**** july mummies 2018 *****

Wow so much to catch up on! I was away for a wedding for the weekend and missed so much. Welcome Kelly!

Is anyone thinking of having an early scan? We conceived with IUI + clomid and there were two follicles so could be having twins! And I just want to check everything's where it should be.

Omg Kayla Id need an early scan if that was a possibility! Thinking of having an 8 week x

I wish I could wait until 8 weeks but I'm not sure iccan!!
welcome Kelly!

that's great news for you peanut butter. please don't test again, although I'm sure that'll still be tough

having a lovely morning here today, the three of us went and checked all our sheep together which was nice as it's a rarity now, we've just had a lovely lunch and now hubby and I are watching rubbish Sunday tv while lo naps. bliss
Hi ladies :) been a busy weekend so far! Hope everyone's had a lovely weekend. Been food shopping today and pain in back with cramps. Ugh feel like an invalid can't do simple tasks without pain. But will all be worth it x
Welcome Kelly congrats. Peanut butter I knew you'd be okay :) x
welcome Kelly!

that's great news for you peanut butter. please don't test again, although I'm sure that'll still be tough

having a lovely morning here today, the three of us went and checked all our sheep together which was nice as it's a rarity now, we've just had a lovely lunch and now hubby and I are watching rubbish Sunday tv while lo naps. bliss

Just off to move ours! Love having all the livestock and horses...keeps me up and healthy.
Hi ladies :) been a busy weekend so far! Hope everyone's had a lovely weekend. Been food shopping today and pain in back with cramps. Ugh feel like an invalid can't do simple tasks without pain. But will all be worth it x

It's all hit me like a brick today. I keep falling asleep...totally impossible to stop falling asleep.
welcome Kelly!

that's great news for you peanut butter. please don't test again, although I'm sure that'll still be tough

having a lovely morning here today, the three of us went and checked all our sheep together which was nice as it's a rarity now, we've just had a lovely lunch and now hubby and I are watching rubbish Sunday tv while lo naps. bliss

Just off to move ours! Love having all the livestock and horses...keeps me up and healthy.

Omg don't know how you ladies do it!

Just away to take DD to our indoor climbing/play place.OH will be doing all the climbing and playing though I do remember seeing a mum at about 9 months climbing through it all after her LO once :oooo: Feel a bit like Im wanting to do as much with DD together as possible before its not just the three of us anymore.

Then fireworks later. Making the most of it since I'm back to work on Tuesday morning :dance: haha

Have a nice Sunday everyone x
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I do not miss not having morning sickness and i hope not to get them this time round! I do get hearburn everyday tho. x
Anyone know when morning sickness is supposed to kick in. I'm head bridesmaid for my sister in 2 weeks and so worried I'll be puking the whole wedding lol! No sickness yet and barely any nausea
Stared about 6 weeks for me last time jem. Feeling it off and on when I don't eat I feel faint! X
Started half way through week 5 with DD x
Omg Kayla Id need an early scan if that was a possibility! Thinking of having an 8 week x
I have had 2 early scans. One at 4 weeks then one at 5 weeks. It really really helped put my mind at ease I am so glad I did. The nurse recommended I did and called them reassurance scans following my miscarriage in July. My next one is in 3 weeks time, I’ll be 8 weeks then.
I would recommend to anyone to have an early scan, it helped relax me so so much.

Hope everyone is feeling good today!
Omg Kayla Id need an early scan if that was a possibility! Thinking of having an 8 week x
I have had 2 early scans. One at 4 weeks then one at 5 weeks. It really really helped put my mind at ease I am so glad I did. The nurse recommended I did and called them reassurance scans following my miscarriage in July. My next one is in 3 weeks time, I’ll be 8 weeks then.
I would recommend to anyone to have an early scan, it helped relax me so so much.

Hope everyone is feeling good today!
Most places will not see you before 6 weeks anyway. The best time to go is 6+ weeks cos you won't know of the pregnancy is viable as the heart doesn't start beating until 5 and a half weeks. When I went with my daughter I was 6 weeks exact and there was no heartbeat. Went back and there was a heartbeat. I'm having one on Wednesday I'll be 6+3 because the Dr's want to see me. 8 weeks will be great!
In, dinner on, feet up...making the most of what might be the last vomit free week for a while, lol.
I am so excited for all of your early scans! Can't wait to see the pics x
My God Im exhausted. DD liked the fireworks for all of 2 minutes. Took 30 minutes to get parked. Watched literally 2 minutes and she told me she was tired and "lets just go home mummy". Took 45 minutes to get home out of the traffic. Thanks for that love (!)

JemRose any time from 6 I'd say. I'm slightly nauseous but Im not sure if its the start of anything. You might make it free for the wedding. xx

Kayla that sound like a good idea. Reassurance is everything after a loss . I think I'm going to go for 8 weeks. I had a mc at 9 week before dd so I cant really relax until I get past 9. (stupid i know) Dont think I could wait for 12 week scan this time. Im very on edge tbh. xx

Glad youre feeling better PB !! xx
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Oh I'll be 6 and a half weeks for the wedding, bang on the middle of the time it will probably start!
You never know you might not even get it. And with dd it didn't start until 10weeks xx
My God Im exhausted. DD liked the fireworks for all of 2 minutes. Took 30 minutes to get parked. Watched literally 2 minutes and she told me she was tired and "lets just go home mummy". Took 45 minutes to get home out of the traffic. Thanks for that love (!)

Haha how nice of your DD :D Traffivlc and parking is the very reason we stayed home. DD watched fireworks through the window and was bouncing with excitemement. We will take her to next display so probably New Year x
I am exhausted... My back was quite sore last night so I couldn't get comfortable. DD waking up looking for a cuddle did not help either.

And the hot flashes?! What is that?! It feels like I am about to get a cold but I know that's not it. Now off to work I go... great. Xx

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