**** july mummies 2018 *****

Yep, I'm shattered as well today. Really struggling and I know the pub will be quiet tonight so feels pointless opening the kitchen but can't not be open.

Nipples just bloody hurt sometimes. Tried to zip my coat up earlier, not worn it for months and it's so tight around my lower belly!
had my booking in appointment today with the midwife which went well. got my 12 scan date 4.1.18. I mentioned to the midwife about me bleeding when having sex and shes told me to refrain till my 12 week scan incase the placenta is low which they'll be able to see from the scan.

ive also got a scan tonight which I booked privately. I'm so scared because of my previous missed miscarriage.

Yay we will have the dating scan on the same day! I hope the privet scan will reasure you x
I might not have my scan in time for the tests :( midwife is on holiday till next week, she's gotta phone me, but she's only in the office on a Thursday so that's when she'll call me I'll be 11+3 so I won't then go to see her till the Thursday after I'll be 12+3 and that's even if she can fit me in cos I had to wait 3 weeks for this useless appointment. She then gotta send off my info and I've gotta get the scan date through the post. :/ I'm 14 weeks on the 1st Jan x
I might not have my scan in time for the tests :( midwife is on holiday till next week, she's gotta phone me, but she's only in the office on a Thursday so that's when she'll call me I'll be 11+3 so I won't then go to see her till the Thursday after I'll be 12+3 and that's even if she can fit me in cos I had to wait 3 weeks for this useless appointment. She then gotta send off my info and I've gotta get the scan date through the post. :/ I'm 14 weeks on the 1st Jan x

What?! Is there only one midwife in that place? I am sure somebody else can call and book your scan.... ! x
Hope scan goes well Flowerbomb :)
I hope you can get a scan sorted soon Peanutbutter, would you be able to phone up yourself and sort it out.

Well I had a scan today i'm measuring 9w1d , baby was also wriggling around and all looking good. Also had my horrid flu jab today. And I got my 12w scan date through, it's 29th Dec :)

Here's a couple piccies...
201712071024020014OB copy.jpg

201712071023500013OB copy.jpg

Thanks everyone for all your help and advice earlier. I used a lot of it in our talk tonight. I'd like to say I think he understands now, but I think he probably doesn't. I just hope he does start trying to understand!!

Nice to see scans and midwife appointments are getting underway, we're getting there ladies :)
Fuck nursery, Christmas and fayres. I'm shattered. 45 minutes standing at the raffle and the teachers won all the prizes including £100 £50 lol everyone was raging. Nothing like a room full of 200 angry mums haha.

Jem glad it seems like you had a positive talk. Hopefully he kicks his shit into gear!!! Xx

Nice to see your scans mrslk congrats lovely scans too Xx

PB goodness sake tell them they may just fit you in as you want the tests. Surely someone else can handle it if she's off that long Xx

Shepherdess I'm so jealous of you cleaning which is so pathetic haha I'm starting mine tomorrow including DDs room. Can't wait :roll: xx

Goodnight girls I'm wrecked lol
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My husband got his face eaten by me yesterday when I woke up and was exhausted and he was like "are you STILL tired? We slept for like 9 hours, how are you STILL tired?". He definitely won't make that mistake and has been super understanding that I'm tired now even asking me earlier to take a rest hahaha

JemRose I really hope this is all in the past for you but that is really crazy that your OH did and said that then also left u having an anxiety attack and upset. That's really not on! I definitely wouldnt have apologised you're not the maid to do the dishes he's a grown man if he wants them done he can pick up a sponge. I'm so angry for you xx

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Laura, that made me bloody giggle! "Got his face eaten" lol...love it.
I lost my shit with Dan in the first pregnancy in June when he thought I was laying it in a bit thick, so off he went to read up on it. He now checks I've had 10 hours sleep in every 14 hours, lol. I love it, but I'm like, that leaves 14 hours to do work, the horses, the dogs and housework, lol. So, he's started just helping now and for the first time in almost 10 years, when he does stuff around the house, I don't have to hear about how he did something for the next three days. Why do men do that. "Oh by the way, I cleaned the sink in the bathroom". Like, seriously, I do it every other bloody day. I'm going to just not do stuff at all one of these days so he can understand that this shit doesn't stay clean by magic, lol.

He's safe for now though, he's just getting on with stuff as, in his words, "You're growing our baby, It's my job to help. I don't just become a dad when it's born".

JemRose, I'm glad you laid your feelings on the line. A good rule of thumb that I live by with most things is, 3 strikes and you're out. 3 displays of the same behaviour from anything, dog, horse, child, adult and you've convinced me you haven't and don't want to change. With kids and animals, it's my failurw and I'll try a different training method. With adults, tough shit, I'm not on this earth to wipe your ass so if you can't be arsed to do it right, I'm done.

Maybe apply that to your boyfriend. This is the second time I believe he's treated you very poorly since you've been pregnant, so this is it...if he does it again, he's proving to you that your feelings and opinions don't matter. I pray for you that that doesn't happen. I know I've been pretty harsh on him but I do believe in second and even third chances. Just not four, fuck up that often and I believe I deserve better. I believe you do too, so fingers crossed he grows a pair a mans up to his responsibilities as your caring and supportive partner in this and everything else. Xxx
Ugh Men!! Up from 4am again. OH gets up this week at 4 and usually I can get back to sleep until 6 if I'm working mornings, 7 if I'm not. Once I'm up now though I'm up, must be a pregnancy thing :/ But I swear he clatters about like a fucking elephant in those stupid boots. I don't know why he doesn't get himself disco ball and some rave music while he's at it :wall: I'm so tired I could cry

Good morning by the way :roll: lol

Ohh I'm 10 weeks today. Double digits :dance: :dance: :dance:
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I feel you shanivy, my husband is a spotty mess, he had a massive sneezing fit at 6 and I've Bern awake since. tried my best but couldn't get back to sleep

you've done well mind getting involved with the Christmas fair. my CD only started nursery last month and I still avoid these things haha
Lol thank god it's over until next year. All I wanted was my bed by 7.30 lol. Don't know why they didn't do it on a Friday dd will never get up this morning . They'll drag you in for something soon just wait haha.

Well I told oh if I doesn't start tiptoeing around this house in the morning he can seriously sleep downstairs. If I'm working Sundays and they're both still sleeping I'm as quiet as can be. Bloody Typical. Xx
here here to a shitty morning!!! OH woke me up snoring at 3am (he's been sleeping downstairs due to this and I actually had to call him to wake him). DD woke up every hour since then so I was woken up too. Bloody hell! Good thing it is Friday!!!

Yay for double digits Shan!!! :dance:
No snow here, just sun, but it is lovely.

Absolutely shattered still. Really got to me this week.

Hope all you lovely ladies are well. Xx
Ohh we have snow. DD got the day off nursery this morning cause I was like fuck that. I was so exhausted. So was dd to be fair. The wind was crazy too. Have to say the snow isn't that bad now think I may have overreacted this morning declaring nobody was going to nurser lol. . Mum guilt is here lol. Oh well done now. :/

GG me too I've struggled so bad this week. Thank god for the weekend not working until Sunday night either :dance: xx

KHTW thanks! I know it's going to drag until my scan now though (5 days)

Hope everyone is doing well ish :)
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Snow here to and it's still going! Crazy wind.
Dd keeps having screaming fits, and nothing we do calms her down I have no idea what's wrong with her. Once she's stopped she's happy. Think it's her teeth, so I have a massive headache.
Snow here to and it's still going! Crazy wind.
Dd keeps having screaming fits, and nothing we do calms her down I have no idea what's wrong with her. Once she's stopped she's happy. Think it's her teeth, so I have a massive headache.

Teething is the worst!!!!!!!!!!! Hope she calms down soon, plenty of mummy cuddles is the best cure for everything (well... besides calpol :D)

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