**** july mummies 2018 *****

GG I don't think anyone thought you meant to be mean/blunt hun I wouldn't worry. Also if it helps I feel like complete shit too 99% of the day. xx

PB nobody thought you were being nasty either.. It's a valid point you made that the thread is getting full and none of us can keep up with it. It's all good xx

Bunch of crazy hormonal pregnant women lol. Roll on 2nd trimester for all of us! Xxx
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Lol it's so easy to misjudge what people are saying over text and not speech :p
I thought maybe people were pissed that I said it was annoying without thinking about dee.
Ah well, No harm done to anyone :)
I actually feel fantastic! No nausea, no achey boobs, slightly tired but that could be cos my dd has a cold heh. I did have MS with dd so maybe this one's a boy heh :lol:
Lol it's so easy to misjudge what people are saying over text and not speech :p
I thought maybe people were pissed that I said it was annoying without thinking about dee.
Ah well, No harm done to anyone :)
I actually feel fantastic! No nausea, no achey boobs, slightly tired but that could be cos my dd has a cold heh. I did have MS with dd so maybe this one's a boy heh :lol:

No. not at all...but I've written things over the years and instantly thought, "shit...I hope they don't think I mean...", lol.

It's pretty much why, if I write about anything serious, I tend to write way too much so that I can cover everything, explain everything and not be misunderstood, lol.

Glad you're feeling good.
I feel shitty :( This stupid nausea is killing me!! I had that with DD also so probably having another girl which would be brilliant :love:
Ugh same. Trying desperately not to throw up since I've hardly eaten :/ I'm hoping it eases out soon for us all
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I'm definitely not going to be working tomorrow if I feel like this still. No way I would drive but I also work in an air licked room so leave one door and have to wait 10 seconds for the other one to open. It's awful air con and quite how I can be in charge of cash and finances when it's taken me half the evening to feel steady enough to look at my phone again, I really don't know.
Been up since half 5 to see if I can get a grip on this nausea before we got to nursery. Omfg I'm struggling. Have a meeting with Ivy's nursery teacher today to see how she's doing and I'm dreading being stuck in a room with someone. Safe to say I'm feeling sorry for myself today.

Hope everyone's doing better than me today lol
Sorry your all feeling shit :(
My cold has come back overnight, chesty cough woke up with burning chest. Been 3 weeks now and won't budge! Can't have the flu jab while your poorly can you? X
Sorry your all feeling shit :(
My cold has come back overnight, chesty cough woke up with burning chest. Been 3 weeks now and won't budge! Can't have the flu jab while your poorly can you? X

You can't have it if you have a fever xx
Sorry your all feeling shit :(
My cold has come back overnight, chesty cough woke up with burning chest. Been 3 weeks now and won't budge! Can't have the flu jab while your poorly can you? X

Pb I had the flu jab beginning of October the first one I've ever had... and for past 2 weeks I've been full of Cold ear ache and chest infection border line bronchitis and it won't bloody shift my doctor wont prescribe antibiotics with me being pregnant and it's taking its time to shift with just paracetamol honey lemon and hot water, been coughing that much I've coughed blood up! Hope your feeling better soon Hun xx
Sorry you girls are unwell, this TRI 1 is not easy!!! :hugs:

I woke up at 3am as OH was snoring like a tractor! Took me a while to fall back asleep just to get up for work at 5.30 :(

Nausea is lingering... never actually going away, I get it even at night when I wake up to pee. It sucks but on the other hand it offers a bit of reassurance. Currently sat at my desk eating a dry scone and sipping decaf tea.

Oh and it is snowing here! Just light stuff but still pretty nice x
Morning ladies, not a great start for any of us then so far. Shan, I really hope you get through the meeting okay.

PB...3 weeks is a long time to be dealing with cold symptoms like that, so frustrating.

Holli...if it's making you cough up blood, surely there's something they can do to help you :(

I've just called work to let them know I won't be in. Feel awful for doing it bit I know they'll cope without me and after getting maybe an hours sleep in bits through the night and still feeling like I did yesterday, there's just no way I'd cope.

Poor Dan. He brought home my McDonald's chocolate milkshake which disappeared very quickly. He got dominoes pizza as a treat for me and chicken kickers as I love them but I think last night is when he realised that these feelings are real as I not only didn't have any chicken...but couldn't even bear to look at the box.
Then, he left the room with me in my dressing gown, curled up with slippers on to take the dogs out...but came back 10 minutes later to find me out of my dressing gown but just having it wrapped around my waist as I was sprawled, legs a kimbo, little bit of dressing gown covering my bits, my G size boobs hanging out like they were smoking pot and me not giving a single shit about the state of almost naked ridiculousness in front of him. He took one loom at me and said, "yep, classy bird aren't ya" then kissed my forehead before proclaiming, "bloody hell, you're roasty toasty!"

The temperature swings all night have been ridiculous. Not entirely sure what to do with myself at any time and the nausea on top is taking the piss.

Oh well...I'll put up with anything for our baby so I guess I'll just see how long this lasts. Now though, work is told, dogs have been out and I'm going back to bed!
Sorry you girls are unwell, this TRI 1 is not easy!!! :hugs:

I woke up at 3am as OH was snoring like a tractor! Took me a while to fall back asleep just to get up for work at 5.30 :(

Nausea is lingering... never actually going away, I get it even at night when I wake up to pee. It sucks but on the other hand it offers a bit of reassurance. Currently sat at my desk eating a dry scone and sipping decaf tea.

Oh and it is snowing here! Just light stuff but still pretty nice x

Omg, I'm jealous of the snow. Where are you?

Yeah, same here with the nausea...it just never goes. Starting to wonder what it'll be like when I wake up one day and it's not there, lol
Sorry you girls are unwell, this TRI 1 is not easy!!! :hugs:

I woke up at 3am as OH was snoring like a tractor! Took me a while to fall back asleep just to get up for work at 5.30 :(

Nausea is lingering... never actually going away, I get it even at night when I wake up to pee. It sucks but on the other hand it offers a bit of reassurance. Currently sat at my desk eating a dry scone and sipping decaf tea.

Oh and it is snowing here! Just light stuff but still pretty nice x

Omg, I'm jealous of the snow. Where are you?

Yeah, same here with the nausea...it just never goes. Starting to wonder what it'll be like when I wake up one day and it's not there, lol

Aberdeen, Scotland. I am looking out of the window and the snow is all gone :( I hope it comes back for Christmas!

Going back to be huh? I am sooooooooo jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xx
aw sound like a few of us are struggling.

I barely slept last night, my brain was just going 100mph and I couldn't calm down must have been after two I finally slept only to be up for me needing a wee and for DD needing one not too long later. I feel really weepy today. DD has a half day at nursery so I'm going to drop her off then lie on the sofa and probably bubble most of the morning

I'm 9 weeks now so hopefully just 3 or 4 more weeks of this

hope you all feel better soon
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Wow 9 weeks already?! That's crazy! Few more weeks and you will hopefully experience the pregnancy glow in Tri 2 :D
Wow we’re all having pretty shitty mornings today aren’t we! I had two days respite with barely any nausea and now it’s back with a vengeance. Luckily on Monday when I was really bad I booked today as holiday just in case so I’ve gone back to bed!

I want snow too!
Had absolutely no sleep last night either :( must be in the air!! I wish I didn't have to be at work today, I feel absolutely awful. 7+1 ... ages to go yet x
Sorry to jump in the thread but saw the post about not being able to update the 1st post. Could someone who posted on the 1st page but a few posts down not update their post? That way you can go to the start of the thread and scroll down slightly to see all the info? Just a thought?
Hope you all have h&h pregnancies :) xx

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Morning ladies, not a great start for any of us then so far. Shan, I really hope you get through the meeting okay.

PB...3 weeks is a long time to be dealing with cold symptoms like that, so frustrating.

Holli...if it's making you cough up blood, surely there's something they can do to help you :(

I've just called work to let them know I won't be in. Feel awful for doing it bit I know they'll cope without me and after getting maybe an hours sleep in bits through the night and still feeling like I did yesterday, there's just no way I'd cope.

Poor Dan. He brought home my McDonald's chocolate milkshake which disappeared very quickly. He got dominoes pizza as a treat for me and chicken kickers as I love them but I think last night is when he realised that these feelings are real as I not only didn't have any chicken...but couldn't even bear to look at the box.
Then, he left the room with me in my dressing gown, curled up with slippers on to take the dogs out...but came back 10 minutes later to find me out of my dressing gown but just having it wrapped around my waist as I was sprawled, legs a kimbo, little bit of dressing gown covering my bits, my G size boobs hanging out like they were smoking pot and me not giving a single shit about the state of almost naked ridiculousness in front of him. He took one loom at me and said, "yep, classy bird aren't ya" then kissed my forehead before proclaiming, "bloody hell, you're roasty toasty!"

The temperature swings all night have been ridiculous. Not entirely sure what to do with myself at any time and the nausea on top is taking the piss.

Oh well...I'll put up with anything for our baby so I guess I'll just see how long this lasts. Now though, work is told, dogs have been out and I'm going back to bed!

Nope been in doctors again she said it will be from coughing so much it would of made me tear back of my throat, she's signed me off work for another week to see how Iam then as she doesn't want me on paracetamol all this time yet she wants me to take it to help fight it and help with the temperature so it's swings and roundabouts, she said our immune systems don't work as they should as our bodies are looking after baby instead but I'm 2 weeks into this and already feel crap with out having chest infection and full of cold I wana rip every thing out my head as it all hurts my teeth my ears my eyes my nose my throat the lot this little lady is giving me a rough time bloody good job she's more than worth it!! Oh you and dan don't half make me giggle such a scream you both are :-) love it! Size G boobs??? Blimey I feel for you when your later pregnancy I thought my ds where hard work xx

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