Eden has had a dummy now since she was about 6 weeks old. I hate the thing and vowed she would never have one, but hey, it has served its purpose
Anyway, she is now coming up 5 and a half months and I dont want her having it forever. Also she has become almost dependant on it lately, and where it used to be for sleep time only, it has now become an extension of her mouth
Anytime she moans in the day either my OH or son will pop it in her mouth without a second thought, despite me saying since the start it was for sleep time only, and Im certainly not taking it off her when she has already got it
All hell would let loose!!
Well I have recently posted about her sleep issues, waking several times in the night, and also sporadic feeding, and I believe a good part of the problem is the dummy. Its not the full story, but its certainly not helping. If anything, it is hindering any progress I do make with her on trying to implement changes. So Ive been saying for about 3 weeks now that I was gonna get rid of it, but finally today I have begun
I just wanna leave this here, so I can track the progress a little, and hopefully come back for inspiration if it all goes tits up!
I havent yet been brave enough to bin the dummies, but as of this morning, I have removed them from play so nobody can access them
I have done my research, and read up loads of ways to help with the removal, so I feel revved up and ready to go! 8) So this morning, she woke up pretty happy and I felt confident it was a good day to start. Also the fact it is the weekend is a bonus, as OH doesnt have to be up for work and my son doesnt have to be up for nursery, so a disrupted night wont be so worrying
Our first test came this morning, when it was time for her nap at 9.30
She has always gone to sleep on her own, without the need for me to feed/rock/cuddle her, BUT she has had the dummy and would frantically suck on it until she drifted off to sleep. So needless to say, this first nap was a real test. She cried and cried, but I stayed with her, ssshhhing and patting her. She did get really upset a couple of times so I picked her up until she was calm then put her down again, and continued to sshhh and stroke her. I have to admit it was difficult, I almost gave up, but after 40 minutes of almost constant crying, she went to sleep
She slept as usual for about an hour, which surprised me, as I thought she might wake unsettled a little. We continued our day as normal, then round 2 came with her afternoon nap
Again, we went through the same thing, I stayed with her, sshhhing and stroking her, while she cried, but it was much easier than the first nap, and she was asleep within 10 minutes
She usually sleeps for about 2 hours here, but woke up after an hour, so we had to go through it all again to re-settle her to sleep. It only took about 5 minutes though, and she was much easier to calm, then she had another hours sleep
We cheated a little with her catnap at 5pm, as I nipped to the shops, so she slept in the car
However, come bedtime tonight, we managed again without the dummy
She put up a good fight, crying and squirming for probably 15 minutes or so, but in the end, drifted off fairly easily with me just sshhing her and not having to pick her up
All in all, I think it has been a triumphant day, and I am very impressed with our progress
Not only the fact she has managed without it, but more so that I have been strong enough to resist giving in to her, as that is what has always let me down when I have half-heartedly attempted it before. So a big pat on the back I think
Even more impressive though, is the fact she is still asleep
For the past few weeks she has persistently been waking every hour or 2 for the first few hours after being put to bed. Generally she would go down at 7, be up at 8, 9,10 until I fed her at about 11. But tonight she went down about 7.30 and is still asleep now at 11pm!
WOOOO!!! Im expecting her up for a feed soon, so will post an update tomorrow on the remainder of the nights progress. Fingers crossed the rest of the night continues in this vein
Anyone else ditching the dummy? Wish me luck girls! x

Well I have recently posted about her sleep issues, waking several times in the night, and also sporadic feeding, and I believe a good part of the problem is the dummy. Its not the full story, but its certainly not helping. If anything, it is hindering any progress I do make with her on trying to implement changes. So Ive been saying for about 3 weeks now that I was gonna get rid of it, but finally today I have begun

I just wanna leave this here, so I can track the progress a little, and hopefully come back for inspiration if it all goes tits up!

I havent yet been brave enough to bin the dummies, but as of this morning, I have removed them from play so nobody can access them

Our first test came this morning, when it was time for her nap at 9.30

She slept as usual for about an hour, which surprised me, as I thought she might wake unsettled a little. We continued our day as normal, then round 2 came with her afternoon nap

We cheated a little with her catnap at 5pm, as I nipped to the shops, so she slept in the car

Even more impressive though, is the fact she is still asleep

Anyone else ditching the dummy? Wish me luck girls! x