**** july mummies 2018 *****

Well I feel like absolute fking shit. Glands look like I have balls on my neck. Throat swollen next to be airways, when I cough I'm nearly sick! Ugh. Hubby has it to. If Scarlett gets it we'll end up in hospital I think, god I hope she doesn't. I can't talk without being in bad pain, and I have my booking appointment, ha great timing xD
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Well I feel like absolute fking shit. Glands look like I have balls on my neck. Throat swollen next to be airways, when I cough I'm nearly sick! Ugh. Hubby has it to. If Scarlett gets it we'll end up in hospital I think, god I hope she doesn't. I can't talk without being in bad pain, and I have my booking appointment, ha great timing xD

Oh no!!! That sounds awful! I hope you little girl doesn't get it. Feel better soon x
I can't believe the nausea is back!!!! Honestly I thought I was done with it... or rather it was done with me :(

3 days until scan!!
Lol khtw, I think it'll come and go through your pregnancy. That's how I was with dd.
This pregnancy is weird, last few days had nausea but only sick in the car, waking up at 3 and can't sleep. Like all the pregnancy symptoms are coming in late! Wth aha.
Omg that was me today, again waking up at 2.30am and not being able to sleep!!!!!! So annoying, especially when OH snores away! x
morning ladies

how did yesterday go Shanivy?

I've had a bad night to, my CD came down with a temp and horrendous cough. I let her sleep in my bed so I didn't have to keep getting up to seeher but it ddidn't help me. she went to bed early at 6 after a late nap (I hate late naps but she was so unwell) so woke at midnight thinking it was morning. we both tossed for ages and I didn't go back down until nearly 3. they she woke every hour on the dot and while thankfully I did get back tp sleep quite quick at 4, 5 and 6 I'm still tired.

my nausea is still about, I'd been so well weeks 9-11 so gutted its still lingering. going to see the dentist today and while usually I like the dentist as I'm pretty good with my teeth I haven't flossed in weeks as my gag reflex is so sensitive and there's been a few nights I've been so nauseous I haven't brushed my teeth. I've no fillings at all and I am pretty good but I need to get back into a better routine
PB I'm glad you've finally got your scan! Hope you moaned at the doctor.

Shan I hope yesterday went well with work.

My nausea is back, worse in the mornings and on the drive to work (half an hour drive) sometimes I feel like I can't even drive anymore haha.

11 weeks today (got it right today) and going to tell my manager today.. so scared lol, I'm sure it will be fine x
Morning ladies.

Well I quit :coffee:

Feel free to skip this story lol. So I mentioned my tonsillitis yesterday. By the time I went in my head was pounding and I had a temp. Handed in my notice which my placement manager was all "what can I do to make you not hand this in" (she asked for me remember) So she phoned my flexi manager (the bitch) who ended up coming down. I explained my issues with being on flexi still despite not actually doing a flexi job. That I'm permanent staff now but still can be chopped and changed whenever unlike everyone else I work with. And the rest lol.

Anyway it came down to her being so rude ( if she wasn't my manager I'd have smacked her I swear) and she was like you knew you were flexi when you signed up, I don't have to take you off it because you're on permanent, & I quote "Well I don't know what your getting from this cause you're still doing Christmas Day" As if that was the only reason. by this point I felt like shit and I just though I'm sick I'm pregnant and fuck this. So I quit. Told them fuck it ill not he back in. Spoke to the 2 girls I was on with before I left and they were upset which made me upset. They're both in their 40s but despite the age gap between us, they're my absolute favourite to work with. Told them about the baby and they were both like yeah we've both known for ages lol.

Came home at 7 went straight to bed and slept right through.

So that's that. I'm sick, hormonal and as of now unemployed:/
Well do you know what Shan, well done to you!!! That manager sounds like a absolute bitch (I'd like to use a much stronger word but don't think it's the right place for it haha). She doesn't deserve someone like you on her staff!! I'm glad you're not going back in, nobody has a right to speak to anyone like that manager or not.

Don't worry about the unemployed bit, if you feel that bad about it you could always do some temp work to save money until you're on maternity.

In a few days I think you'll feel so relieved xx
Jem happy 11 weeks woohoo!! :dance: Also your sister isn't worth bothering with at this point xx

PB Some emergency scan ffs but I'm glad you got one. Hopefully your stomach pain isn't anything serious. hope you're feeling a bit better fx dd skips out on it completely Xx

Shepherdess aw no hopefully dd gets better fast!!! These kiddies playing up before Xmas lol I'm determined to have an illness free one this year fx!! I'm the same with brushing my teeth, makes me gag whichever is disgusting. xx
I swear to God Shan, some people just SHOULD NOT be managers!!!!! What a total bitch! Good for you x
Happy 11 weeks Jem & 12 weeks Shan! x

Hello bump buddy! Happy 11+3! Can you believe we are so close to the 12 week Mark?

Happy 11 weeks Jem and 12 weeks Shan.

Shan, bloody good on you for walking out. Sounds like it's high time someone stood up to her and she'll now have to explain to her bosses why they are now a person short at Christmas and have recruitment costs to boot! Do not second guess your decision or feel bad. The manager may have been the worst, but I have always in the past, back before I worked for myself, volunteered to work the holidays so those with little ones at home didn't have to. In your place, everyone else has just happily accepted that they've had every Christmas off. The others like you will now be in a stronger position as well as they won't be able to lose anyone else.

You did it for you and rightly So, but you've probably sowed the seed for some positive change as well.

I'm trying to get over a foul mood. Dan was meant to clean out his smoked meats from the fridge yesterday as they've gone over. He also had the smoker going yesterday and did a load of cooking. I asked him to just please make sure he got rid of and cleaned all the stuff from smoking his lunch as I can't handle the smell at the moment. Got back from. Doing the horses earlier, he'd left for work and dine none of it. Can't leave it as he's away tonight and it's making me want to vomit.

It's okay though...he remembered to take his lunch with him!!! Lol

So yeah, feeling nauseous still and loads of work to do.

It's just hot me this morning that I have less than 6 months of pregnancy left and I've started a new business. I will need to make the pub successful enough in the next 3-4 months to be able to hire a full timer to cover me. I am going to have to do some serious marketing, lol.

Oh Well, I'm not here just to exist so I may as well embrace the risk and just go for it eh!
GG that pub will be successful as anything with those burgers selling haha x
GG that pub will be successful as anything with those burgers selling haha x

Haha, cheers chick. It ised to be really successful, then it's had two years of people doing frozen deep fried crap and not even very well to the point almost all custom has gone. It's just been us locals propping it up. Luckily, it's owned by a local farmer who also owns the neighbouring abattoir and butchers, so I get all the meat from there...it doesn't get mote local, lol.

Unfortunately though, I need to do a lot of marketing and give the locals some good deals to convince them to give it a try again. I got the kitchen to 5star hygiene rating so that's good. Food is all freshly made to order, nothing from the freezer, nothing reheated, microwave has been removed!

I just need to get people other than locals coming in as we're a rural pub. The village is Minsterworth, which is one of, of not the longest village in England so even most locals have to drive. I'm thinking of a YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram campaign where I do chef's tips video's and explain some of what we do so people can see how fresh made everything is.
Yeah that would be good, be nice to get it well known and passers by purposely seeking it out!! definitely try and push for social media input, I think it really works. Even just a picture of the burger makes me want to drive the 2 hours there haha x
Happy 11 weeks Jem & 12 weeks Shan! x

Hello bump buddy! Happy 11+3! Can you believe we are so close to the 12 week Mark?

Happy 11+3 to you too! haha! I honestly can't believe that in just a few days we will hit 12 weeks!!! Time is flying... But no complains. There is a chance that in just a few days the stupid nausea and tiredness will go away!

Oh Dan, Dan, Dan! He must not realize what a terrible crime he has committed by making a pregnant woman, in 1st trimester put up with a smell like that! Make him pay later haha!

I am sure you will manage the business just fine, you will have great motivation with baby coming. Ps. I still want that burger! x
Not sure if it's the same sort of smell, but GG I do understand where you're coming from. My partner gave up smoking because I couldn't handle the smell, selfishly (in my opinion) he has started again. And omg I can't go near him, every time I do it's like smelling stale smoke or inhaling an ashtray, it's just the worst!!
It's the cat food for me!!!!!!! I can't even feed my poor boy because the smell is suddenly everywhere! Blahhhh! x

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