***June 2016 Mummies***

Woke up this morning, feeling something is wrong, though nothing that I can see....but my nausea seems to have overnight really lessened as well....more or less disappeared... Overnight!
So now I'm just worrying, as scan isn't till Thursday...
Hey some days your get more hormones than others and in the 2nd tri Weare meant to start feeling better. Iv not really had any symptoms but I'm constantly scared so I know how you feel and it's hard not to worry. All you can do is try to keep busy take your mind of it. I'm sure your be fine x
had my bloods done this week, also weighed me as midwife thought i'd lost weight and I've gone down 16 pounds. OH is now acting like a feeder!, my appetite has come back but that 2 weeks of not being able to keep anything down just made weight fall of me. I'm not super thin so their not worried but need to keep an eye on it as should start to put it on now.
Wow 16 lb that alot. Glad your feeling better and able to keep food down. X
Popped over from tri 2 why is it June mummies are so quite this weekend. Had a go on the doppler tonight couldn't find baby. Last two times found baby really fast. I'm trying to worry as iv had no pains and it was fine on Wednesday. Told my husbands family today which was really nice. Was up at 9 and at lunch by 1e then we had everyone over in our tiny flat. Once most left we al went to the pub where one of my husbands friends got my other half drunk. In 3 years iv never ever seen my hubby drunk. It was because his friend drinks so fast. Anyway we just got home and ate a domino's which was so so yummy. His now on the sofa asleep and I will go to bed in 5 mins just need my food to go down. We had a great day but I am shattered now. Hope everyone silence means your all busy but having a good time. Xx
I was thinking how quiet it was as well blue class and whether everyone's moved to tri 2! I've got one more week to go....12 weeks today...

Hope everyone's having a good weekend xx
Have you had your scan yet Kuku? Tri 2 is very quite too. Think everyone must of had a busy weekend. X
Have you had your scan yet Kuku? Tri 2 is very quite too. Think everyone must of had a busy weekend. X

It's not till Thursday, luckily it's at 9am, quite nervous...but I think I've been feeling little fluttering last couple of days...hoping all is well xx
Hi, try not to worry blue class as that happened to me with the doppler and the baby had moved position! It was higher and further over.
I'm 10 weeks on Tuesday, then only a week until nhs scan. Will be interesting to see if I'm measuring the same or if due date moves. I'd still like a June baby!

Stephylou that is a lot to lose! I hope you're okay. I've put on a couple where as last time I didn't until much later. I'm having to eat all the time to stop the nausea. Can't manage big meals but grazing all day long.
Busy busy weekend... visited my parents for dinner yesterday in the North West to reveal the news to them, then went to my partner's parents in the North East for lunch today and now back in Yorkshire to sing in a concert this evening. Geez... knackered. Feeling quite ill now, think I've overdone it a bit!
I will try again later but I'm not too worried. Iv not felt anything yet I still think 14 weeks is to early for my first. Tomorrow is my last day of before I go back to school. Then the head aches will start again no doubt x
Morning, how is everyone, I'm shattered, my 1year old has decided 4 o clock is his getting up time, I'm not sharing his enthusiasm for that ��. Finally got my mw booking in appointment tomorrow, I will be 11weeks, I really hope they can get my scan booked in for next week, really don't want it to be the week after just before Xmas xx
It's great you got your booking in appointment. Fingers crossed you can get a scan booked in for next week. Xx
Thanks Blueclass, they booked my scan in for Monday, so not ling to wait at all now �� xx
The symptoms like nausea are supposed to go around 12 weeks. Your hcg peaks at around 10-12 weeks then reduces, which is why symptoms are supposed to lesson at around the 12-14 week mark.

Personally I'm hoping it's true, I've felt sick for a month now, can't wait to not feel sick 24/7 lol
Scan went well, moved due date to 18th June but I think original midwife didn't account for leap year.

Hopefully this posts. :)

What's the deal with being able to guess babies sex by cranium?


  • 12 Week Scan.jpg
    12 Week Scan.jpg
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Lovely scan picture very clear and glad to read it went well. Xx

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