**** july mummies 2018 *****

Hi ladies, please may I join this thread?

Got my BFP last week and seen the lines get gradually darker. Today I'm on CD36 so it seems like AF is not appearing :)

My due date should be 17th July and I'm 5 weeks today.

I live in Spain but am from the UK originally so I'm hoping to have some support in English over the next few months. Everyone on this forum seems so lovely!

Hope everyone has a happy and healthy 9 months.
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Welcome Malagueta and congratulations!!! x
Welcome malagueta.

I had a phone appointment at 9am. He said he needs to call the epu and find out what he needs to do. It says in my medical records I was on progesterone with dd so IDK why he won't just give it to me. I said I'd take box in to him so he know it has my name and everything on so idk what the problem is. Just hope I get some before I run out as stopping this early will most likely cause a mc as my progesterone levels will shoot down! Suppose to take it till 16 weeks as the placenta will definitely be fully working by then. Ugghh why are things so difficult? Just panicking that I won't have it in time. X
Anyone else a high BMI on here? I've just seen a thread about this and wasn't worrying about it before, but now I am.

Thinking back to working in the maternity unit, I remember ladies with a high BMI being referred for consultant led care. I'm assuming I will be. I'm just worried about what they will say and I kind of don't want my partner at appointments now in case they talk about it - it will be so embarrassing :( I'm also so worried I won't ever look pregnant.

I was trying really hard to lose weight before BFP, but just couldn't shift any of it for 2 weeks before BFP, got my BFP and the nurse explained that was prob the reason I couldn't lose weight before hand. Just wish I had lost more weight beforehand now :(
Anyone else a high BMI on here? I've just seen a thread about this and wasn't worrying about it before, but now I am.

Thinking back to working in the maternity unit, I remember ladies with a high BMI being referred for consultant led care. I'm assuming I will be. I'm just worried about what they will say and I kind of don't want my partner at appointments now in case they talk about it - it will be so embarrassing :( I'm also so worried I won't ever look pregnant.

I was trying really hard to lose weight before BFP, but just couldn't shift any of it for 2 weeks before BFP, got my BFP and the nurse explained that was prob the reason I couldn't lose weight before hand. Just wish I had lost more weight beforehand now :(

I have high bmi but wasnt consultant lead for that. There was a lady in my August mums thread who was consultant lead for high bmi after first meeting they said she didn't need to be. I'm wayyyyyy over I'm the heaviest I've ever been. Lol x
Anyone else a high BMI on here? I've just seen a thread about this and wasn't worrying about it before, but now I am.

Thinking back to working in the maternity unit, I remember ladies with a high BMI being referred for consultant led care. I'm assuming I will be. I'm just worried about what they will say and I kind of don't want my partner at appointments now in case they talk about it - it will be so embarrassing :( I'm also so worried I won't ever look pregnant.

I was trying really hard to lose weight before BFP, but just couldn't shift any of it for 2 weeks before BFP, got my BFP and the nurse explained that was prob the reason I couldn't lose weight before hand. Just wish I had lost more weight beforehand now :(

I have high bmi but wasnt consultant lead for that. There was a lady in my August mums thread who was consultant lead for high bmi after first meeting they said she didn't need to be. I'm wayyyyyy over I'm the heaviest I've ever been. Lol x

I'm just so worried, you read things about midwives and consultants being mean about it etc. I've told my partner I don't want him coming with me to anything just in case they are mean about it, but he's told me he's coming no matter what. Ah I hope it won't be too bad x
Oh they are sometimes. Mine never were but last pregnancy other ladies said they said such cruel things... Just depends what dr or midwife you get I suppose. Just ignore them!
I'm abut embarrassed about being weighed not cos they'll say stuff purely cos I'm really overweight. Before I got pregnant with dd I lost about 3 stone put it back on plus more since lol
Hey Ladies,

Hope you don't mind me joining ��

Just found out this morning we are expecting!! Over the moon, haven't got an exact date yet but it should be July 2018!!

Our next dilemma is when to tell the other halves son I've said I want to wait yet,, he is 7 and lives with his mum, my partner wants to tell him soon however I don't want him going back to his mums house telling them the news as I can assure you news will soon be round!
Tell him to keep a secret but he's 7 you know what kids are like!!

Hope you don't all think I'm behing harsh not telling him but it's my first baby and I know they say 12 weeks is the safe point.

Views would be much appreciated

Sarah ����
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Welcome Sarah :)
Most people wait till 12 weeks. I personally wouldn't want him to kno as anything can happen. Like how would tell him if you mc (hopefully not!) Just a what if. I remember having to tell my sister (5 at the time) that I had lost the baby it's really not nice. I would tell you OH that your not comftable with it especially as everyone else would know!
Thank you, I am glad you have the same opinion as me.

We want to tell the family on Christmas day that will be roughly around 8 weeks, and even them im still not sure we should tell my Newphew and partners son until we've had the first 12 weeks scan.
Oh if you telling other people I would tell him. He'd probably overhear it if you let other people know children have ears everywhere! Plus if my dad and oh told everyone other than me at that age I'd feel kinda left out.
When my mom has my little sister I was 18 and they never told us until after 12 weeks so we wouldn't be upset of she miscarried. And we were adults aha
We told our parents and OH brother and sister (since we had to cancel family holiday) but not telling nieces and nephews until the 12 weeks scan. We simply don't discus my pregnancy at all when kids are around x
Hi ladies, please may I join this thread?

Got my BFP last week and seen the lines get gradually darker. Today I'm on CD36 so it seems like AF is not appearing :)

My due date should be 17th July and I'm 5 weeks today.

I live in Spain but am from the UK originally so I'm hoping to have some support in English over the next few months. Everyone on this forum seems so lovely!

Hope everyone has a happy and healthy 9 months.

Hey welcome to July mummies, the more the merrier!

Congrats on your bfp lovely xx
Welcome malagueta.

I had a phone appointment at 9am. He said he needs to call the epu and find out what he needs to do. It says in my medical records I was on progesterone with dd so IDK why he won't just give it to me. I said I'd take box in to him so he know it has my name and everything on so idk what the problem is. Just hope I get some before I run out as stopping this early will most likely cause a mc as my progesterone levels will shoot down! Suppose to take it till 16 weeks as the placenta will definitely be fully working by then. Ugghh why are things so difficult? Just panicking that I won't have it in time. X

PB But surely they can't stop you halfway through taking it if they know you need it? Xx
Hey Ladies,

Hope you don't mind me joining ��

Just found out this morning we are expecting!! Over the moon, haven't got an exact date yet but it should be July 2018!!

Our next dilemma is when to tell the other halves son I've said I want to wait yet,, he is 7 and lives with his mum, my partner wants to tell him soon however I don't want him going back to his mums house telling them the news as I can assure you news will soon be round!
Tell him to keep a secret but he's 7 you know what kids are like!!

Hope you don't all think I'm behing harsh not telling him but it's my first baby and I know they say 12 weeks is the safe point.

Views would be much appreciated

Sarah ����

Oh I missed your post.

Congrats and welcome to July mummies

Everyone does things differently and that's fine. Personally I would wait. If it were me. I think that's completely sensible and not harsh at all. My daughter is nearly 4 and if I tell her now and anything happens I then have to explain. I've had a mc at 9 weeks though so it might just be me. Plus dd can't keep anything secret, she's literally tell the lollipop woman if she knew lol x
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Hi everyone and welcome to all new members :)

Missed so much and sorry but never have time to write. Work is literaly killing me and i feel like i am stressibg myself out :(

My boss knows i am pregnant but feel like she still put so much pressure in me. I work evenings and sometimes weekends.. today i had a meltdown and cried ( working from home so not in public ). Its the hormones i think but i hate the thought of of doing this for another 8 months!!

Sorry the moan but having a bad day!

On the positive note i did a digi i had left and got 2-3 :)

Hope everyone is doing ok!
MariaIsabella sounds tough hun. I'm finding myself exhausted too, especially at work and I've cut my hours back down so I feel for you. If it helps it you should feel more like yourself after the first trimester. Those first weeks can be hard. Congrats on the digi xx
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Take care of yourself MI, if you feel like you need some time off work take a couple of days. I know it may seem easier said than done but work is just work and this little bean and you are a priority now x

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