

Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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Sorry for tmi!

For the last 2 days I've been feeling damp downstairs, if I have been sitting for a while and then stand up I feel a little liquid come out, feels like its about a teaspoon amount (it's probably less than that and doesn't happen all the time) and when I sat up in bed this morning about a tablespoon of clear liquid leaked out. My knickers aren't soaked, they just have a wet patch.

I don't know if it's me or something like my waters :blush:
How do I tell the difference? Anyone have any advice? I don't really want to ring my midwife until I have to as she is clueless!

Thanks x
Apparently if you smell it, it'll smell sweet-ish. You can start getting quite water cm in third tri though so it could just be that :) Just put a pad on and give it a whiff! lol
when you put the pad on if it has any colour in it at all o and get it checked because if it was your waters and they arent clear you would need to be seen . I have found (this is a bit TMI) that in this trimester I am producing a lot of watery discharge I actually went into delievery one night convinced my water had broken . TheY did a really simple swab test to check for amniotic fluid and infection and sent me home . So if your not sure best to get it checked out :hugs:
Yer I had to have the swab test on tuesday night, nothing to it, but at least I knew then rather than wondering! Xx
I've also had really watery discharge and my midwife reassured me its completely normal in tri 3 - always get checked out though if you think it's more than that!

Let us know how you get on.
Thanks ladies!

Well I've spoken to my midwife, who was no help at all and passed the buck straight away and told me to call the day unit at the hospital. I've called and explained and the lovely midwife there advised me to come in and be checked. I have to go in a 4pm.

I wasn't really worried until this morning when I sat up in bed and ended up with a large wet patch on the sheets! I just hope everything is ok x
Glad you called, I'm sure you'll be reassured this afternoon that it's the normal discharge to expect - alwaysworth double checking though!

One thing I've learnt about pregnancy is that pretty much EVERYTHING is normal!!!


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