**** july mummies 2018 *****

JemRose and JaneyJan, book in to see your gp asap. Tell the gp that you are veey much struggling at work but your employers are not willing to make any changes to what are very physical roles. They absolutely should and your gp can step in, as mine has due to my back issues to make sure your health comes first. I won't go back to my job until they can sort out a different role or working conditions. Hopefully I will be able to hand in my notice after Christmas anyway.

Also, call your local CAB. Your employers are governed by very strict laws regarding the safeguarding of pregnant employees at work. You don't have to ask for changes and hope they comply. They have to comply to what you are capable of doing.

Don't allow yourselves to be pushed around or made to feel like a burden or inconvenience. You absolutely are not and you bat your ass if the people you're reporting to were pregnant, they'd be making damn sure they were okay!

You have legal rights, don't be afraid to educate yourselves and use them.

Each time I use a due date calculator I am told 19th July 2018, yet when I called to book my first appointment I was told my due date is 20th July 2018. :wall2:
Each time I use a due date calculator I am told 19th July 2018, yet when I called to book my first appointment I was told my due date is 20th July 2018. :wall2:

I know. All my dates, even from the scan I had, put my due date as 8th July, but the little round dating disks that the midwives use always go one day later, lol. The nhs use these disks for everything, lol.

Her and Dan were having a right giggle about it this morning.
Hi everyone I hope you are all doing ok!

Jemrose it’s so difficult sometimes at work isn’t it? I have an office job so I’m lucky that I don’t need to be running around but even so I’ve found the tiredness pretty bad..

I feel like my nausea is better than it was, still got some aversions- at the start of this pregnancy I loved my one cup of coffee in the morning, but recently I can’t sfand it!

Also has anyone else felt like their boobs are actually bigger? Mine definitely feel and look bigger than usual but I sort of assumed that would be something that would happen much later?

yes my boobs are bigger, it's hormones, I've bought new bras today as I was bursting over the top of all of mine. husband has also commented on how heavy they are

Kine are definitely getting bigger. Again I don't remember this from last pregnancy! x
All my symptoms ATM suggest boy. Last time I had mixture of both.
Lasy time I wanted all things chocolate and sugar covered, this time I've been eating salt salt and more salt! X

Same as you I'm convinced it's a boy though I've been dreaming about a girl. Btw I think your 10weeks will be the dating scan. Mines on the 13th and I'm 10 and something. I'm not exactly sure of my dates. If they can't get everything then I have to come back and I'm having the screenings xx

One of the old wifes tales say that if you dream about a baby girl you are carrying a baby boy :Dx
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Each time I use a due date calculator I am told 19th July 2018, yet when I called to book my first appointment I was told my due date is 20th July 2018. :wall2:

After the first scan you will most likely get yet another date :D And guess what? The baby will be born on a different day all together :D
All my symptoms ATM suggest boy. Last time I had mixture of both.
Lasy time I wanted all things chocolate and sugar covered, this time I've been eating salt salt and more salt! X

Same as you I'm convinced it's a boy though I've been dreaming about a girl. Btw I think your 10weeks will be the dating scan. Mines on the 13th and I'm 10 and something. I'm not exactly sure of my dates. If they can't get everything then I have to come back and I'm having the screenings xx

One of the old wifes tales say that if you dream about a baby girl you are carrying a baby boy :Dx

Oooh well I'm still convinced it's a boy lol so you never know eek I can't wait to find out xx
Morning everyone. I can't be arsed with work this morning :/ Had a breakdown this morning filling out Ivy's "Xmas Fayre" tickets because my pen wasn't working properly and I couldn't find another lol. Bloody ridiculous hormones

Hope everyone has a good day x
I feel ya! I could just sit at my desk and stare at the screen... doing nothing! Motivation is non-existent!!! x
Just noticed that some of the June mummies have moved over to Tri 2!! This will be us soon!!! :faint:
Also not motivated. Never was with dd for the whole first tri. Looking forward to tri 2 where energy levels come back!
Ill be in tri two on the 1st January! :)
Wow, loads to catch up on. Welcome and congratulations to the new July mummies!

You're right KHTW, trimester 2 really isn't that far away! On the one hand I feel like it's dragged so far but then on the other I think wow, week 8 for me already.

I've got my midwife appointment for bloods on the 15th and my first scan date on the 4th of January. Can't wait, it'll be a great start to the new year!

I had quite bad nausea in weeks 6 and 7 but it seems to have died down. I'm kind of grateful it's pretty much gone but then it also makes me worry too!
JemRose and JaneyJan, book in to see your gp asap. Tell the gp that you are veey much struggling at work but your employers are not willing to make any changes to what are very physical roles. They absolutely should and your gp can step in, as mine has due to my back issues to make sure your health comes first. I won't go back to my job until they can sort out a different role or working conditions. Hopefully I will be able to hand in my notice after Christmas anyway.

Also, call your local CAB. Your employers are governed by very strict laws regarding the safeguarding of pregnant employees at work. You don't have to ask for changes and hope they comply. They have to comply to what you are capable of doing.

Don't allow yourselves to be pushed around or made to feel like a burden or inconvenience. You absolutely are not and you bat your ass if the people you're reporting to were pregnant, they'd be making damn sure they were okay!

You have legal rights, don't be afraid to educate yourselves and use them.


Thanks GG, I just have to suck it up for a bit longer as not ready to tell work yet about being pregnant. I am going to tell them just before I go off for Christmas.

Started doing a workload log so I can show that it is physically impossible to do on my own. Hopefully they'll employ someone else fairly quickly and I can train them up to cover my maternity xx
My boobs are normally a H cup anyway, but they've grown so much my bra is leaving cut in marks on them!! Never realised they could get any bigger than they are haha, OH is loving it obviously, acting as if H cup was never big enough for him anyway!! Men and boobs :roll:

I'm convinced I'm having a boy but hoping for a girl!!

Same with everyone else on motivation :( is it at 13 weeks you're tri 2? xx
14 weeks is second tri.
My boob's don't get any bigger in pregnancy, they just get fuller and rounder. I'm a B :( hubby is more of a bum man luckily lol. Definitely get a bigger bra for when baby is born even if not BF the engorgement is painful! X
Cup H?!?! So jealous lol! I am cup A so now slightly more like B. Whoop! :D

When you hit week 14 you move over to Tri 2 x
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Nothing to be jealous about!!! All I can buy ever is granny looking bras, they're so heavy and just a pain lol.

Ah okay I'm not tri 2 until 10th Jan ... can't wait!! x
I've had all of these haha breathlessness and feeling weak, the opposite of constipation and really bad stomach pains because of bloating and gurgles. Then I had a really bad cold last week but I'm kinda through the worst of it. Been feeling a bit more nauseous the last few days so hoping that doesn't escalate til at least some of the other symptoms have eased haha don't know if I can handle much more piled on top of each other as I'm already struggling to get through the day at work xx

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how do you do this bicarb test? I'm intrigued

well I have definitely got a bump now. I woke up and thought "no it's too early you were 14 weeks last time" but I guess second bumps do show quicker. I was wearing tight clothing which shows it off but wow there is no mistaking it. I was glad not to bump into anyone I know today

I've been and bought some maternity jeans and new comfy bras. if anyone needs a recommendation on jeans I love H&M

it's quite cold here today but I've really fancied a prawn salad so that's our tea. I'm not sure husband will be very happy when he comes in after being outside with sheep all day haha

sorry youre having a rubbish time at work jemrose, looks like you've tired everything so I've got no helpful suggestions

GG I'm glad your oh is being so supportive, it makes all the difference in pregnancy
Aww cute a wee bump hehe how far along are you now shepherdess! Xx

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thanks for the advice ladies xx

has anyone decided yet how they're going to announce the baby news?

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