List of our 2006 Babies

Mia Rose Allan- born Tuesday 4th July 2006 @ 00.40, weighing 7Ib 7oz

Best moment- first cuddles, smiles and seeing daddy with her!
Ellis Timothy born 13th July 2006 @ 0658... weighing 7 pound 9 ounces.

Best moment ... when he opens his eyes when i am burping him and just stares at me taking everything in.

Arianna Skye, born 15/07/06 at 2.32am, weighing 7lb 7 3/4oz.

Best moment : How can I choose? I love everything about her!!

Amelie Grace born 25/07/06 at 30 wks +5 due sept 28th
weighed 3lb 7oz
best moment- seeing her little face for the first time shes just so perfect
lv b x
Isabella 5lb 12oz, 13/07/06 - 37+1 weeks

Best moment - her being given to me immediately after I had given birth - was and still am completely over the moon

Olivia - Grace, 7/7/06, 7lb 4oz!

Best Moment - Seeing her with her Daddy, and Meeting her big sister for the first time! We love every moment we spend with her!
Isabelle Rose, born 12,45pm on the 27th July 2006 weighing in at 6lb 6ozs, 8 days late.

Best moment - finding that my scan was right and that I really did have a little girl! Also when my son Sam met her and kissed and cuddled her straight away whilst looking so proud!
Molly May born 28th July 11:06am weighing 7lb 5oz favourite moment was the second night in hospital - had recovered enough from caeserian to pick her up and enjoyed my first night cuddling her and staring at my beautiful little bundle!
Oliver was born by C section on the 18th of march 2006 at 4 30am, His weight was 7lb 8 oz. The best bit was when I woke to hearing Oliver cry and trying to focus on him in his daddy arms.

Mya Lily Priestley Born 7 April 2006 at 2.14am weighing 6lbs 10oz, best part was holding her for the first time :D
jodie alice lamb was born on the 29th of April 2006 weighing 6lb 12oz With a mop of black hair and big pretty eyes. oooh luv her sooooo much
Katy Anna was born on the 8th August 2006 at 8.10am weighing 6lbs 13.5ozs (37+4). I have so many favourite moments, but I love to watch her sleep with her funny little squeaks & snuffles, & her cute little facial expressions!!
Jamie Tyler Brown was born on 25th August at 18.49pm after 17hours in labour resulting in c section!!

Mums fave moments - Watchin him sleep on my tummy after a feed and stare at his daddys funny faces!
Our perfect little man, Aidan Laurence was born at 8:30pm on 16 September 2006.

I just can't stop staring at my little blondie! Fave moment would have to be seeing him in his daddy's arms for the first time.

Claire xx
Stanley David Mabbs, born on the 2nd September @ 13.33pm, weighing 7lb 2oz.

Favourite moment was mummy, daddy and little boy cuddling up in bed at home for the first time after an extended hospital stay. :D
Owen Andrew Jackson was born 10th July @ 10:41 by c- section weighing 8lb 13.5oz!

Favourite Moment has to be when he smiles at me, the kind of smiles that only i see :D

Only just seen this post lol he was born nearly 11 weeks ago now!!
baby's name, birth date and time, weight, and a note of your favourite moment

Charlie Lee
23rd April 2006 (Due Date!)
7lb 3oz
...thinking I was giving birth to a boulder and being handed a tiny and beautiful little boy after the shock of an emergency ceserean...all the pain was certainly worth it!!!
Baby boy, by c section 12th sept 10:01am

Alastair Sam Ritchie Sutherland 7lb 3 oz

Best moment seeing him for the 1st time with his big sister proundest day of my life :D :D
Zack Kilburn Wallwork born on 14th February 2006 at 7.11am weighing 7lb 1oz.

Best bit ........ when the midwife put Zack on my stomach and i was the first person to find out he was a boy!!! then the amazement as he latched on to breastfeed 2 minutes old! :cheer:

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