**** july mummies 2018 *****

Just some humour to add for this morning. My OH has just said "it's amazing that you have our baby growing inside you, but what's not amazing is you waking up screaming I'm hungry" hahaha we're now sat in a cafe ordering breakfast x
Just some humour to add for this morning. My OH has just said "it's amazing that you have our baby growing inside you, but what's not amazing is you waking up screaming I'm hungry" hahaha we're now sat in a cafe ordering breakfast x

Hahaaa xx
sorry you're having such a stressful time peanut butter. I'd say don't test again but that's because until I started ttc this baby I didn't Know people took so many tests. with my daughter and this baby I only ever got a faint line on a test but that's because I always believed 'a line is a line'. once I got a line I've never considered testing again even if it was faint

as long as you're not bleeding try not to worry. I know that's easier said then done but testing won't help
So much for weekend plans... DD had temp. so we are lying on the sofa watching kids TV. I am not complaining :D
KHTW awk shame hopefully not last long. We made it to the park by 1pm lol so much for morning plans. Currently sitting in McDonald's and everything looks awful but dd is happy x
So much for weekend plans... DD had temp. so we are lying on the sofa watching kids TV. I am not complaining :D

Sounds perfect. I got the stables cleared. Had a very wobbly faint moment while shopping in bookers, had some food, did a bit more shopping and bought another cb digi...


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Pain off and on. Kinda sad, went shopping but now I'm home keep thinking about it. I know I only had Scarlett a few months ago but it doesn't make thinking that your loosing another one any easier :/

Congratulations on the 3+ gg. Think you definitely have your sticky bean!! X
congrats on the 3+ GG, that must put your mind at ease

lovely day here with my little one, although I feel like I've spent most of it eating. I've eaten so much and all bad stuff. just finished dinner which was hotdogs with the biggest sausages I could get in the butcher's today with chips which was Amazing but I'm already thinking ahead to 7pm when lo is in bed and I can start on the packet of cherry bakewells I bought today

will be better on Monday ��
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Hey GG congrats on the 3!!! So happy for you!

Weirdly I did a Clearblue today this morning too lol yay us.. x


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PeanutButter sorry I just noticed your post. Could be a good sign youre not bleeding though still hun. Especially since you've been out and about. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for you and I'm sorry you're going through this. Of course it wouldn't make it any easier xxx
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Wow GG and Shanivy 3+ already? Awesome! Maybe it's twins :D xx
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Wow GG and Shanivy 3+ already? Awesome! Maybe it's tweens :D xx

Lol I'm definitely not likely for twins.....but GG, well you never know you could be cooking 2 haha xx
Oh KHTW how is DD?

Thank you, she is asleep now. Poor thing. It wasn't easy to take the temp down... she told me her mouth was sore so I am thinking molars :( Worst thing when they are unwell xx
Wow GG and Shanivy 3+ already? Awesome! Maybe it's tweens :D xx

Lol I'm definitely not likely for twins.....but GG, well you never know you could be cooking 2 haha xx

This is what my cousin said... only 25, no twins in family and she is a mummy of 2 beautiful twin girls... just sayin :D

Going by statistic one of us in this thread could have twins :D
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haha KHTW as long as it's not me then I'd love to see someone on the thread with twins!
KHTW Aw poor wee thing. I hate high temps with kiddies. I can deal with anything else, but temps that you cant get down are awful. DD is usually pretty good but got a fever with every teething stage. They always wanted to see her in hospital I hated it.

Could be. DD had the same. Dentinox still works for molars and can apply a lot more than bonjela. Glad you got it down though! xxx

Haha I don't know what I'd do with twins. One healthy bean will do me fine lol! :) xx
Shepherdess haha same. Not with a 3 year old child already omg imagine x
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