Keslo's Pregnancy/motherhood Diary

aww :) thats really nice of you :)

i feel exactly the same. i feel really old lol.
keslo66 said:
aww :) thats really nice of you :)

i feel exactly the same. i feel really old lol.

You should never feel like that at your age.

When I went to Uni for the second time I was nearly 22, most of my fellow students were just 18.

I felt like I was really old! Sometimes in a good, wise sort of way, others just plain old!

Now I look back on it I realise how young I really was! I take this as a lesson and now I still feel really young and I try to appreciate every day as they come!

Ya i feel like im 50 most days my back is messed and am just falling apart hehe.
im always really tired. my back i achey a feel abit like a lump lol.

its OH's birthday on thursday. still havent got anything for him :?
he will be 24. need to get shopping lol
keslo66 said:
ouch, that sounds painful sabrina. was it ok today?

10 days to go :cheer:

but on the down side, that means its only 10days until im no longer a teenager. the big 20

Yes it was ok thanks. I did feel a bit of a pulling on that side during the day but it's eased off now.

20 is a great age. Just think in this year you'll be a MUM! What a great way to celebrate the end of your teens. :cheer:

hiya. yeah i guess thats the best way to think of it :D

a little scary though :lol:

i really cant wait to be a mother. although i have alot of anxieties, its got to be the best thing in the world.

i heard from a friend today. she had her 12week scan, and they discovered the baby was of gestation of 5weeks. so she had misscaried :cry:

poor thing is really upset. she has burried the baby in a lovely spot where her and her OH got to know each other.

i feel so bad for her.

and it also makes me worry about my LO, which i feel abit selfish for.

i havent had a scan/check since going on holiday, and im now desperate to know that my LO is ok. another 9days to go.

im proberly being silly i know. but i really am getting worried.

9days and counting
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. That's really sad :(

I think it's really natural to feel a bit guilty after hearing such news. My best friend at work is going through IVF and I also find that hard at times especially as my LO was a happy accident. :?

On a positive note... Not long till your scan now and you'll get to see your LO in much more detail next time around. I have to wait till 9th March so just over 2 weeks for me. It does seem a long gap since the last scan though.. but of course it's worth the wait! :)


Sorry about your friend hun :hug:
Its not silly to be worried i think everyone has some kind of worry throughout their pregnancy.
8 days to go now :)
hi all. :)

getting quite excited about the scan :) but still worried lol.

just wish i had a doppler so i knew everything was ok.

what do they do at this one? is it a longer scan? my last one was very short. they just measured baby and that was it.

got some more tummy piccies :D (think i may be obsessed :oops: )



my mom came over the other night and the first thing she said was 'WOW look at your stomach :D and i was wearing a jumper at the time.

both my parents think im having a boy. and i think i proberly am too. so we shall have to wait and see.

my back has been quite achey lately. but i dont think its down to baby as the pain is higher up.

cant believe im nearly 21weeks. this week has gone quickly. i hope the next does too :)

how are you all? feeling well i hope.

right best go.

Hi Keslo,

nice bump... it's really getting to be a lovely shape now. Strange how it can change in a matter of weeks isn't it? I'm wearing a maternity skirt today for the first time :dance: I have to admit it's a lot more comfy than my normal clothes with the waist undone! :)

I was told the 20 week scan was called the "detailed scan" as the sonographer will be taking measurements and looking more carefully at the baby than before. Strange how it's a 20 week scan yet you'll be almost 22 weeks when you have it :think: That'll be the same for me as I'm 20 weeks next Tuesday but don't have the scan for 10 days after that!

I agree the last couple of weeks have gone quickly. It only seems like yesterday that I started posting in the 2nd Trimester! :)


im still in my normal clothes. which seems mad as i seem to have got alot bigger.

so is everyone almost 22weeks when they have the scan? it is abit silly lol.

ive been getting bad heartburn for a little while now. its awful. might try a glass of milk next time to ease it.

babys movement seem to have calmed down alot lately, which can sometimes be abit concerning. hopefully it isnt anything to worry about, and LO is just kicking my back. id ring the midwife, but i may aswell wait until thursday now.

it was adams birthday on thursday. we went to wetherspoons in the evening with my mom and dad. my mom doesnt drink, and didnt want to go, but i asked her nicely to keep my company. so i wasnt the only sober one lol. was quite a good night. was very tired by the end of it.

im now 21weeks, and beginning to feel like a beached whale. especially in the evening.

if i feel like that now, i can only imagine what it will be like when i get to 3rd tri.

talking of which, ive only got 6weeks left here now.

im really going to miss 2nd tri when it is time to leave. im having such a great time in here with you all.

but the good news is you have to put up with me in there too :lol:

ive just measured my belly. and its 37inches. this good or bad? (was taken from round my waist, belly)

5 days to go now :cheer: i really hope baby isnt shy.

lots of flashing dust and pink thoughts for thursday please :D
I'm amazed you are still wearing your normal clothes. You definitely look pregnant :)

I'm also getting really tired these days. Almost fell asleep at my desk a few times this week and got tired out after just 1 1/2 hours shopping today. :(

Have a chat with the MW about the movements. Could be that as the baby is getting bigger he/she doesn't have so much room to move about. :think:

Good luck with your scan on Thursday. I'll send you some pink vibes ... :cheer:


Wow hun your bump i know ive said it before bit its so lovely
I still need my front view though :shakehead:
I cant beleve your still in your normal clothes your so lucky
Hoep your heartburn eases for you :)
My baby is the same hun i rarely feel him kick and the doc said its because he is facing the other direction, but when he does kick he kickes :lol:
4 more days now hun . bet your getting so impatient now!!

i was getting impatient about 2weeks ago :lol:

the last week is going really slow now that im waiting for something. always the way isnt it.

ill go and try take that piccie now for you. ill be taking it myself, so dont know how successful it will be.

im suprised im in my normal clothes too. maby its because i didnt used to wear tight clothes, and there usually below the waist.

went to a jumble sale yesterday. really good fun. got a steriliser for 50p. not sure if it works though :?

also got a cute pink baby grow (being optomistic lol)

filled a carrier bag with teddies for 20p.

at the end, because they all knew my OH and her mom, they kept giving us things. so our hall is packed lol.

not much else to update today. so ill go get snappy :)
Nice pics Keslo. :) Looks like you have no stretch marks either you lucky thing ;)

Will you be able to keep your belly ring in till the end?
i dont think i have any yet ( :pray: so hope it stays that way)

ill proberly take it out if it gets sore. thinking about getting one of them bendy bars for it :)

Thank hun , so my guess for you is girl :cheer: bet you like that guess :)
now i have to wait to see if im right.
My sisters is on wednesday and im so sure shes having a girl i have all Kiaras clothes in boxes waiting to go home with her in two days :lol:
*saulino* said:

Thank hun , so my guess for you is girl :cheer: bet you like that guess :)
now i have to wait to see if im right.
My sisters is on wednesday and im so sure shes having a girl i have all Kiaras clothes in boxes waiting to go home with her in two days :lol:

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

i so hope your right :D

Derek Acorah also said girl (think i mentioned before) so lets hope so :)

both my parents think boy. id love for them to be wrong lol.


i was lying in bed last night. and LO started kicking. quite hard too. so i put my hand on my tummy and i actually felt it :)

so i got adam to put his hand there and he felt it too :)

im so glad, as id said that LO hadnt been lately. and i was gettnig worried. so this puts my mind at rest. he/she must have been kicking toward my back and i couldnt feel it.

adam got a txt from the police today :| so he rang them, and they want us to do a line up for them, and try to pick out the person who broke the window upstairs from us.

sounds like fun eh.

its tomorow at 10am.

im getting so impatient now. 2days to go. i keep thinking, o0o0o do this thing tomorow, then it will be the next day hehe.

had to remind my sis its my bday, as i suspected, she was just thinking of thursday as my scan date, not my bday :lol:

considering opening another poll for guess the sex, this time adding belly pics ect. hehe

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