***June 2016 Mummies***

I was late with my daughter so I doubt I'll be June. Might pop my head in on this thread every now and again to check on you all though. X

I was 10 days late with DD and 5 days early with DS, so you never know!!
A little early would be lovely! They'll be spitting chips if I go too much over as I want a home vbac.
I was late with my daughter so I doubt I'll be June. Might pop my head in on this thread every now and again to check on you all though. X

I was 10 days late with DD and 5 days early with DS, so you never know!!
A little early would be lovely! They'll be spitting chips if I go too much over as I want a home vbac.
I was 11 days late with Harry and had an emcs but James was only 2 days late and was a vbac. I'm going for a vbac again this time and trying to go to the birth centre that is close to me. But so far the mw's are saying no! I don't fancy a home birth but could be possible if labour is as quick as my 2nd, I was only at hospital 30mins before he was born wasn't even in labour room when starting to push just an assessment room lol good luck with your home vbac xx
Hi Fruity :-) I'm showing, but only because I've got a bit flabby from overeating to counter the nausea which is making it hard to hide the little bump that's appearing. No-one has commented yet, although one person I told looked straight at my tummy afterwards and said she should have guessed! Lol.

I'm just baking some chocolate muffins for work as I'm going to tell my department tomorrow. I'm really nervous as I've not been there very long and not really integrated yet and a bit worried they are going to be annoyed that I'm off again. hoping some bribery will help. I've told HR already but this feels like a bigger deal.
Well, that's that over with... looks like there is actually a baby in there, and all's well ;)
It seemed to be jumping up and down on its back too... x

Oh, and got adjusted by a day, so now 12+3 and due on the 13th June apparently!


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Scan was ok, baby still there with heartbeat and no mention of the bowel being outside the abdomen so I presume that has sorted itself out. Unfortunately the baby wasn't in the right position for them to measure the nuchal thickness and I was told this means I can't have the first trimester DS/trisomy screening. They can still do screening but using blood tests only and in the second trimester.

I feel a bit disappointed about this as I am a really anxious person and I want to know all the information I can. Having a baby with DS wouldn't change my feelings towards the pregnancy but I did particularly want to know if there was any increased risk of trisomy 13 or Edward's syndrome. And to be honest if there was a high risk of DS I'd want to try to mentally prepare myself for that. I dunno, I felt a bit gutted after the scan to be honest. Don't know if that's totally irrational.
Great scan pictures, yorklass, your scan pic is a replica of my first scan of my 1 year old. Siskin,i think I would feel the same, I would be a bit gutted as I would have wanted to know everything was ok, but try not to let that spoil your first scan xx
Aww Siskin, sorry you felt disappointed. Hope the blood tests come soon and ease your mind a little. Your picture is beautiful :)
Lovely pic Siskin. Don't be too disappointed about the nuchal screening. I'm sure the blood they do at 16wks are quite reliable aren't they? Could you afford to do the nuchal screening privately? The nuchal screening around be is £100 or £170 with the blood test combined. A lot but could put your mind at rest? As I seem to be gender guessing on everyone's pics I think you may be having a boy from your pic xx
Lovely scans guys and so glad to read your both ok. Yorkslass I'm due on the 10th xx
Oh yay! There's a few of us quite close together then :)
I'm hoping I'm not bang on the due date, unlucky 13 ahaha
Lovely scan pics ladies! Guessing boy for both of you;-)
Siskin, sorry your scan didnt go as you'd hoped. Try not to worry but i know thats easier said than done. Like kanga said, perhaps go privately? X
So yesterday I bit the bullet and brought two pairs of maternity jeans. Iv put on weight and feeling fat. My jeans are uncomfortable so thought why not embrace it and be comfortable so tomorrow I will be 13 weeks and in maternity jeans haha. Not sure if any others have done this but my comfort comes first. Xx
I started wearing maternity jeans at week 10 lol - was getting so uncomfortable in my normal ones! They're the best invention EVER
I keep reading here too from time to time.

I'm due July 5th but my first two babies were both induced at 37 weeks due to OC. Eldest was due mid May, born end of April, youngest was due early December, born mid November. And both times contractions started almost immediately and my labours were relatively short.

So whilst I'm hoping to avoid induction this time, I wouldn't be at all surprised if I have this one early too.
Think I am going to go private for the trisomy screening as I am too much of a worrier to put things off. I just need to know how things stand and then I will deal with it. Nothing's simple is it!

Forgot to say I got put back a day so my due date is 11 June.

Will be heading over to the second trimester forum tomorrow!! Woohoo!

PS I am starting to look at maternity clothes too. I have put on so much weight, especially on my thighs and waist.
Think iv put on around 2lb and that's made me need to be comfortable and I don't care if people think it's two early. I have a lady at work 20 weeks but she wears leggings everyday. I like to have a pair of jeans. H&m was really good cost me £25 each but coz I'm small I nèd to have them taken up which cost me almost the same as a pair of the jeans. I am heading over to tri 2 today. It's good that's there's a few of us that's due one after the next be interesting to see which one of us has our baby first.
I would get the private screening aswell as I worry way to much. Do they not need your bloods as well? Hospital told me they had to take my blood at 10 weeks and then the screening at the scan would give me the results. How will they do it?xx
Off to see my folks tomorrow for dinner under the guise of a random visit, so we can tell them the news. Not sure exactly how to do it - thought I could put a scan pic in a Christmas card and hand it to them but I want to be sure they open it there and then lol
Oh Siskin that's a shame about your scan. I felt identical to that after mine last time. I didn't have the screening and they heard I'd had a private scan so they rushed me through in about 5 minutes. They only measured once and put me back 3 days. The woman just wasn't that friendly! So I completely empathise.
Talking of the screening I am really undecided but I think I'd rather know if there's a risk. I would carry on regardless with the pregnancy but perhaps forearmed is forewarned. However, if my risk is high I won't have amnio or CVS as it can risk the baby. So might have to shell out for harmony testing or just worry until the end. Hmm! Still undecided!
Yeah umbongo that's pretty much how I feel about the screening. Blueclass, they told me that if they couldn't do the nuchal thickness there was no point in doing the bloods as they would be combining the results of both to give me a risk and at this stage the bloods wouldn't be helpful in isolation. They can do the screening with just the bloods in the second trimester in a few weeks, but I think that false positives are common with this and with my age (34) I'm worried I will just come out as high-risk anyway. I'm not keen on an amnio. I have booked in to have the Harmony test on Monday which is much more accurate and will hopefully give me a better answer.

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