June dates all listed here

And natevs too I remember you being due just before me last time!!

I didn't plan this but I have got my head around now and I'm starting to get excited! I know my LO is going to love having a playmate for sure!
Yeah i remember you too hun :-) This little on was planned but we thought it would take a lot longer than it did :-) xxx

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I was still on a diet and had planned to ttc this time next year lol! I firmly believe you make plans and god laughs!!
I was still on a diet and had planned to ttc this time next year lol! I firmly believe you make plans and god laughs!!

Yeah me too both times I've concieved I have been trying to lose weight and wondering why I'm putting it on haha x
Ha i was supposed to be dieting too!Brothers getting married soon, but ive not been asked to be a bridesmaid (even though his missis was one at our wedding) so i thought bumhole to it, well try for another baby and im so glad we did xxx

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I'm doing slimming world and in gonna carry on do it cos last time I gained 3stone and I just can't do that again!

Natevs good for you!!!!

I think us women are all on a permanent diet aren't we :/)
I need to lose about a stone and a half off my normal weight to feel me again I guess weighting in about 11 st 12 lbs atm :(
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I'm 11 4 I'm 4lb away from having lost 3stone since having bubba! Still I will sort it out next year! I dot feel as hungry this time as did with LO,I was like a maniac around food for practically the whole pregnancy!
I was 11 st 5 lbs starting weight with first baby, so I'm not far off I did lose some but gained it back :(
Hi Babybo, I'm a new one and my Dr has calculated the same date as you for me 11th June 2012! x
All updated bunnies!!! There are loads of us now xx
So so sorry I forgot you Hun what date are you? X
Congrats to all xxx

Really nice to see some mummies with young LOs. We must be mad,but will be nice to have such a small age gap between them :love:
For some reason my ad will not let me scroll down to edit the dates so the last few are not in order! So sorry girls! Stupid technology xx

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