***June 2016 Mummies***

Awesome blueclass! Yay!

Meanwhile I am itchy. My bits are so so itchy. I know they get swollen during pregnancy and that's normal but I think I might be allergic to the new washing powder. Sadly I washed virtually everything in it last week including all my underwear! I'm sat in bed with a cold flannel down there! It's driving me INSANE! Sorry for the TMI!

I'm trying to think of a fun way to tell people on Facebook about the baby (not my itching!. Close friends and family know already.

I am sorry but this did make me laugh. I found a Christmas jumper that said I'm making my Christmas pudding with the pudding on my tummy. I may wear that to work when I reveal xx
Feeling very annoyed and irritated at the mo. I'm trying to sort out of living/dining room ready for getting the Christmas decorations out, but there is just stuff everywhere! This is where I realise I've not been able to do anything whilst feeling so ill with sickness and it's getting me down. Mainly cos although I have more energy now I still can't get done what I want too. Blah I hate irrational pregnancy hormones! xx
Feeling very annoyed and irritated at the mo. I'm trying to sort out of living/dining room ready for getting the Christmas decorations out, but there is just stuff everywhere! This is where I realise I've not been able to do anything whilst feeling so ill with sickness and it's getting me down. Mainly cos although I have more energy now I still can't get done what I want too. Blah I hate irrational pregnancy hormones! xx
I feel exactly like this too! Everything feels like a mess!

I'm glad my itching raised a smile....It isn't the greatest symptom!
Yep I'm the same this is my first day of and i'm out running errands when I should be in bed. We have alot of family over on sat for husbands 30th and the house is a mess. Iv decided no Christmas decorations are going up till they have gone as I can't be arsed and it will make the place look small and messy xxx
I feel a little bit better now I have a few more jobs done and a bit of a clear out. Why do we just collect crap! House is still a mess but that is down to the boys mainly now. Think a toy clear out is needed too! Might have to try that when they are at nursery or asleep later this week.

Your announcing to your family on Sat too aren't you Blueclass? That will be amazing xx
My flat is also a mess and I don't have the energy to tidy it!

Good luck for your scan tomorrow Blueclass.
I feel a little bit better now I have a few more jobs done and a bit of a clear out. Why do we just collect crap! House is still a mess but that is down to the boys mainly now. Think a toy clear out is needed too! Might have to try that when they are at nursery or asleep later this week.

Your announcing to your family on Sat too aren't you Blueclass? That will be amazing xx

Yes if all is well. Il tell my friends tomorrow but husbands family on sat which will be exciting xx
It looks like I'm a July mummy after all! So maybe I'd better leave you lot alone. Just had my scan and measured at exactly 9 wks. A bit surprised but obviously thrilled all is well. EDD is 5th July.
Wow that means you heard the heartbeat so early umbongo. Congratulations on being a July mummy. I'm technically a May mummy but staying in June as I was late with both boys xx
I was late with my daughter so I doubt I'll be June. Might pop my head in on this thread every now and again to check on you all though. X
Hey you can stay here you been here all this time. Maybe use both but I'm sure I speak for everyone we would love you to stay your part of our group. Xx
Good luck to Blueclass & Overthemoon today! Look forward to pics and seeing you in Tri2:-)
Let us know how today's scans are ladies!
Mine's tomorrow afternoon... will be the 1st time for me so no idea what to expect. Will I hear the hb?
Hope the scans have gone well today Blueclass and overthemoon.

Yorkslass you won't hear the heartbeat but you will see it beating and hopefully baby kicking their legs about and waving their arms. Good luck for tomorrow xx
Hi all hope Overthemoon scan went as good as mine here is my baby let me know what u think. My due date is 10th June and in two days il be in tri 2 well so my book tells me it's from week 13 xx


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Yay fab news Blueclass. Lovely pics, I reckon a little girl for you. Yes from 13wks is tri 2 because you are in your 14th week of pregnancy and 1/3rd of the way through eek! So glad we are all moving over to Tri 2, feels weird having two threads running! xx
Thanks kanga I can't wait to know the sex now but next scan will be 27th Jan xx
Hey guys, sorry for the late update. All went well and I have been put forward to 13+1. EDD now 7/6/16. So flipping excited!! Baby was jumping about on the screen it was an amazing experience xxx

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