**** july mummies 2018 *****

Hahaaa, I've had loads of twin dreams, lol. I'll be happy with whatever we are blessed with. Someone in work at 25, with no twin family history had fraternal twin girls 14 months ago! It can happen.

Dan has twins in his family but that's irrelevant as it's only passed maternally. It's only my age that increases my chances as I'm 38. God...39 in two weeks and writing it now really makes me feel old.

I'm definitely confident about this pregnancy. I feel very relaxed and secure with it which is very surprising to me as after the losses, I really thought I'd be a nervous wreck, constantly checking for blood. Happily, it doesn't even enter my mind to look when I wee. I still do find it all a little bit surreal though. I think you get used to losing them and so when it's come, I don't really know how to feel. I feel like I've been robbed of the innocence of just missing a period and getting that magical bfp that sticks. At the same time though, I feel richer for having experienced it. This baby is wanted so very very much and I really can reflect on how lucky I feel to be in this situation now.

Hope you're all well this evening xxx
Hey GG congrats on the 3!!! So happy for you!

Weirdly I did a Clearblue today this morning too lol yay us.. x

Haha!!! Amazing. I think me and KH are only 2 or 3 days behind you xx
Hahaaa, I've had loads of twin dreams, lol. I'll be happy with whatever we are blessed with. Someone in work at 25, with no twin family history had fraternal twin girls 14 months ago! It can happen.

Dan has twins in his family but that's irrelevant as it's only passed maternally. It's only my age that increases my chances as I'm 38. God...39 in two weeks and writing it now really makes me feel old.

I'm definitely confident about this pregnancy. I feel very relaxed and secure with it which is very surprising to me as after the losses, I really thought I'd be a nervous wreck, constantly checking for blood. Happily, it doesn't even enter my mind to look when I wee. I still do find it all a little bit surreal though. I think you get used to losing them and so when it's come, I don't really know how to feel. I feel like I've been robbed of the innocence of just missing a period and getting that magical bfp that sticks. At the same time though, I feel richer for having experienced it. This baby is wanted so very very much and I really can reflect on how lucky I feel to be in this situation now.

Hope you're all well this evening xxx

Hey GG congrats on the 3!!! So happy for you!

Weirdly I did a Clearblue today this morning too lol yay us.. x

Haha!!! Amazing. I think me and KH are only 2 or 3 days behind you xx

Haha must be you with the twins then lol. Your 3 was brilliant for your dates.

Its so great you feel confident about your baba this time. I'm so hoping everything goes well.

Have you ever read the Airport Story on here? It reminds me of people like you who try so hard and deserve it so much. I think this time is just when you were meant to be a mum.

I've had one loss and I just cant imagine how you do it. I really actually admire you for being able to try again after everything, and really shows how much this baby is wanted. I honestly wish you all the luck in the world GG. I'm hormonal lol I hope that all comes out right and doesn't insult you. xx
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Hahaaa, I've had loads of twin dreams, lol. I'll be happy with whatever we are blessed with. Someone in work at 25, with no twin family history had fraternal twin girls 14 months ago! It can happen.

Dan has twins in his family but that's irrelevant as it's only passed maternally. It's only my age that increases my chances as I'm 38. God...39 in two weeks and writing it now really makes me feel old.

I'm definitely confident about this pregnancy. I feel very relaxed and secure with it which is very surprising to me as after the losses, I really thought I'd be a nervous wreck, constantly checking for blood. Happily, it doesn't even enter my mind to look when I wee. I still do find it all a little bit surreal though. I think you get used to losing them and so when it's come, I don't really know how to feel. I feel like I've been robbed of the innocence of just missing a period and getting that magical bfp that sticks. At the same time though, I feel richer for having experienced it. This baby is wanted so very very much and I really can reflect on how lucky I feel to be in this situation now.

Hope you're all well this evening xxx

Hey GG congrats on the 3!!! So happy for you!

Weirdly I did a Clearblue today this morning too lol yay us.. x

Haha!!! Amazing. I think me and KH are only 2 or 3 days behind you xx

Haha must be you with the twins then lol. Your 3 was brilliant for your dates.

Its so great you feel confident about your baba this time. I'm so hoping everything goes well.

Have you ever read the Airport Story on here? It reminds me of people like you who try so hard and deserve it so much. I think this time is just when you were meant to be a mum.

I've had one loss and I just cant imagine how you do it. I really actually admire you for being able to try again after everything, and really shows how much this baby is wanted. I honestly wish you all the luck in the world GG. I'm hormonal lol I hope that all comes out right and doesn't insult you. xx

Not insulting at all. Lovely words and thank you...but I've had a far less fraught journey than many on here. Definitely a wanted baby, we've talked and dreamed about it for almost 10 years. Xxx
Hey ladies!!!!
I got my BFP on Friday 3rd November on a FRER and I’m due on 12th July. Can I add to the list please.
I’ve got one daughter who is 4 years old. Had 3 miscarriages before she was born. With another partner now following a violent relationship so hoping for a happy future with our sticky baby.

Looking forward to getting to know you lovely ladies. Congrats on all you BFPs!!! ❤️
Kelly xx
Hey ladies!!!!
I got my BFP on Friday 3rd November on a FRER and I’m due on 12th July. Can I add to the list please.
I’ve got one daughter who is 4 years old. Had 3 miscarriages before she was born. With another partner now following a violent relationship so hoping for a happy future with our sticky baby.

Looking forward to getting to know you lovely ladies. Congrats on all you BFPs!!! ❤️
Kelly xx

What a journey you've had. Fx for a happy and healthy 9 months xx
Hey ladies!!!!
I got my BFP on Friday 3rd November on a FRER and I’m due on 12th July. Can I add to the list please.
I’ve got one daughter who is 4 years old. Had 3 miscarriages before she was born. With another partner now following a violent relationship so hoping for a happy future with our sticky baby.

Looking forward to getting to know you lovely ladies. Congrats on all you BFPs!!! ❤️
Kelly xx

Hey Kelly,

Saw your testing post. Congratulations on your BFP!
I also have a daughter who turns 4 in January. Its nice to see you in here. Welcome to the July mummies group!! xx
You're welcome GG. Wow ten years. That's hard to imagine, I'm sure that baby is going to be very lucky to have you both :) xxx
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Hey ladies!!!!
I got my BFP on Friday 3rd November on a FRER and I’m due on 12th July. Can I add to the list please.
I’ve got one daughter who is 4 years old. Had 3 miscarriages before she was born. With another partner now following a violent relationship so hoping for a happy future with our sticky baby.

Looking forward to getting to know you lovely ladies. Congrats on all you BFPs!!! ❤️
Kelly xx
Congratulations! X
No plans this weekend. Would love to see some fireworks.

Ps. Sex tonight, just couldn't help myself lol. It was fine, little bit of cramping after O but assume that's normal. Definitely much more sensitive!
JemRose - after reading your post about having sex it got me thinking! Me and OH haven’t done anything for the last couple of weeks since we found out as I was too nervous! But after having a positive early scan on Friday we did the deed last night much to my OH’s surprise! Turns out I was much more relaxed than I though. Bit of cramping after but didn’t last anymore than 5-10mins. It’s so nice to feel closer to him again and we both woke up this morning feeling much happier!
Welcime Kelly! Congratulations on your BFP, wishing you a happy and healthy 9 montha xx
Wow so much to catch up on! I was away for a wedding for the weekend and missed so much. Welcome Kelly!

Is anyone thinking of having an early scan? We conceived with IUI + clomid and there were two follicles so could be having twins! And I just want to check everything's where it should be.
5 weeks today GG! :D

I know. Crazy eh. Have woken uo feeling decidedly nauseous as well...lovely!

PB...stop testing now. If you were losing this pregnancy, the hcg would not dip and then rise again. You must have just had a more dilute urine when it went back down to 2-3. You're clearly pregnant. Time to relax now. Xxx
Wow so much to catch up on! I was away for a wedding for the weekend and missed so much. Welcome Kelly!

Is anyone thinking of having an early scan? We conceived with IUI + clomid and there were two follicles so could be having twins! And I just want to check everything's where it should be.

Omg Kayla Id need an early scan if that was a possibility! Thinking of having an 8 week x
Woke of feeling nauseous this morning too :/ nothing came of it though.Hoping i can skip the majority until later like last time. Though Ive read that 2nd plus pregnancies are way more likely to not get morning sickness??

Idk what's going on :/ got 3+ again this morning... X

PeanutButter didn't see that post, like I said I think that's good news so keep positive.Your levels are obviously still high and it must of been a crap time to test for the 2-3. They don't go down and up again hun. This is good! xxx

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