***June 2016 Mummies***

Fibregel or whatever it was called was a life saver for me lol x or upping your fruit and fiber intake lol
I am taking lactulose for my toilet troubles, tastes very sweet but does the trick especially as my anti sickness meds block me up too.

Can't wait for the next lot of scans although I can't believe we will be into December by then! xx
I've started on two weetabix every night and it's made a world of difference. Lactulose is good but rank!
They did give me some other stuff u add water to but it tastes so bad I can't take it makes me sick. I'm currently sat in the doctors now so hopefully I will get something else. I also have all bran every morning and a piece of fruit at my break how much more do I need. I have plenty of veg at dinner too. X
after not going for 6 days I ate 5 oranges and it worked (may have went OTT but i was so bloated and in pain).... i now eat at least one everyday and it keeps me sort of regular. nothing worse than constipation. x
Finally got my scan appt....2 weeks time on the 10th December! So I'll be 12+5....
Though does feel like ages away
Still struggling with really bad nausea, I'm wearing the seabands, but they seem to have stopped working.... Do the anti sickness tablets work on nausea or do u have to be actually physically sick?
I'm at a point where I just can't function xx
I had lots of problems with constipation last time so am already on the fybogel (have a big stash left over!) and stocking up on dried apricots etc

Definitely getting a bit of a baby bump, although it's mostly hidden under a flabby, bloated tummy. Really struggling to dress for work as most of my work clothes are quite close fitting and just make me look pregnant atm.

Got my scan next week. Can't wait to finally see this baby and put my mind at rest that everything is ok.
Hi kuku feel so sorry for you. Anti sickness only stops vomiting not nausea as I am on them and the nausea is cOnstant and I hate it big hugs to u xx
I feel for you too Kuku, I'm on really strong anti sickness meds but they don't stop the nausea. I have to force myself to drink regularly and eat regularly so I don't feel as bad. The more I eat/drink the better I feel,;which is a pain because drinking makes mo feel like throwing up :( I barely get anything done bar feeding me and the boys, taking my eldest to nursery 3 days a week and working for 4hrs in evening. Hubby is on house duties when he gets home from work including feeding the cats, sorting the dishwasher, clothes washing, hoovering, shopping, tidying etc xx
I'm with you all and the constant nausea, so debilitating in some ways! I never fancy food, usually it's okay once I'm eating it though. I am trying to sick to my daughter's routine of groups (swimming, talking tots, nature tots etc) in the morning then we nap in the afternoon. I'm so glad she still naps!
I hope you all feel better soon. Lack of sleep doesn't help but can't do much about that.

Midwife tomorrow...eeep! Will let you know if I get a scan sorted.
I find if I get up early then it gets worse and worse from abt 11am...
If dh does the school drop offs and I lie in it gets worse later on the day, but it's just making getting on with normal life difficult!
Went out to get some wallpaper yesterday and within 45 mins of being in the shop, I was shaking with the nausea...it just overtook me....had to go sit down and get some water...and just come home...
Well my mw appt was okay....she guesses 10 weeks and couldn't hear a hb (surprised she tried) but I know I have heard it so not worried. My uterus is still low so predicted dd is 26th June. Won't really know until the scan. Now the scan is the issue!! Much hoo ha and only one appt available before Jan!!!! Ridiculous! Apparently a baby boom is occurring in Coventry!! The issue is the appt is 15th Dec and my husband is away that day and night. This is his one night away all year, as it's a work Christmas do. So will have to go to scan on my own with my 2 year old! They won't let children in so the ward sister offered to look after her while I'm in there. Very kind except my daughter HATES strangers and will freak out big style. Not that keen on having NT screening on my own really either. :-( We didn't have it last time but was going to this time as have my daughter to consider now. Not sure it would change my mind on what we'd do but would like to know if we are to expect an ill child, if that makes sense.
Anyway, possibly my parents can come up from Reading and look after my daughter, I'll still have to go alone though. I have booked a private scan for Tuesday 1st (so only a few days) as I can't wait! And I want to check all is well before I am stuck at an NHS scan on my own, as my experiences in that hospital are not good.
Sorry to waffle on. hope you're all okay. xx
Morning ladies, iv had a belly ache since yesterday like a grinding sensation. Anyway I then had diarrhea sorry tmi. And now when I eat I need the loo and just puked up the water iv been drinking. Not really sure what to do now as iv got a belly ache and doctors are closed. Anyone have any advice? I'm sure it's a bug all the kids in my class have had it. X
Oh no,I hope you feel better soon. Just try and stay hydrated with ice lollies or sips of water. It sounds like a bug xx
Trying but I'm worried I'm going to be ome dehydrated and not sure how long to leave it before I seek medical help. X
Oh no Blueclass I hope you feel better soon. With my hyperemesis (sickness) they say if you haven't kept down anything for 24hrs or not peed for over 8 hrs then to seek medical help. Out of hours may say to drink dyrolyte to help replace lost fluids, but if you are worried phone them up. If your still the same tomorrow I would definitely phone.

Tiny tiny sips of water and hopefully you with keep some of it down xx
Thanks I'm trying. Iv not long had something to eat and drink so hopi g it will stay down. Working in a school means I get everything. Alot of our parents don't keep there kids of when there sick so unfortunately it goes to all the kids and staff. Xx
Hope you feel better soon blueclass. I worked in a nursery and picked up everything that was going.
i had the worst experience today. I was in the supermarket picking up a few bits and started to feel sick, i tried to ignore it but ended up abandoning my shopping, running out of the shop into a packed car park, managed to make it to the car where i vomited into my coat :( not my finest hour..... needless to say i didnt go back in for my shopping.
Oh no that's pretty awful. I am feeling much better than I did, thanks to everyone for ur advice. I'm so glad it's Sunday tomorrow. I am going to call the scan people and see if I can have earlier than Wednesday afternoon. If they have cancellations. Xx
Good morning ladies I'm now 12 weeks + 1 or 2 days will find out Wednesday. Can't believe only one more week in tri one makes me want to cry. I cry at anything. We went to nandos last night after having a dodgy tummy I was starving and couldn't get nandos out of my head. My husband dropped a bottle of sauce and it basically covered this guy on the table next to us. We'll I could not stop laughing to which my husband and the lad was not impressed and then I started crying and having an emotional out burst in nandos. Iv woken today and yesterday with whay I can only describe as a hang over though iv not drank. I get this nearly every morning and a headache every day. Wish they would f**k of as they are driving me nuts.
Sorry about the rant!!
On a brighter note we tried using our doppler last night after not using it for a couple of weeks and i'm pretty sure we got the heart beat!! Iv tried uploading it but I can't. I'd love for someone else to hear who has one to tell me if I'm right or not.

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