**** july mummies 2018 *****

I am on the verge of just walking out of my job! It's horrendous, I am the only one who can do the work I do, but there's so much work you need about 3 of me!! I just want to go home :( x
Jem, if you can, then do it.
I hated my job so much, most the time I left in tears (worked at Maccies). As soon as my hubby got a better paid job he told me to leave, the day after handed my notice in. You shouldn't be getting so stressed while your pregnant!
I can't, we just won't be able to afford it :( and to get my proper NHS maternity pay I have to go back for at least three months otherwise I have to pay it all back!! Ahhh it's a nightmare honestly, I've only been here since July it shouldn't be like this so soon x
That sucks JemRose, especially if you spend most of the day in that place. Can you ask for help? I know you are the only person with certain responsibilities but I am sure you could train somebody up? And they are going to need somebody for maternity cover so that would be a perfect opportunity to have that person trained and ready to take over x
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Will any of you guys be doing the baking soda gender thing? It can be done from 10 weeks. I did one with DD and there was no fizz... right enough she was born a girl :D
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Lool didn't try it last time. I don't have any in would have gone and done it. Will buy some next time I'm in asda. No fizz is girl and fizz is boy?
All my symptoms ATM suggest boy. Last time I had mixture of both.
Lasy time I wanted all things chocolate and sugar covered, this time I've been eating salt salt and more salt! X
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Yes definite fizz is for a boy (not just little fizz, it must be proper, thick fizz) and still for a girl. I need to buy some too! x

I am not sure about my symptoms, sometime I think that it is definitely another girl and then other times I think this one may be a boy. Time will tell :D
That sucks JemRose, especially if you spend most of the day in that place. Can you ask for help? I know you are the only person with certain responsibilities but I am sure you could train somebody up? And they are going to need somebody for maternity cover so that would be a perfect opportunity to have that person trained and ready to take over x

Unfortunately the whole place is a shambles and every department is short staffed. I've asked for help several times and just been fobbed off with "we know you're busy, don't panic about being behind." They would need to employ someone else completely for me to get any help, hopefully once I announce the pregnancy they may take things more seriously x
Yes definite fizz is for a boy (not just little fizz, it must be proper, thick fizz) and still for a girl. I need to buy some too! x

I am not sure about my symptoms, sometime I think that it is definitely another girl and then other times I think this one may be a boy. Time will tell :D

Ooooh I might try this!!!
I hate it when work bosses don't give a shit, and think you can do anything and everything they ask of you. The job I had before I left cos I was pregnant with dd, my boss asked me to come in while I was miscarrying (he new cos I text him).
Shouldn't be bosses like this around, if you don't have employees the company wouldn't run!!!
That sucks JemRose, especially if you spend most of the day in that place. Can you ask for help? I know you are the only person with certain responsibilities but I am sure you could train somebody up? And they are going to need somebody for maternity cover so that would be a perfect opportunity to have that person trained and ready to take over x

Unfortunately the whole place is a shambles and every department is short staffed. I've asked for help several times and just been fobbed off with "we know you're busy, don't panic about being behind." They would need to employ someone else completely for me to get any help, hopefully once I announce the pregnancy they may take things more seriously x

I'm at my NHS workplace today. I told my manager I was pregnant yesterday and asked why, since I've come to support them with their short staffing was I always being given the biggest teams to work on my own while others didn't... She said she thought she was being nice. She said congratulations. I was trying to explain that I was horrendously tired but I don't think she could understand. I asked not to be put in the biggest team all the time, so she put me in a smaller team today, which has the sickest patients but 2 nurses to run it... But there's just me! I don't think she's TRYING to be spiteful but honestly, I am so exhausted, my back hurts from patient moves, I feel so ready to go home and never come back. I have been trying not to let myself cry.

I'm usually very hard working, and even today I'm working my socks off.. But it feels like everything's against you almost. I know how you feel. I just want to go to bed for a week....

But yeah also no way I can quit, we'd be broke. But at this rate, I am planning to go on maternity leave EARLIER than normal. Like at 7.5 months.
All my symptoms ATM suggest boy. Last time I had mixture of both.
Lasy time I wanted all things chocolate and sugar covered, this time I've been eating salt salt and more salt! X

Same as you I'm convinced it's a boy though I've been dreaming about a girl. Btw I think your 10weeks will be the dating scan. Mines on the 13th and I'm 10 and something. I'm not exactly sure of my dates. If they can't get everything then I have to come back and I'm having the screenings xx
I am on the verge of just walking out of my job! It's horrendous, I am the only one who can do the work I do, but there's so much work you need about 3 of me!! I just want to go home :( x

Aw hun. If it's that bad and you can afford it then do it. I'm struggling st work but I don't want to lose then money tbh. Speak to your boss if you're being that overworked and tell her it's not working xx
Bit of TMI but I had the worst constipation cramps ever!!! After visiting toilet this morning for a long overdue no 2 I experience the worst cramps... I thought I was going to faint!! I went to lie down on the bed and after 5min I had to go back on the toilet! Then cramps went away. I think I need lactulose!!! I don't want to feel that pain again :(

I had this exactly last week I actually got dizzy from the pain and seen spots ffs lol. The pain can get unreal! I'm fighting a losing battle with constipation at the minute it's 1 step forward and 2 steps back. Think I'll be getting something in too but I get freaked about taking stuff like that :/
how do you do this bicarb test? I'm intrigued

well I have definitely got a bump now. I woke up and thought "no it's too early you were 14 weeks last time" but I guess second bumps do show quicker. I was wearing tight clothing which shows it off but wow there is no mistaking it. I was glad not to bump into anyone I know today

I've been and bought some maternity jeans and new comfy bras. if anyone needs a recommendation on jeans I love H&M

it's quite cold here today but I've really fancied a prawn salad so that's our tea. I'm not sure husband will be very happy when he comes in after being outside with sheep all day haha

sorry youre having a rubbish time at work jemrose, looks like you've tired everything so I've got no helpful suggestions

GG I'm glad your oh is being so supportive, it makes all the difference in pregnancy
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You tip your pee into it. :)
I've never found maternity Jeans that fit my legs. I'm a 32 leg, I bought some from h&m last time and have to wear my boots or roll them.up so they look like 3 1/4s I live in leggings and a size up jeans/jeggins.
Hi everyone I hope you are all doing ok!

Jemrose it’s so difficult sometimes at work isn’t it? I have an office job so I’m lucky that I don’t need to be running around but even so I’ve found the tiredness pretty bad..

I feel like my nausea is better than it was, still got some aversions- at the start of this pregnancy I loved my one cup of coffee in the morning, but recently I can’t sfand it!

Also has anyone else felt like their boobs are actually bigger? Mine definitely feel and look bigger than usual but I sort of assumed that would be something that would happen much later?
Hi everyone I hope you are all doing ok!

Jemrose it’s so difficult sometimes at work isn’t it? I have an office job so I’m lucky that I don’t need to be running around but even so I’ve found the tiredness pretty bad..

I feel like my nausea is better than it was, still got some aversions- at the start of this pregnancy I loved my one cup of coffee in the morning, but recently I can’t sfand it!

Also has anyone else felt like their boobs are actually bigger? Mine definitely feel and look bigger than usual but I sort of assumed that would be something that would happen much later?

yes my boobs are bigger, it's hormones, I've bought new bras today as I was bursting over the top of all of mine. husband has also commented on how heavy they are
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