KHTW I see you're in Scotland. I am too but no snow here, bright bright sunshine. I wish we did have some snow, might make me feel a bit better.
JemRose, I'm pleased that your talk went well and hopefully he will wake up and be more understanding from now on. Just know, you can always talk to us.
I am having an absolutely miserable day. I was up at 4
0 am with bad nausea, was sick at about 5
0 am then again at 8
0. I'm exhausted and fed up. My nausea had been better in the last couple of days and I thought I had perhaps turned a corner. It's really frustrating not really knowing what week I'm in as I feel counting down the time until trimester 1 is over makes it a little easier.
I phoned my mum early in the morning and cried on the phone because she lives abroad and can't just pop round and see me, which is what I would really love right now.
My OH is away for the weekend, which is OK actually. The poor guy has been doing absolutely everything and wracking his brain to try and think of things to make me feel better. He keeps saying, 'I'll do anything, ANYTHING you want!'
Bless him.
I braved some plain sourdough bread and that went down OK, going to try some soup next and hope it stays down and that I start to feel a little less miserable.