**** july mummies 2018 *****

Signed off for a week! Heart rate a little high and as I've had losses, I am to take it very easy for a week and then see how I am x

Get plenty of rest, and take care of yourself x
Not done much but lay flat out since yesterday, lol. Just had a nosebleed, wonderful. Have gone off the Horlicks that was helping me keep hydrated. Need to think of something else now, lol
I hope you feel better GG and get some good rest!

I'm right there with everyone who's feeling unmotivated. Getting so frustrated with myself, and trying to just do bits at a time.
Bless you GG! Water melon’s supposed to be good when you can’t get any liquids down xx
Hi girls, I’ve laid low for a couple of weeks after I started spotting. Had a scan today (I’m estimating I’m nearly 7 weeks). So it turns out I had a twin pregnancy...one has not developed at all. The other has a yolk sac and fetalpole but no HB seen today which has made me feel less positive. I have been spotting on and off for about 10 days but doctor said that the non viable twin is more than enough of a reason to cause that. Re scan in 2 weeks to see if the other has developed any more. She said what she was seeing was about 6 weeks so a little behind where I thought (going from ovulation kits and when I had a positive pregnancy test!). Hope you’re all doing well xxxxx
for anyone who is interested in this kind of thing next year there are full moon dates on 28th June and 27th July when there is a total lunar eclipse!

it wasn't something I really believed in until I had DD but I do definitely believe that a big change in weather brings on Labour. anyway hopefully I might end up with a June baby if the moon thing is anything
Hi girls, I’ve laid low for a couple of weeks after I started spotting. Had a scan today (I’m estimating I’m nearly 7 weeks). So it turns out I had a twin pregnancy...one has not developed at all. The other has a yolk sac and fetalpole but no HB seen today which has made me feel less positive. I have been spotting on and off for about 10 days but doctor said that the non viable twin is more than enough of a reason to cause that. Re scan in 2 weeks to see if the other has developed any more. She said what she was seeing was about 6 weeks so a little behind where I thought (going from ovulation kits and when I had a positive pregnancy test!). Hope you’re all doing well xxxxx

sorry to hear you've been having a rough time and I'm sorry for your loss. fingers crossed for some growth on your next scan, 2 weeks must feel like a lifetime to wait
Sorry that everyone is suffering and QWERTY I’m sorry you are having such a rough time will be thinking of you in a couple of weeks time.

Yesterday and today I’ve definitely felt nauseated.. this is the first time for me, last time I didn’t have these symptoms at all! I don’t think I have it as badly as some of you but I’m a bit more off my food than usually and definitely preferring plainer things... which will be fun at the Sri Lankan restaurant tonight!
Hi girls, I’ve laid low for a couple of weeks after I started spotting. Had a scan today (I’m estimating I’m nearly 7 weeks). So it turns out I had a twin pregnancy...one has not developed at all. The other has a yolk sac and fetalpole but no HB seen today which has made me feel less positive. I have been spotting on and off for about 10 days but doctor said that the non viable twin is more than enough of a reason to cause that. Re scan in 2 weeks to see if the other has developed any more. She said what she was seeing was about 6 weeks so a little behind where I thought (going from ovulation kits and when I had a positive pregnancy test!). Hope you’re all doing well xxxxx

Sorry to hear you are having such a stressful time. I'm so sorry for your loss. I really really hope the next scan brings you some really positive news.
So interesting about the moon Shepherdess. Will be fun to see if it effects any of us.

Hope you can enjoy the restaurant Fela.

GG, hope you start feeling better and you have a really restful week.

Hope everyone else is doing okay. I spoke to soon about doing better today. Thankfully two of my kids have volunteered to cook dinner so I can hide from the dinner smells.
Qwerty, sorry for your loss and I hope the next 2 weeks fly by and you get good news.

And GG I hope you get some rest and pampering.

What a group we are today with nausea and feeling shit. My nausea has been off and on. I seem to be more nauseous when I'm hungry so I've been snacking throughout the day. Trying to keep it healthy but plain biscuits seem to be helping the most. I went to try toast this morning and the smell of it made me heave. Ugh, roll on trimester 2!
Very sorry for your loss Qwery! I hope the next few weeks see you in good health.

My nausea is definitely worse when I'm hungry. I also find my blood sugar can very suddenly absolutely tank and I'm shaking and hungry and feel like I can't get food in me fast enough. I am trying to snack throughout the day but am running out of relatively plain things that are still somewhat interesting.
There's was lots of toast and marmite at the start but after a while I just couldn't face that any more. I also have to wake up at least once per night and eat because my nausea wakes me up. I can tell you, nothing is less appealing at 3.00 am than dry crackers. I am trying to be a bit more adventurous. I had some mashed potatoes and Bisto gravy today. Definitely not healthy but some welcome comfort food.
Oh Querty I am sorry to hear that. Fingers crossed for your next scan

I’m having shepherds pie for tea tonight - we seem to be all about the gravy today!
Hi girls, I’ve laid low for a couple of weeks after I started spotting. Had a scan today (I’m estimating I’m nearly 7 weeks). So it turns out I had a twin pregnancy...one has not developed at all. The other has a yolk sac and fetalpole but no HB seen today which has made me feel less positive. I have been spotting on and off for about 10 days but doctor said that the non viable twin is more than enough of a reason to cause that. Re scan in 2 weeks to see if the other has developed any more. She said what she was seeing was about 6 weeks so a little behind where I thought (going from ovulation kits and when I had a positive pregnancy test!). Hope you’re all doing well xxxxx

Perfectly possible no to see the heartbeat if it's a 6 week old pregnancy Querty. I'm so sorry about the lost twin, what an emotional rollercoaster for you. Hope you're okay. xx
Hi girls, I’ve laid low for a couple of weeks after I started spotting. Had a scan today (I’m estimating I’m nearly 7 weeks). So it turns out I had a twin pregnancy...one has not developed at all. The other has a yolk sac and fetalpole but no HB seen today which has made me feel less positive. I have been spotting on and off for about 10 days but doctor said that the non viable twin is more than enough of a reason to cause that. Re scan in 2 weeks to see if the other has developed any more. She said what she was seeing was about 6 weeks so a little behind where I thought (going from ovulation kits and when I had a positive pregnancy test!). Hope you’re all doing well xxxxx

So sorry to hear that qwerty. Hope you're holding up okay. Crossing everything for that little one :hugs: xxxxx
Oh Querty I am sorry to hear that. Fingers crossed for your next scan

I’m having shepherds pie for tea tonight - we seem to be all about the gravy today!

It is strange that we seem to be wanting the same things isn't it. It was all McDonalds, then Milkshakes, then chips, now gravy, lol.

I actually managed to get up and make myself a tuna mayo and cheese sandwich a few hours ago and I ate it all. Need some more chocolate milk...it's all I want at the moment.
Oh god GG tuna and milk are definitely on my no go list atm! I bought a whole melon earlier... thought it might help with the hydration
Can we have McDonald's milkshakes with the ice cream? I'd love one but I've been avoiding mcflurry ice cream

Also I finally found something to eat. Cheese soda and it was great but I'm already paying for it. :roll:
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Oh god GG tuna and milk are definitely on my no go list atm! I bought a whole melon earlier... thought it might help with the hydration

I know...it was this weird thing with the tuna. Just suddenly thought, "NEED THAT" and had it, lol. Normal milk, not a chance and tea or horlicks, not a chance. Chocolate milk though...definite yes! Our bodies are weird!

Can we have McDonald's milkshakes with the ice cream? I'd love one but I've been avoiding mcflurry ice cream

Also I finally found something to eat. Cheese soda and it was great but I'm already paying for it. :roll:

I think you should have whatever the hell you want!
Lol GG. My last midwife said it was something to do with the pipe not being cleaned out properly. She was also a condescending bitch though so...

Might send OH for a vanilla milkshake then :dance:

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