Keslo's Pregnancy/motherhood Diary

Hi Keslo

is it your birthday today? :) Happy Birthday if so. :cheer:

I'm glad you got to feel the baby kicking and even better that Adam could feel the kicks too. I can't wait to see my OH's face when he experiences it :shock: I wouldn't be suprised if he got a bit emotional. LOL

Good luck with the line up. Sounds all very official. Like on TV... I hope you get to pick from behind a screen or something.

No time at all till your scan now. *fingers crossed* you get the little pink news you are hoping for. :pray:

I'll look out for your guessing post. :D

hi sabrina. thanks :) . no my birthday is on thursday :D :cheer: will be such a good birthday present to find out the sex :D

it really does sound all tv like. but unfortunately it will be done with a laptop :( not behind a screen :( :lol:

ill go make the post now :) think ill get me some food first :)
Hey Keslo,

I just wanted to say congratulations on your successful scan and the probable news you are having a boy! That's fantastic news. I know from reading your other thread that the sonographer wasn't 100% sure, are you going to plan for a boy now or just buy neutral things?

What names are you thinking of?

Anyway, I came here to check if you'd updated about the line-up you and OH had to do and what you did on your birthday - let us know!

Congratulations on Adam feeling kicks, that's amazing. Mine will be ages yet as I've so much padding in the way!


Valentine xxx
hiya :)

the line up went ok. i had a laptop, and had to pick one out of 10 people. had to watch it twice, so it took quite a while. but glad its over.

i think im going to buy mainly neutral, and some blue, then can go on a shopping trip when i know for sure :) and it ill give me a reason to get out and about when the LO arrives :)

i really dont have a clue on boys names. i got a baby names book for my bday, so ill have a look through that, and pick some out that i like :)

my LO hasnt been as active the last few days, but from the scan, the LO is head down (or was) so that will contribute i suspect.

ive got a MW appt on 27th (i think) which im not looking forward to. as i can hear the heartbeat again :) i must make sure i ask how fast the heartbeat is. im curious lol

after this appt ill be seeing her every 3weeks, and then every 2weeks. so ive got that to look forward to. as before i havent seen her many times. and i miss hearing the heartbeat :)

im taking rebel into town today, i need to go to the petshop. need to pick up some naturediet for sasha. and some other bits and pieces :)

i dont really have the energy to go out, but i need to.

im not sleeping well atm. i keep waking up. and not going into a deep sleep. so ill mention that at my next mw appt.

feeling abit run down today also. feel ive got a cough coming on :(

anyone know if i can safely take medicine for heartburn? or is it best to speak to the mw first?

hope you are all well. and getting lots of movement from your LO's :D
Hey Keslo,

You can definitely take Gaviscon and similar remedies for heartburn - it even mentions that you can take it during pregnancy and breastfeeding on the bottle.

I just went in and asked the pharmacist for advice on what I could take for heartburn during pregnancy.

However, I wasn't savvy enough and had to pay for it - next time the pharmacist advised me to ask my midwife for a prescription for 3 bottles or so which should see me through. At £5.99 at bottle, that's a lot of pennies saved!

I have to say I would get the tablets now as the liquid is boggin'!

Sorry to hear you are feeling a bit run down - thinking of you and make sure you rest up.

Valentine xxx
Hi Keslo

sorry to hear you feel a little run down. Perhaps you need a pick me up? Make yourself a nice hot lemon and honey drink that'll help keep the cough at bay.

I know you can take Gaviscon like Valentine says. Apart from that you might want to try peppermint tea as a herbal alternative. Although I admit it's not to everyone's taste :)

Hope you are feeling a bit better soon. x



Hun congrats again on yoru boy!! you know parents are usually right my dad was with both of mine :)
Im so glad Adam got to feel the kicks finally how exciting.
So now you have to pick names isnt it so hard? i have no ideas as well.
I hope you start to feel a little bit better maybe you have a cold coming on and thats why your so run down? But i feel like that daily :lol:
Hope you have a great weekend hun :hug:
hi girls.

thanks for the advice on the heartburn. think i will get some from the MW as you say, at £5.99 a bottle, it isnt cheap, and i could buy a few bits for the baby with that :)

ill get some lemon and honey drinks next time im in town. and give them a try. if not, there still abit yummy lol.

i am so clueless on the names.

its such a big thing to decide. i dont even know how to go about trying to choose.

anyone know of any name generators? so i can say enter the grandads names into and it will find a name for me?

thought it might be a nice touch?

adams really happy he felt him move. hes been wanting to for ages :)

ive just heard from someone that 2 people, mark and sian think im not pregnant. so now there going to know for sure, which i dont really care about, but they are so annoying. she will be ringing constantly when she finds out. she is such a horrible person. and has been very jealus that me and adam got together.

joy. i dont care, they aint gna be getting near LO if i have anything to do with it.
Sorry to hear about your "friends" finding out. I hope the woman isn't too annoying. I have a friend who's a bit like that (overpowering at times). I have to play it cool with her sometimes.

Just wanted to say about the honey and lemon I was talking about home made not shop stuff. You can't take Beechams or Lem Sip etc when you are pregnant. :(

Just get a fresh lemon, cut off a couple of slices and put in a mug with a spoon of honey then pour in some hot water. It helped my sore throat and cough and actually I preferred it to the shop stuff.

It is good when your OH can feel the baby isn't it? I hope that happens for mine soon. LO has been so active this week I wish OH could feel it too.

hi hun. yeah i guessed i couldnt take lemsip or anything. i was thinking just a normal honey and lemon drink (if they exist)

it is good when they can feel it. i think it would make it all the more real for them :)

this woman use to send me nasty txt messages threatening me. i used to get it all the time.

how are you feeling sabrina?

aww hun just ignore them you dont need all that stress :hug:
How is your weekend so far? any plans
I just woke up ! Bernie didnt have to work so i got to sleep in :) So im so wide awake.

that must be great being able to lie in :)

i got abit of a lie in today, as rebel didnt get up until 11.30. rather than 10am.

i havent been doing alot so far. i spent the whole day yesterday cleaning and tidying, while adam was fishing rather than helping me
:twisted: . took the dogs for a big walk (with the help of my dad)

and then about 9pm my sister came over to drop off my birthday presents :)

she got me a £10 voucher for new look. And a me to you sister bear. which i was so grateful for. as i have had one every year since i was 16. and didnt get one from my parents this year.

i had a dream about gareth gates last night *drool*

id gone to a party and met him, danced with him all night. and ended up kissing/exchanging numbers. we ended up as bf and gf. it was all lovely and IMO the was a relationship should be.

gareth gates was my childhood crush. i went to see him in concert.

and *drool* again.

but :shhh: dont tell OH :lol:

not much else to report i dont think

i still need to scan in my scan pics. but since ive moved the setup around, the lead wont reach lol. so ill get onto that.

hope you are all well. and got something good planned for the last day of the weekend :)

ETA: scan pics :)

they really arent very good :(

Hi Keslo

your scan pics are a bit unclear but I'm sure it was great to get the scan done though wasn't it? So reassuring hey. :)

I hope you aren't aching today after your busy weekend. Don't be tempted to overdo things too much :?

I have a small collection of those grey bears too. I only have 5 but nonetheless treasure them all. :)

Your dream made me smile. I have had a few weird ones over the last few weeks but none about Gareth Gates (or any other famous people!). I wonder what it all means?

:hug: Have a good week
hi :)

it really was fantastic to see LO. and to see the chambers of the heart was breathtaking.

id love to see it all again :)

my back is aching again tonight. it always seems to be in the same place, my right shoulder blade area.

im also getting tummy pains when walking sometimes, which is really annoying. but all part and parcel of pregnancy i guess. i tend to just slow down when i get it, and support my tummy with my hand (i knew there was a reason people walk with there hands on there bumps lol)

been cleaning again today. theres just so much that needs cleaning. and its going to get worse when LO gets here.

hope your ok hun, thanks for taking the time to reply. take it easy :)


Glad your had an okay weekend, besides cleaning, its the same here im always cleaning its all i seem to do.
I get them walking pains everytime i go for a walk which is why i dont go very often i end up sitting every few minutes which is a big pain.
Your pics arent that clear but you can see the heart very well!
As Sabrina said dont be over doing it .
Hope you can relax a bit tommorow and not have to clean so much
*saulino* said:

Your pics arent that clear but you can see the heart very well!


can you :shock: where? wow do i feel like a mean mommy now

im going to try and take it easier today.

the main things which need doing revolve around the dogs. i need to do some training with them and give them a walk. i wont plan on doing alot else lol.

went into new look yesterday. and had a look at the maternity setion.

they had some jeans reduced to £5 :shock: and i even found the last pair in my size :cheer:

my mom brought them for me bless her. i tried them on in the shop and she said, OH they seem pretty fitted already. but i then told her they streched :)

so im really happy with my bargain buy :cheer: my combats ive been wearing are now getting too small. so i may also go and buy a pair from the maternity section with my £10 voucher :)

can you tell im happy about the buy :cheer:
Just a little bit :D

They sound like a right bargain! I really need to go out and buy some maternity clothes i am making do with my hipster jeans but they are so uncomfortable! I may take a trip into town in the next day or so and treat myself.....asked my hubby to and he kind of changed the subject :evil: lol he hates shopping for clothes though bless him.....

Yes try and take it eay today hun, but i know that easier said than done :hug:
hi paula. ive been trying to get away with low rise jeans ect. i used to live in my combats. i only got them for xmas too. and they fitted perfectly.

ive got a couple of maternity tops. but just the one pair of trousers. so i need to do some shopping too :)

is there a friend you can take with you? bit of girly shopping :)
I also had a spend up in river island sale just before found out i was pregnant brought 2 pairs of lovely combats and only worn them about twice as they were a snug fit to start with so gone onto my slouchy boyfriend fit jeans that are a little bigger but just don't feel comfy in them now....

Can't really drag anyone out as most of them work :? which is a shame love girly days out shopping :cheer:
its a shame im not closer hun. id have loved to go shopping with you. would be so much fun :)

is there anyone on here close to you that you could have a meet with?

im just taking some bump piccies :) i love doing it :)

have you taken any pics?

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