Keslo's Pregnancy/motherhood Diary

Hey Keslo!

Thanks for telling us all about your holiday and making us jealous (joke!) - seriously, it does sound like you had an amazing time. You have a lovely OH that he treated you like that.

Sorry to hear about your nosy neighbour and other problems while you were away - hopefully these will get a bit easier now. I'm also sorry to hear about your thrush, I've never had it but it doesn't sound very pleasant.

Your bump definitely looks bigger and very neat and very pregnant. I just look more blubbery than usual so you are really lucky.

Stay away from those MacDonalds - fruit and veg are much better for you!!!

Valentine xxx
hi, thanks for reading :)

thrush is horrid. some people have had it lots of times while being pregnant. i hope i only get it this once.

hun im sure you will get more of a bump soon. it will pop up from no where :)

i know veg is better for me. but i hate it. if i had the money id try and experiment with some sweed or something maby. but i just hate them.

im taking pregna care to hopefully make up abit for me not eating veg.

dogs are keeping my busy and active. doubt id get up otherwise :lol:

6.30am start to walk them. was out nearly 2hrs this morning with them :)
Hi Keslo,

nice bump there ;) Smaller than mine but then again most of mine was there before I was pregnant! :rotfl:

Don't be embarrassed about thrush it's really common in and out of pregnancy. When I was with my ex husband I used to get it almost every month! It was awful. I was treated so much with Canestan I actually became allergic to the cream! It turned out that HE was the one with the Thrush and kept passing it back to me! :wall: No wonder the treatment didn't work. Doh :doh:

Congratulations on your DS and SB results :cheer: That's great news! I know how you feel as there's nothing like getting the official all clear is there?

Take care and have a good weekend

Glad you had a great holiday hun and so jelous you saw dolphins, they are my favourite!! Oh and Sabrina how neat i didnt know they could sense somthing like that :shock: .

Sorry about your neighbour sounds like a cow that needs to get a life.
I hope you dog gets better i hate when they get sick and it costs so much :( its just like you own child getting ill .

Hopefully your thrush will clear soon and it is very common so dont be embarassed. :hug:

thanks girls :)

i think the cream is helping already :)

it is very expensive. but hopefully she is on the road to recovery now :)

bless her she is so thin :( especially compared to the fatty who is rebel :lol:

im so glad she is gone. im concentrating more now on training them not to bark when the jack russel next door is barking at them. ive started going out with a plastic bottle rattle. and it worked like a dream today :)

next on the list is to find a old pushchair to teach them to walk along side it. as they pull alot atm. and it will be a nightmare when the baby is born

Just seeing how your getting on !!
Did you find that push chair yet?
Hope all is well with you hun
Katrinaxx :hug:
hi :)

i havent found one yet no :(

ive been feeling the occasional kick and flutter, but its still quite faint. im sure it wont be too long before i get harder kicks :)

im getting really impatient now for my next scan. and ive still got like 3weeks :(

i really hope LO isnt shy. im also curious as to what they do at the 20week scan (although ill be nearly 22weeks)

my 12week scan was very much see baby and take measurements.

and will i still need to drink lots of water before hand? or will baby be easier to see, so not need to?

looked in mothercare today at the pushchairs. they have some really nice ones. but im a little put off by the 3in1 now, as ive heard there very bulky.

i was sick for the first time in ages today. i coughed and that was it lol. strait to the loo lol. it wasnt nice. but just a one off i hope.

think that is about all there is to report :)

how are you all? anyone else getting impatient? i wish it was closer to july. so i can meet my baby.
Hi Keslo

I'm same as you with the baby movements. They are light and fluttery but I'd like to feel them more (LOL probably will not think like that in a few weeks I'm sure).

I've got a 4 week wait till my scan. What date is yours? Mine is 9th March. I heard it's going to be a "detailed scan" where they take lots of measurements?? Did you hear that too?

Do you have a shortlisted pram? I like Mamas and Papas but I'm not so keen on the 3 wheel versions. I think I'm going to have to go to a big shop and try them all out! :cheer: That should be fun.


Sorry you were ill hun not fun.
Hope you find a push chair soon.
On my scan sheet it says you have to drink 32 ounces of water 2 hours before you appointment and finish drinking them an hour and a half before. unless you are over 32 weeks.
Getting so excited for you
Im the same with the kicks hun , i think maybe our babies are kicking more towards the back , when i went to my prenatal yesterday he said baby was laying with its back to my tummy.

hi :)

ive no idea of what pram ill want for the baby. just one with a car seat in i think. as i like the design and they last longer :)

i havent started shopping or anything yet, as im worried i will jynx it by starting too early.

i havent been told anything about the 20week scan. just what ive found out here :?

its on the 1st march :) getting so excited hehe

been feeling really achey today. think baby may be starting to help with that hehe.

going to head to bed soon. didnt sleep much last night as i had sasha in bed with me, our electric had gone, so i curled up with her watching a film on my ipod until OH got back. didnt have the heart to move her then lol.

roll on 40 weeks huh :D
what a difference a couple of weeks makes.

baby gave me a couple of quite strong kicks in the last few days. still vey low down. i got my tape measure out to see how big 6.5 inches was and was quite suprsed. guess this will explain this:



i feel huge lol.

no one has commented yet though, which is a shame. but soon they will notice :)

sleeping is getting really anying. im getting really tired.

:cheer: 17 days unil my 20week scan :D so excited hehe.

how is everyone? all keeping well i hope :)

lotsa love

Steph x

Wow hun nice bump, your coming along nicely.
Seems like your having a good start to this week. :)
Cant beleve your almost half way there!! and on the count down to your scan , so exciting.

Take care.
Hey Keslo,

What a lovely bump! Again, I am VERY JEALOUS! I am still more flabby and all my weight is going on my already ginormous hips which isn't helping my self esteem!

I can't wait to hear the news about your scan!

Valentine xxx

I too have grown a nice bump, feel like it literally appeared overnight!
I have 22 days to wait for my scan! booo-hisss! Cant wait!
Cant decide to find out the sex or not, I feel differently each day of the week, spose I will wait and see how feel on the day. OH not helping as he said he doesnt mind either way it is up to me! Grrrrr! :roll: The first time I actually want him to tell me what to do!!

Can deff feel the baby, not sure about 'kicks' feels like someone pinging elastic bands inside!! Also if i turn over in bed too quickly it feels really strange as everything re-settles into new position!!
Good luck with your scan
Hey Honey, great bump!

I have a similar size! I can soooo sympathise on the sleeping front! The weight last night was not good, so I slept with pillow between knees and it worked! But oh my its going to get worse!

Got my scan tomorrow - 20 week. Cannot wait, not going to find out sex though... but will let ya know how it goes!

Take care honey!

wow how exciting. i hope it all goes well at the scan for you :)

i slept last night, with a pillow under my bump. to try and get comfy. it was ok, but i woke up a few times with my bump not on the pillow lol.

yep its going to get worse from here (with the sleeping) as we all get bigger. im almost 20weeks now :cheer: and i expect my belly will get bigger again soon.

seeing some peoples bumps at like 23weeks makes me jealus lol. they are so nice and formed and round :D

how are you all? is everyone getting excited? i know i am.

Dont worry hun you will be 23 weeks soon enough and will have a very nice bump im sure its already coming along very nice!

I am the same i sleep with a pillow under mu bump but imove so much it doesnt work so much and i always wake up on my back and can barely move because im sore. and yes it will get worse lol :lol:

Im getting excited mostly cuz i have my scan today and less then half way to go already , but im also kinda nervous this time .
Hi Keslo

your bump looks great :cheer: Thanks for sharing the photo. I really must get OH to take some of me. I can feel my shape changing this week and my tummy seems to be a lot harder.

I sympathise with the sleeping problems. I am quite restless in bed just now. Last night I turned quickly and woke myself up as I felt like I'd pulled a muscle :(

Not long till your scan now. :)

ouch, that sounds painful sabrina. was it ok today?

10 days to go :cheer:

but on the down side, that means its only 10days until im no longer a teenager. the big 20

Getting soo excited for you hun, i even have your scan and b-day on my calender :) When i turned 20 in Oct i felt so old lol wasnt a teen no more :( but i guess we all have to grow up some time :lol:

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