Am currently 4 days late and have started spotting slightly, so reckon the witch is on her way.
Good luck everyone else x
Oooh no how did you get on hun? Xx
So sorry Lillith have you tried soy? X
So sorry Lillith have you tried soy? X
Thanks hun, no I've never tried soy, my periods are regular so it wouldn't be any good for me. I've tried all sorts, vitamins, Q10, royal jelly, epo, wheatgrass, grapefruit juice, beetroot, raspberry leaf tea, bee pollen, brazil nuts, I'm fed up of it all, will be stopping all the supplements and give up ttc. x
Feeling low today, af arrived for me, 17 months of trying, I've completely given up hope now, it's never going to happen, I'm way too old and my eggs must be no good, I Will just concentrate on my kids and my fiancé and try and put ttc to the back of my mind. xx