Any of you ladies telling family at christmas ? My mum but OH parents dont so Im maybe going with xmas day depending on when my scan is. x
Any of you ladies telling family at christmas ? My mum but OH parents dont so Im maybe going with xmas day depending on when my scan is. x
Hi guys. I'm new to the pregnancy part of this forum. :s
Reckon I'm 4 weeks pregnant at the moment.It's totally surreal. I'd totally given up on this month. Had some implantation bleeding which I thought was my period. Peed on a FRER because I'd ordered them before the bleeding so thought what the hell....
This is my first pregnancy. I'm still just absorbing the news! Reckon I'll be popping in and out of here listening to all your sage advice (those of you who're not doing this for the first time!)
both sets of our parents know now but that will be it until Xmas day, I think. will depend on whether we take DD to the scan as she'll tell everyone
I've been wanting a next to me crib to, even second hand they go for a lot and when you buy a new mattress to. one of my best friends works in John Lewis so hoping to ask her to buy it for me and get some discount
I feel quite good today, been busy with sheep and by 11 I was ready for lunch, just had the most amazing bkt!
both sets of our parents know now but that will be it until Xmas day, I think. will depend on whether we take DD to the scan as she'll tell everyone
I've been wanting a next to me crib to, even second hand they go for a lot and when you buy a new mattress to. one of my best friends works in John Lewis so hoping to ask her to buy it for me and get some discount
I feel quite good today, been busy with sheep and by 11 I was ready for lunch, just had the most amazing bkt!
Ooh take that discount, they're crazy expensive for what is really a moses basket but we all want them anyay lol. Also they *might* go on sale somewhere for January sales. Here's hoping
I've been wondering when I'll tell DD. I'm really not sure. Some people say wait until scan. Some people say wait until youre a lot farther on . xx
both sets of our parents know now but that will be it until Xmas day, I think. will depend on whether we take DD to the scan as she'll tell everyone
I've been wanting a next to me crib to, even second hand they go for a lot and when you buy a new mattress to. one of my best friends works in John Lewis so hoping to ask her to buy it for me and get some discount
I feel quite good today, been busy with sheep and by 11 I was ready for lunch, just had the most amazing bkt!
Ooh take that discount, they're crazy expensive for what is really a moses basket but we all want them anyay lol. Also they *might* go on sale somewhere for January sales. Here's hoping
I've been wondering when I'll tell DD. I'm really not sure. Some people say wait until scan. Some people say wait until youre a lot farther on . xx
if our scan doesn't fall on one of my los nursery days I'll take her, I don't like the idea of waiting until further on as my lo is very bright and will pick up on other people talking about it no matter how subtle they are. I want tobe the one tto tell her. I think It depends on the child though
Hi guys. I'm new to the pregnancy part of this forum. :s
Reckon I'm 4 weeks pregnant at the moment.It's totally surreal. I'd totally given up on this month. Had some implantation bleeding which I thought was my period. Peed on a FRER because I'd ordered them before the bleeding so thought what the hell....
This is my first pregnancy. I'm still just absorbing the news! Reckon I'll be popping in and out of here listening to all your sage advice (those of you who're not doing this for the first time!)
both sets of our parents know now but that will be it until Xmas day, I think. will depend on whether we take DD to the scan as she'll tell everyone
I've been wanting a next to me crib to, even second hand they go for a lot and when you buy a new mattress to. one of my best friends works in John Lewis so hoping to ask her to buy it for me and get some discount
I feel quite good today, been busy with sheep and by 11 I was ready for lunch, just had the most amazing bkt!
Ooh take that discount, they're crazy expensive for what is really a moses basket but we all want them anyay lol. Also they *might* go on sale somewhere for January sales. Here's hoping
I've been wondering when I'll tell DD. I'm really not sure. Some people say wait until scan. Some people say wait until youre a lot farther on . xx
if our scan doesn't fall on one of my los nursery days I'll take her, I don't like the idea of waiting until further on as my lo is very bright and will pick up on other people talking about it no matter how subtle they are. I want tobe the one tto tell her. I think It depends on the child though
Same Dd is very bright and she's 4 in Jan. I'd like to tell her after the 12 weeks. I won't bring her to the scan though I don't think just incase. I think I'm just worried if something happens still just after and then so have to explain it to dd xx
Hi guys. I'm new to the pregnancy part of this forum. :s
Reckon I'm 4 weeks pregnant at the moment.It's totally surreal. I'd totally given up on this month. Had some implantation bleeding which I thought was my period. Peed on a FRER because I'd ordered them before the bleeding so thought what the hell....
This is my first pregnancy. I'm still just absorbing the news! Reckon I'll be popping in and out of here listening to all your sage advice (those of you who're not doing this for the first time!)
Yeah they didn't ask me how far along I was they just gave me that date
Yeah they didn't ask me how far along I was they just gave me that date
How far along are you katybaby? Mines is on Friday too! About an hour I'd say for appointment x