**** july mummies 2018 *****

oh Shan :hugs: Glad to heat the bleeding stopped. I hope the baby is ok. Not knowing is the worst xx

Thanks hun. Me too. That's the worst thing, not knowing. I'm going between thinking it was nothing and talking about the baby, to being positive it's going to be a mmc.

Think I'm going to see what midwife says on Friday. I'm going to ask for an early scan and if not book one myself. That is if theres no more bleeding from now until Friday. My private scan place doesn't have a real backlog so I can pretty much book for a few days time. That's the plan. I'm aware it could be nothing. But also not. My heads away with it. Threw my baby catalogues out yesterday OH didn't know what to do with himself. Just need distraction until Friday.

How are you today? Xx
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Ooh shan so glad your back. That sounds exactly like how I bled with Scarlett. Wiped and it was bright red, then pink then went brown. It started around 6pm and lasted till morning x
Ooh shan so glad your back. That sounds exactly like how I bled with Scarlett. Wiped and it was bright red, then pink then went brown. It started around 6pm and lasted till morning x

Thank you! That's literally what happened! Kind of reassuring to hear that from you PB. Spent all night looking for similar stories, you know how it is. The longer I go with no more bleeding the better I feel. 6 weeks today so I'm trying to be calm and positive :roll:

How are you today? Xx
Hope things are still ok shan? x

Thanks for asking lovely. So far so good, I'm trying to stay positive. But my discharge (sorry) is completely clear again no pink/brown etc. I'm taking that as good. I really want to take a digital test to see the 3, but I'm trying not to torture myself.

Did you manage to fix your booking appointment? Xx
Hope there is no more bleeding Shan! Sounds like it must have been IB..

Does anyone else feel extremely bloated? I feel so bloated and gassy ( sorry TMI :) ) and cant remember feeling like this in previous pregnancies. Is it a normal symptom?

Pregnancy is so Glam!
I feel super bloated and gassy especially after eating. Not the best look but what can we do :D
Hello ladies! Gosh, what a busy day on here while I've been at work.

Hope you are all okay.

I've had some pretty strong pinching sensations on the right and left sides of my uterus today on and off. Best thing is, it's not worrying me...I just figure it's normal stretching of everything.

Hope you all have nice evenings and weekends xxx
Shan I’m so happy your bleeding has stopped!
GG I have been having the same feelings too for the past couple of days. Turned into more of a dull ache now. Trying to keep positive!
Hi everyone

I'm glad things have calmed down shanivy

well after my moan this morning I've actually had a way better day today, I still couldn't be bothered to cook and my husband offered to get me a burger and chips from the chip shop; it was amazing! fingers crossed for another okay day tomorrow. it's going to be a quiet weekend for us, I told my parents about baby today as I was struggling to hide it when feeling so poorly, going to see the in-laws on Sunday and tell them, but that's about it. have a great weekend girls
:merry: Here's to a great, worry-free weekend for everyone! x
Not much of an update my end. My bleeding has been very very small and definitely brown. It’s not even enough to come out on a pad or when I wipe (sorry!). I’ve had a sore back and mild cramps on and off today which I haven’t really had up until now. I thought my boobs hurt less but I just took my bra off and wowza, they are just as sore. Trying to not get hopes up as this feels horribly familiar to my previous losses but just going to take each day as it comes. Will go for early scan at 7 weeks if nothing major in the meantime (don’t want to go earlier as they won’t see much and I find it more stressful then saying they don’t know if it’s viable and keep having to go back for scans). Did a ic this afternoon and it was my strongest one yet, going to leave it a few days and do another - if it is a lot fainter Atleast it’ll give me some idea where this is going. Hope you’re all doing ok xxxxx
Morning ladies. Hope you're all doing well.
Morning sickness has slapped me in the face today. About 5 minutes before I was due to show a potential client around the farm. Dan took one look at me and said, "stay here, I'll go, is there anything you need before I leave?"
There are many reasons I love him, but that is just one...even the thought of moving right now is enough to set me off!
Hi all.

Been a busy weekend so far. Was working last night until 9 and today at 8am so I'm a little wrecked.

GG the nausea has hit me pretty hard today and yesterday. Surprised as I dodged it until 10 weeks last time. All food makes me ill right now. So far today I've had some breadsticks, and about 3 bites of pasta. I can't stand ginger so gonna try some of the other things for ms, though nothing worked with dd. It's good your OH is supportive, that's half the battle isn't it? Xx

Qwerty that's good to hear you've not had much bleeding. And brown is usually not too worrying. Mine seems to have stopped. I know it's stressful but fingers crossed for the both of us l! Xx

KHTW glad you and dd seem to be feeling better!!! Xx

Shepherdess thank you I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I've thought about telling my mil but I'm going to try to keep it a bit longer. How did everyone take the news? Xx
Hope there is no more bleeding Shan! Sounds like it must have been IB..

Does anyone else feel extremely bloated? I feel so bloated and gassy ( sorry TMI :) ) and cant remember feeling like this in previous pregnancies. Is it a normal symptom?

Pregnancy is so Glam!

So far so good. Don't think it was IB as I'm 6 weeks so think it was a little much and a little late. But it's gone now so hopefully I can relax

Totally normal btw. Anything crappy is usually a normal symptom haha xx
Oh is anyone having weird dreams? I'm sure i didnt get this with DD.

This will sound so stupid. Last night my whole dream was about me throwing OH out, packing up his clothes , calling everyone we know to tell them how he betrayed me, calling his parents sobbing about what he done etc. All cause he " went over and shook my huge tropical fish tank and all the fish died". I have never had a tropical fish tank in my life but apparently I was devastated wtf lol. The night before last we were all on the run from the FBI, scaling buildings and such. Im pregnant in both, Weird
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Looks like I spoke to soon. Bleeding again and seems worse than Thursday :( xx
Had some blood today! Cramping bad to. We had sex tho couple hours before the blood so IDK x

Qwerty when's your scan? X
Had some blood today! Cramping bad to. We had sex tho couple hours before the blood so IDK x

Qwerty when's your scan? X

Oh PB! A bit of bleeding and cramping after sex is normal. Could absolutely be why you've bled. We've not had sex yet I'm too afraid, especially since the bleeding even though I want to.

What colour was the blood/how much? Xx
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