Hopes diary:)

:cheer: yay well done hope
She sounds like an adorable little girl
You sounds so proud Mel, you really are a good mummy :hug:
aww thankyou, yeah i am so proud of her, i am doing something right :hug:
YAY well done Hope!!!! :cheer:

those pics are lovely hun - shes such a cutie!! :D
MissGobby said:
YAY well done Hope!!!! :cheer:

those pics are lovely hun - shes such a cutie!! :D
aww thanks hunny, she still has her tin tin hair do today, hehe ill have to do try anfd keep it for haven its so funny. Getting her proffesional pic today ill post it when my bf gets home :hug:
Well anither hard day today, not coz of hope though shes been brilliant, not really done much today so i will update tomoz:)
well its haven day today so this will be my last post till tuesday, hope had a tumble yesterday :( she was standing up and decided it was a good idea to push herself back wards :roll: she fell and banded her head on the floor, luckily i was still holding on to her but she had a little cry but after that she was ok, had a big lunch yester day, toast, tomato and banana, shes getting used to feeding herself now which i am so pleased about. We also went to my friends house last night and one of my guy friends thought it was funny to play peek A boo but very loudly, for the rest of the night hope got the bottom lip out when she looked at him :lol: serves him bloody right, anyway see you soon xxxx
She did it today, she fed herself a carrot stick without me helping her, i know it doesnt sound much but she is such a lazy baby when it comes to feeding herself :roll: well except her bottles shes good at that so this is a major thing for me i am so proud of her :dance: Shes also been daying dadda and daddy for a couple of days now too which im thrilled with also, she seems to be doing things all at once and its amazing me shes so grown up now :)
Hope mow thinks its funny to roll on her tummy in her cot but the only problem is she cant get back over :lol: actually ill refrase that, cant be bothered to roll back over :roll: Shes so lazy but i love her loads :lol:
Wow i completely forgot about this thread, was searching for my montage and stumbled across it, bloomin heck soooo long ago. So much has changed. Hopes like a totally different person now, like a proper little lady :D Shes been very wingy the past couple of days but im putting it down to teething, i think she only has 2-3 more to come through
then she wont have room for any more. I cant believe how many she has gotten so quickly :shock: Shes learnt how to blow kisses, give cuddles without having to ask for them, thats my fave thing ever :cheer: Shes fully running around now, she had a great time with her auntie walking
out side while we were cutting the hedge. She got mump on when she
had to come back in :lol: Shes only on 2 9 1/2 oz bottles now although she does like her cerial, especially if its someone elses :roll: Shes
learnt how to say Danny, her cousin now and screams it all the time :lol: I cant believe that the time has gone so fast and she was 6 months
old when i last posted, it brings back all of the memories ive had over the past 16 months. Its flown by mega fast, she will be off to nursery in no time, i dont want her to go lol I want her to be my little girl forever :D
Hey guys, im sooooooo tired today only had 2 hours sleep last night :sleep:
Took hope to a mother and baby group today and some of the
kids there are so violent, one little boy punched Hope in the face :x
But my big girl never even cried bless her heart, his mother wasnt gonna say owt to him but i bloody did, he just walked off :lol:
Got 2 more to go to before the week end, all this excersise will
do me the world of good, plus Hopes really enjoying getting out of the house a bit more as shes been a bit grumpy for a few days, then
again that could be down to teething.
Oh it was funny though she was going around trying to eat everyone
elses toast and biscuits :lol: she even tried eating a piece
of toast she had thrown on the floor :roll: little minger, shes just
having a nap now, got all of my house work done now, had some dinner
now im just gonna have a chill out time for as long as she is asleep which prob wont be long :lol:
Gosh Hopes been a little bugger, shes being very wingy today and i feel like i need a break, it makes me feel like a horrible mum, love her more then the world but sometimes she can be a right little swine, lol i feel better though now, she has a graze on her face where she had a paddy while gal was lookng after her while he was at his mates house, she was rubbing her face on the carpet so much shes got a little carpet burn, poor little girly. Weve found she has got her fave blanket now too, i keep putting it on the washing pile and it always ends up back with her where ever she goes, must be because it is so fluffy and warm i guess. Got wsome lovely pics today too, she was a having a whale of a time in the bath, she got us soaked, me and my sis, she absolutely loves her baths so much its so funny :rotfl:

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