**** july mummies 2018 *****

Glad scans went well!! Don't think I'll be sleeping tonight lol, scan at 11 tomorrow 40 minute drive to the hospital! So will head off about 10 and hope I don't drink too much x

Good luck!!!! X
Do any of you know anything about aspirin? I've started a thread about it but just wondered if anyone here knows. I've got to take aspirin from 12 weeks, been prescribed dispersible which means I have to dissolve it in water and then drink it. Problem is both times I've been sick straight after.. Does anyone know if it has to be dispersible?
Do any of you know anything about aspirin? I've started a thread about it but just wondered if anyone here knows. I've got to take aspirin from 12 weeks, been prescribed dispersible which means I have to dissolve it in water and then drink it. Problem is both times I've been sick straight after.. Does anyone know if it has to be dispersible?

Hi Jemrose

I’m on 75mg of aspirin to prevent pre-eclampsia and they didn’t say what type it should be so I have regular tablets... I would think either would be fine - so long as the dose is the same...
This may be useful if you don't know about it already, if you sign up to Emma's diary you can get free goodie bags, one of them includes a free pack of nappies, print the vouchers and take them to boots

Amazing photo MrsLK!!
Guess what, I'm awake and can't sleep.. Feel like a kid at Christmas! Tomorrow is definitely my Christmas day to see my little baby and know everything is okay :)
Scan went really well! Was such a relief and then a joy to see the baby wilriggling about! The baby was practically turning cartwheels I couldn’t believe how clear the picture was and how active it was! After a mmc discovered at my scan last time I was very nervous but tbeverything was spot on. Measured one day ahead of where I thought I was so am 12 & 5 today!
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Only a few more hours Jem!!! Good luck again x
Great to hear all your dcsnd went well.

Good luck today Jemrose.

I can't wait to have mine on Thursday.
What an awful nights sleep!! I am usually a tummy and a back sleeper so I am trying to get used to sleeping on my side but I just find it so uncomfortable, I was tossing and turning all nigh!! Still in bed now making up for lost sleep!!
I think I need to invest in a pillow eventually and hopefully that will help!
Congrats Fela that's great news xx

Ahh good luck Jem!! Xx
Bloody awful nights sleep here as well. I'm a side sleeper that always ends up on my belly. The last few nights, it's meant about 2 hours sleep followed by 5-6 hours of just tossing and turning in bed. As soon as I start to go onto my belly, I can feel the bump inside and it's not uncomfortable, but I just don't feel right sleeping like it, so spend the rest of the night/morning, desperately hoping to nod off.

Really think I'll be buying a pillow soon.

Hope your scan goes well Jem.

How are you all doing today?
I've already picked my pillow haha my best friend who has a 3 year old advised me of one she still uses and says she couldn't have lived without haha she loves it.. So I'm gonna buy that one cuz she swears by it so much! Xx

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