***JULY TESTING THREAD*** 8 BFP's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh holly hobby what a roller coaster you are having i hope its all ok, how did you get on have you rung drs yet? :hug:
Hi, i just rang and they havn't had them back so I'm to ring after 5pm,something about getting them on a link or something.
I just know I've lost it :( I did a test in the midle of the night and it was fainter, realy faint, then when I got up and went to the loo aload of brown med-watery came out. I was going to test again but I just know.
Maybe the reason i couldnt get a result on a 25mlu was a sign too.
Looking back I shouldnt have been crippled with pain so I think something went wrong at the start, I even said at the time something just feels not right.
But I'm not going to be defeated with this, we'll try again if I have lost it and I'm thinking when I ovulate on the right side this time maybe that would be a good idea. i've had pain in my left ovary since 13th july or something and I think this morning is the first time it's gone.
Will just have to wait for the results before I know for sure what's happening and what we're going to do, but i don't see no reason to not keep trying.
HollyHobby said:
Hi, i just rang and they havn't had them back so I'm to ring after 5pm,something about getting them on a link or something.
I just know I've lost it :( I did a test in the midle of the night and it was fainter, realy faint, then when I got up and went to the loo aload of brown med-watery came out. I was going to test again but I just know.
Maybe the reason i couldnt get a result on a 25mlu was a sign too.
Looking back I shouldnt have been crippled with pain so I think something went wrong at the start, I even said at the time something just feels not right.
But I'm not going to be defeated with this, we'll try again if I have lost it and I'm thinking when I ovulate on the right side this time maybe that would be a good idea. i've had pain in my left ovary since 13th july or something and I think this morning is the first time it's gone.
Will just have to wait for the results before I know for sure what's happening and what we're going to do, but i don't see no reason to not keep trying.

At least you have these next few hours to prepare yourself no matter what the outcome and if its not what you want to hear, give it another go next month and keep your chin up :hug: Let us know what they say - thinking about you Holly.
oh hunny i really really hope not and all is ok xx :hug:
Hi ladies, I'm feeling a bit more hopeful right now.
The lab tests came back unequivecal and they want fmu sample on Monday. The one I did at the doctors was tiny and was late afternoon, so I mean they didnt get a negative which means there's still a chance right?

Another doctor had a look at my notes and she said I'm not to give up hope just yet, and the bleeding doesnt seem to be their main concern, just the pain i've had. She wants me to go to A and E if it starts up again (i explained it's subsided alot since I had a big passing when I got up today and i dont think i need to go )she said and tell them i've had lab work done and it isnt a negative despite their tests at a and e! so fingers crossed I dont get any sharp pains as I really don't want to go back over there if I can help it, I was treated like some mad woman hoping she's pregnant and just having a normal period!!!

i know theres every likely hood that something is going wrong, but as long as the doctor who has seen my notes thinks i should have hope then i dont see why i shouldnt too. :pray:

sorry i havnt been round the threads as much, i'm in too much of a tizz right now to even take in what i'm reading! but hope everyone is ok and well and bd to their hearts content :)
Thanks guys, it's looking quite good right now after i DIAS.
Question: if I had lost it when I started bleeding would i still be getting good positive lines after all this time?
better in real life than on the photo, plain as day line no mistaking it.

If I hadnt done a test i would have thought i was out for this month! My advice is still do a test even if you think af has called!!!!
Still cant relax yet though, it is just my luck to not get a break from af, 28 yrs she's been calling and i still dont get a break :doh:
HollyHobby said:
Thanks guys, it's looking quite good right now after i DIAS.
Question: if I had lost it when I started bleeding would i still be getting good positive lines after all this time?
better in real life than on the photo, plain as day line no mistaking it.

If I hadnt done a test i would have thought i was out for this month! My advice is still do a test even if you think af has called!!!!
Still cant relax yet though, it is just my luck to not get a break from af, 28 yrs she's been calling and i still dont get a break :doh:

awww darling :hug: :hug: :hug: got my fingers crossed for ya, I can def see the line on that test!! xx
I slept this afternoon so having a late one tonight.
btw mrs brightside due a day behind you, April 9th!

I think things are going well - usually at end of af i get brown powder and had some tonight, so i am hoping like mad that this will end soon and would have been 2.5 days and not 5-7 days, which is a very good sign i reckon!

Still having a high temperature and slight pinpricking going on all over my abdomen tonight. Felt sick a while back which is happeneing every night. Havnt got much of an appetite which believe me is not my normal, this has been going on since around 29th July - so again another good sign i think.
No cramping and no sharp annoying pain in my left ovary area. Bleeding is definitly turning light and pinky red, still not just spotting though.
I'm allowing myself some thoughts on the babies room, I feel really well and did some cleaning earlier after a sleep.

This has really opened my eyes though about everything about how precious life is and how annoying our bodies can react sometimes and sometimes you have to chuck the text book out as there is no ''normal''.
Also worrying wont change anything and neither will over anilysing everything (but both hard not to do!)
HollyHobby said:
I slept this afternoon so having a late one tonight.
btw mrs brightside due a day behind you, April 9th!

awwww darling thats brilliant :)

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