Ladies of TTC - Faces To Names.

i went through post a reply. then clicked on the attachment logo and added it through there x
Positivity - No, I wasn't a Miss July lol, did get offered a shoot for FHM but declined! :)

MrsMc - Gorgeous! You've got amazing eyes. :)

x x
I think I have it!!

Lovely photos everyone! xx


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This is the Avatar pic :)
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Wow, Jen and Maybe you're stunning!

Better upload a wedding piccie of my own! :p

This is me and hubby by one of our carriages. We had a black and white theme because I love vintage Hollywood glamour so theme was around Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, Clark Gable, Audrey Hepburn etc.

Will try and find better piccies.

Thanks Miss J. :)

Everyone's so good looking. Loving all the wedding pictures, I'll have to have a look through ours & find a good pic of OH for the other thread. ;)
Hey Girls!

We've found something to take our minds of TTC at last!

We should make a TTC photo album.

Loving this thread :) So much love <3 All gorgeous gals!

MissJ & Louise - you are not how I imagined you at all, stunning wedding pics, loving the black & white!

Positivity - I thought you were a blondie from your other pic? Loving the brunette locks though ;-)

Maybe - you are like a supermodel!

MrsMc - I feel like I know you from your Vlog :)

Kizzi - I LOVE your pic!

Ooh yeah we have eh Maybe! This is brill! Maybe we could add something like 5 pics of the things in your life that sum us up. Pets, etc!

Would be great! :) x x
LOVE the album idea :)

MissJ - I don't know! I honestly don't know but you know how you have an idea in your head; I think I thought you would be blonde LOL!

Well, I used to be blonde! I had platinum blonde hair at one point, really long too. :)

Nurse 26 - I love your dress, it's a gorgeous colour and so different! :)
Thanks! love all the pics ladies!

was a bridesmaid for my best friend in the pic

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