came up in conversation, Alan suddenly said 'i think its time you decided who you want,' come back when you have decided' so i decided To go with Tom, i could see more of a future with him, alan begged me to give a second chance but i couldn't i couldn't see anything changing, i wanted to stay friends which we did for a few months but things began to get nasty when he realised i wasn't coming back, so we went our seperate ways. i never heard from him again.
about 2 yrs later some one said that Alan had got leukaemia, i did think about contacting him but i didn't as i was planning my marriage to Tom. and thought that if he really wanted me he would contact me. I never heard anything till one day mum asked if i had read the paper, Alan had died.
I was shocked, the funeral was the day after and my work gave me the day off, but my hubby told me to stay away, as i may not be welcome and he didn't want me getting more upset and upsetting his family,
So i didn't go to the funeral, but i drove to the crematorium and i watched his coffin go by, then i went to one of our old spots that overlook gloucestershire and played some music - i often felt that maybe it was my fault that he got leukaemia( i know silly) and i still blame my self, he said some nasty things to me when we ended saying that i never loved him, but i did, i loved him so much and i never had the chance to say goodbye or say how much he influenced my life, he will always be a part of me, and it will be passed on to my kids in some of the interest we shared.
I sent a letter to his mum after his death and i had a lovely letter back from her, and i contacted a friend of his who said he often spoke of me.
But i wish i'd had the chance to clear the air.

I dreamt of him last night and it stirred up alot of feelings, of how much i miss him, the dreams i've had before were him saying stay away etc along those lines, but last night i was telling him how i felt guilty and that it was my fault he diedm and i wanted to be at the funeral but didn't want to cause problems, and he told me not to be silly, he said i am free now, don't blame your self, and hugged me,
So i've been feeling down, i never realised that a dream could stir up emotions like that, also it would have been his birthday on the 1st Sept.
Maybe it was him, i don't know.

I'd like to think it was, then maybe one day i can get some closure.

Thanks for reading.
I really do believe our loved ones visit us be it in dreams, aparitions whatever. Maybe this was his way of saying it;'s not your fault and stop feeling guilty about things hun?
Aww hun that mustv'e been so hard for you.
I thinking it was saying you must get on with your life as i belive with what i have just read that he really did love you, and if you really love someone you want them to be happy no matter what.

You'll get through this and finally get the closure you need :hug:
Thanks guys - feel a bit better now.

sad thin is he would only have been about 40 when he died.. i always hoped that i might bump into him one day, and i hoped that he would find someone.

Scary that i could have been a widow at 26...strange how things pan out in life
Its difficult to talk about him to my hubby, as the split did become quite nasty, to the point of him phoning me at work and being abusive. Toms hated him for that - i tried so hard not to hurt Alan and to kee him happy that i just ended up getting hurt more. Tom was glad when we went our seperate ways.

But me being me wanted to stay friends, i hate loosing contact with people and always want to remain friends, which just doesn't work sometimes.

Alan love Radion controlled planes and helicopters and got in to them quiet heavily after we split, as far as i know he had his ashed scattered where they used to fly their models. So every time i hear a model engine or see them flying i always think of him.
I've got a plane that i was building when i was with alan that i have never finished and i was going to sell it but i thought i would be nice to finish it, i'll never be able to fly it as i don't know how - but he might see it one day in the sky... you never know!
Hi there

Listen this is something I dont normally tell people because it puts them off but i am a spiritualist,not something i chose but hey you dont get everything you ask for.

I believe he was visiting you in your dreams and you should accept this with thanks as not everyone gets this cahnce to remember or recognise it for what it is. It is a gift from them to us.

The reason we gets these visitations like this is because our barriers to our subconcious mind are down and we are easier to communicate with. If he cam to you in broad daylight you would shit yourself and think you were going mad! So this is easier.

Please do not feel any guilt over this past,thats what it is past. Our lives are all ruled by a destiny and what will be will be,we are not supreme enough to have any control over someone elses destiny,apart form someone killing,maiming etc.

If you want to talk in depth then please do PM me.

take care and sleep tight,next time ask him questions.
Awwww that is so sad hun :hug:

I too would like to think that it was him in the dream.....as it would be lovely to think that people we love and have loved can find away to help us get on and to work things out and to stop blaming ourselves for things that are obviously beyond our control.

I am sure that was him trying to tell you to stop blaming yourself babe, we all do and say things in the heat of the moment, and if we really stop to think about it, we don't mean most of them.

I hope you perk up soon hun, I too have had dreams that have sent me on a low for a day or 2 as they have seemed so real........but I think this is a lovely dream babe, and he doesn't want you beating yourself up for something that really was beyond your control and nothing to with what you did or didn't do!

I see it that he is trying to let you know, he never blamed you for anything anyway and now is not the time to start blaming yourself, there was obviously a lot of feeling between the two of you, and he wants you to go on and enjoy your life.

:hug: xx
Thanks everyone - the dream has faded now, as time has gone on.

The one thing i am quite greatful for is that i will always remember him as i last saw him a strong stocky caring man, with a grat sense of humour i don't remember him as being ill or being frail with AML (Acute myeloid Leukaemia) he will always be a big part of me forever and i miss his friendship.

At least i know he might be 'popping' in to see me once in a while :hug:

have you thought of pouring all that you want to say into a letter. take it to a place that was special to you then read the letter out loud then destroy the letter, ie burn or rip it up. i know it sounds silly but i have read this in some book.
I've done the letter thing before when i've needed to get something off my chest. Its helped!

Can I just say, and I don't really tell people this because they'll think I'm a loon but my dead dog came and said goodbye to me in my dream. She was put down when I was on holiday so I never said goodbye and I felt awful. I dozed on the sofa and dreamt that my dog came up and I hugged her and then she went to sleep on the floor just like she used to, when I woke up I felt so much better like there was closure. I don't care what anyone says I am sure she came and said goodbye :D

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