**** july mummies 2018 *****

Having a mini breakdown today. I look like an elephant, don't look pregnant just 10stone heavier. I've put on 4lbs since October, tbh thought it was much more!
Having a mini breakdown today. I look like an elephant, don't look pregnant just 10stone heavier. I've put on 4lbs since October, tbh thought it was much more!

I feel your pain. I look fat more than having a nimp at moment and my clothes don't look right or fit because of my now shape.
Went looking for maternity wear but it's so boring and plain. Why can't they design the clothes that's I'm fashion In maternity sizes too
Primark have some nice jegins atm. Really comfy. Will probably live in them once belly is bigger. Lol x
Yeah maternity wear stinks... but it is comfortable... x
Happy 13th week to me!!! Can't wait to see the baby again on tha 4th x
Woohoo happy 13 weeks :dance: 2nd tri for you soon! Xx

New look and Asos have some nice maternity. Their over the bump jeans are fab. I think I'll be getting some by the end of Jan. I hate under the bump stuff :/

Morning sickness this morning. Was not expecting that at all

How is everyone today? Any New Year's Eve plans ?
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Actually quite excited for my new years eve plans. Off to my sisters in a minute for an old tradition of buffet food and family time. Then tonight having film night with OH and our two best friends :) how about everyone else?

I really don't know when the best time to start wearing maternity clothes is, feel like I need to already!
Morning ladies. So many at 13 week mark now, congrats all.

I am so over this pregnancy insomnia now. Really pissing me off. I get to sleep just fine but wake up middle of the night and that's it, no more sleep. Just tossing and turning and my hands going numb repeatedly! So fucking annoying. If it happens again tonight, I'm going to get up and work on the book as it's soul destroying not being able to sleep.

Also, would any of you ladies call the midwife about this...
So, I have a lot of back pain due to a previously broken left pelvis, damaged vertbrae and severe soft tissue damage which most of you know. Well, in the pub last night, I ended up almost at the point of tears with Pain, tenderness, pins and needles and numbness. Parts of my thigh felt like they were being burned with ice. I have had a small, maybe 3x4inch area of my left thigh that had nerve damage as a child (Yes, horses again) that has never quite had full sensation. Up until last night that area had got bigger to cover almost one half of my thigh and would randomly tingle or even get the ice burn sensation, but last night was totally different.
The pain and majority of discomfort was right along the knicker line of my left groin, that felt hot burning and my entire leg was almost throbby.

After I'd finished service and sat down for a while, all returned to normal.

Is this something I should make a call to the midwife to discuss or just see how it goes?
I am not sure if your midwife will be able to do much more than refer you for physio but it won't hurt to tell her. Sorry you are in pain and on top of that can't sleep!! Talk to her about that too. Maybe there is something herbal you can take to help you sleep through? x
We have no plans for tonight as OH is working! Me and DD will have a buffet dinner with some pudding and off to bed at 9pm lol. Going to spend the new years day with in laws. Looking forward to not having to chase after Dd anfld cook! I am still getting over the cold! x
Back to matertiny wear, went into h&m and got some over bump jeans for 15 instead of 30. Made sure they fitted my let this time aha.

Have a great new years eve! X
Morning ladies. So many at 13 week mark now, congrats all.

I am so over this pregnancy insomnia now. Really pissing me off. I get to sleep just fine but wake up middle of the night and that's it, no more sleep. Just tossing and turning and my hands going numb repeatedly! So fucking annoying. If it happens again tonight, I'm going to get up and work on the book as it's soul destroying not being able to sleep.

Also, would any of you ladies call the midwife about this...
So, I have a lot of back pain due to a previously broken left pelvis, damaged vertbrae and severe soft tissue damage which most of you know. Well, in the pub last night, I ended up almost at the point of tears with Pain, tenderness, pins and needles and numbness. Parts of my thigh felt like they were being burned with ice. I have had a small, maybe 3x4inch area of my left thigh that had nerve damage as a child (Yes, horses again) that has never quite had full sensation. Up until last night that area had got bigger to cover almost one half of my thigh and would randomly tingle or even get the ice burn sensation, but last night was totally different.
The pain and majority of discomfort was right along the knicker line of my left groin, that felt hot burning and my entire leg was almost throbby.

After I'd finished service and sat down for a while, all returned to normal.

Is this something I should make a call to the midwife to discuss or just see how it goes?

Considering your medical history, I'd give them a call. Especially if it had you almost in tears.Sounds like more nerve pain or trapped nerves, and you might suffer a lot more as pregnancy progresses. I hope not. I know from my disk that sciatica and nerve pain can be excruciating. However you have a lot more of a complicated history than me. Hopefully they fast track physio at the very least. They certainly need to be looking after you hun Xx
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KHTW haha buffet food for us too and a night in lol. We spend it with dd anyway and Im not much of a partier anymore lol. Unless there's a family thing on the family lodge which there isn't this year

Happy New Year everyone. See you and your babies in 2018 :dance: xxx
Happy New Year ladies!!! 2018 is going to be amazing!!! x
Happy New Year everyone!

Curry ordered and J20 in hand haha!! Xx
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13 weeks today woohoo! Honestly never thought I would get this far! I’ve definitely had more energy this week and I feel less tired (but maybe that’s just from being off work??) fingers crossed the nausea dies down now too... it’s already better in the mornings so I have hope! Just really need it to calm down before I start my new job as I’ll havw a 3 he commute until we move house... scared doesn’t cover it. I need to contact them today to tell them about the prefnancy

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