***June 2016 Mummies***

:yay: blueclass so happy everything went well. I think a girl from your scan pics. x
Great news blueclass & overthemoon:-)
Blueclass, i reckon girl too. Xx
Hey you can stay here you been here all this time. Maybe use both but I'm sure I speak for everyone we would love you to stay your part of our group. Xx
That's really lovely, thank you xxx
Great scans overthemoon and blueclass! Good luck tomorrow siskin and yorklass xx
Congrats overthemoon!

Scan is at 9am. I'm pretty nervous but husband (eternal optimist) says it will be fine. Just glad it will be over soon, the waiting has really stressed me out.
Good luck this morning Siskin and good luck yorklass for this afternoon.

Congratulations overthemoon so glad your scan went well. I reckon girl for you too. Will you find out the sex? xx
Awww... beautiful pics! So glad everything went well.
I'm suddenly getting nervous for some reason... roll on 2pm!
Seems May mummies have had a baby boy boom so perhaps we'll all have a girl boom;-)
Hi all,

Hello everyone, do you mind if I join in with you all?

I'm currently 11 weeks on my 2nd pregnancy. My first born is only 7 months old! Since week 5 I have had nausea all day everyday and sickness at least once a day and I've Lost a bit weight because of this. Got my scan booked on 15th December so looking forward to that.

Can I ask, those who are on subsequent pregnancies did you show sooner than the first? When I was pregnant on first baby you couldn't tell I was pregnant till I was 24 weeks. Now it seems I look as though I'm 24 weeks already, which I'm finding really strange.

I'm still on maternity leave too and will be returning back to work in February for a couple of months and back on maternity leave again :-)

I was late with my daughter so I doubt I'll be June. Might pop my head in on this thread every now and again to check on you all though. X

I was 10 days late with DD and 5 days early with DS, so you never know!!

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