**** july mummies 2018 *****

Morning ladies, hope everyone is feeling okay today. I am in a bit of a panic mode! For the last week I have had no symptoms at all... I’m 6 and a half weeks today. Boobs hurt so bad for a couple of weeks but now.. nothing? No nausea, sickness, peeing normally, not really any more tired.. nothing?? Starting to think it’s all gone wrong!
Morning ladies, hope everyone is feeling okay today. I am in a bit of a panic mode! For the last week I have had no symptoms at all... I’m 6 and a half weeks today. Boobs hurt so bad for a couple of weeks but now.. nothing? No nausea, sickness, peeing normally, not really any more tired.. nothing?? Starting to think it’s all gone wrong!

Hi Kayla

Try not to worry. My symptoms have mainly gone away since about week 4-5, I think it's normal as your body gets used to the hormones and before the baby is big enough to start causing other signs! Do you have any appointments or scans coming up?
Yeah they didn't ask me how far along I was they just gave me that date

How far along are you katybaby? Mines is on Friday too! About an hour I'd say for appointment x

I'm 6 weeks today... I'll probably get my wrist slapped for booking it to early but never mind!

Scan today!! I'm so excited but still a little nervous just incase

Good luck today! Can't wait to see the pic of the little bean xx
Morning ladies, hope everyone is feeling okay today. I am in a bit of a panic mode! For the last week I have had no symptoms at all... I’m 6 and a half weeks today. Boobs hurt so bad for a couple of weeks but now.. nothing? No nausea, sickness, peeing normally, not really any more tired.. nothing?? Starting to think it’s all gone wrong!

Try no to worry, you may be one of the lucky people that get little to no symptoms xx
Saw my mw today...I've got my proper booking in appointment on 1st December, when I'll be 8+1 and it will be at our house and last about an hour.

I had my bp, height and weight checked today. 110/70 bp so she's very happy as that's really healthy.

Bless her, she's been such a support this summer, she's absolutely thrilled we've managed to conceive naturally xx

Hi GG, so glad your midwife is supportive! That's interesting that they come to your house, I didn't know they did that.

I've heard they ask about your mothers pregnancy history - I have no idea about my mums and don't really want to ask as I don't want to tell them until I'm at least 12 weeks (she'll go into anxiety overdrive and I don't need someone else stressing out I do enough of that myself lol) do you think it'll matter that I don't know if she had any issues?
My booking in appt is on the 28th Nov, I'll be 8+2. First time I phones they just gave me a date but it was too early so I called back and changed it x
Hi Kayla

Try not to worry. My symptoms have mainly gone away since about week 4-5, I think it's normal as your body gets used to the hormones and before the baby is big enough to start causing other signs! Do you have any appointments or scans coming up?
Trying not to worry. I have my 8 week scan next Friday. First midwife appointment won’t be until December, need to book it this week
Saw my mw today...I've got my proper booking in appointment on 1st December, when I'll be 8+1 and it will be at our house and last about an hour.

I had my bp, height and weight checked today. 110/70 bp so she's very happy as that's really healthy.

Bless her, she's been such a support this summer, she's absolutely thrilled we've managed to conceive naturally xx

Having a supportive, nice midwife is everything!!! I didn't like the one I had with DD, hope this time I am getting someone nice and warm and well... human :D
Saw my mw today...I've got my proper booking in appointment on 1st December, when I'll be 8+1 and it will be at our house and last about an hour.

I had my bp, height and weight checked today. 110/70 bp so she's very happy as that's really healthy.

Bless her, she's been such a support this summer, she's absolutely thrilled we've managed to conceive naturally xx

Hi GG, so glad your midwife is supportive! That's interesting that they come to your house, I didn't know they did that.

I've heard they ask about your mothers pregnancy history - I have no idea about my mums and don't really want to ask as I don't want to tell them until I'm at least 12 weeks (she'll go into anxiety overdrive and I don't need someone else stressing out I do enough of that myself lol) do you think it'll matter that I don't know if she had any issues?

You can update the records at any time, so once you tell your mum you can ask her and get back to the MW x
Yeah they didn't ask me how far along I was they just gave me that date

How far along are you katybaby? Mines is on Friday too! About an hour I'd say for appointment x

I'm 6 weeks today... I'll probably get my wrist slapped for booking it to early but never mind!

Scan today!! I'm so excited but still a little nervous just incase

Doubt it hun. Everywhere is different. I got mine given to me this time and Id given them my dates. They said anytime from 6-11 here. With DD I was 10 weeks in a different area

Good luck for the scan today xx
Saw my mw today...I've got my proper booking in appointment on 1st December, when I'll be 8+1 and it will be at our house and last about an hour.

I had my bp, height and weight checked today. 110/70 bp so she's very happy as that's really healthy.

Bless her, she's been such a support this summer, she's absolutely thrilled we've managed to conceive naturally xx

Thats great GG. My midwife with DD had an awful reputation and she was horrible. My consultant put a complaint in about her. She sounds like a dream to have supporting you xx
Morning ladies, hope everyone is feeling okay today. I am in a bit of a panic mode! For the last week I have had no symptoms at all... I’m 6 and a half weeks today. Boobs hurt so bad for a couple of weeks but now.. nothing? No nausea, sickness, peeing normally, not really any more tired.. nothing?? Starting to think it’s all gone wrong!

Symptoms can come and go. Nothing will help you not to worry probably but try not to stress too much. I had awful cramping with DD at 5 weeks then nothing really until about 7. Every pregnancy is different

Really if something had gone wrong you'd probably bleed/cramp so hang on to that. But everyone feels this way. Im sure your symptoms will hit you like a train in a day or two xx
Hi ladies, sorry I've been a bit quiet recently. Been feeling just so rotten. No sickness luckily, but the worst nausea and headaches. Feel a bit better headache wise today - didn't go to work yesterday.

Had a call on Saturday from the midwife, my booking appointment is 30th November - they come to my house, which is weird as my sister used same midwives a year ago and they didn't have a home visit for her booking appointment. Just so glad it is at 8 weeks and not 16 weeks like my GP surgery said!!

Hope everyone is okay, haven't had the energy to try and catch up on here yet lol. Noticed a few new mummies on here - welcome and good luck!! xx
Welcome Mrs R.
Kayla it's bot your fault they never asked you how far along you are. So ignore them if they say anything x

Well my Drs a frigging useless! I was supposed to start progesterone at 6 weeks. (I had enough left from dd and started at 4 weeks) anyway I rang the Dr and said I've had my scan and the pregnancy is viable HB seen so I need the progesterone (they don't know that I have left overs) my Dr said I should have got it from the early pregnancy unit (how because midwives cant give prescriptions) and the epu said I need to get it from my gp. I'm past 7 weeks now and if I didn't have my own progesterone this pregnancy would probably be over already due to everyone just not dealing with it and saying skmwkne else will sort it out. Seriously stupid! Plus when I went for my scan the midwife was like well who put you on progesterone and aspirin?!!! Really angry I was like well considering I had to take it to keep my daughters pregnancy going I assume I would have to take it in any other pregnancies she was like so no one has told you to take it? I was like the gp told me to stat aspirin straight away and I'm taking the progesterone because I did with my daughter. She said your not supposed to take it until 6 weeks and know the babe has a heartbeat. When pregnant with my daughter the specialist consultant said asap after bfp. Seriously pissed me off.
That is awful indeed PB!!!! I would tell them off! Are you seeing your GP anytime soon?? x
PB the attitude from her is shocking I would have lost my shit then put a complaint in. See your gp asap and yet everything clarified xx
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JemRose Glad you're okay.?I know what you mean. My energy is at zero. I'm barely functioning at work and looking after DD. And the nausea is killing me, worse than with DD. You could ask for b6 which is supposed to help it xx
JemRose Glad you're okay.?I know what you mean. My energy is at zero. I'm barely functioning at work and looking after DD. And the nausea is killing me, worse than with DD. You could ask for b6 which is supposed to help it xx

Ah i'll see how I go, I'm in the same boat as PB with useless GP's at the moment!! x
PB that's so bad. They all contradict themselves don't know and pass the buck!! I'd hate that, you just need answers! x

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